
My body was filled with desire, leading to my frustration.

My cock was hard in my hot pants. My pussy was gushing fluids till I swore I should be dehydrated. My mind was aflame as I sat meditating in a stone room with nothing else but my frustrations.

I swore Scylar figured out that I grew stronger faster when frustrated. It was the only reason that she kept me like this. I was not eight months pregnant, and she had been teasing me with tiny orgasms to help mediate my frustration.

Scylar has seemed to take a liking to those two fucking rods. I fucking hated those rods now. They constantly kept me frustrated and the worst part of it all.

I fucking loved it when she was doing it. But I fucking hate afterward. Scylar was keeping me wanting more after every night. I was even falling asleep now while she teased my pussy and ass. My cock was left unattended most of the time, leaving my balls to feel full of semen, ready to spew.

I was starting to have dreams of my Baby daddy now knotting me. The thought sent a shiver of want through me, and my cock twitched in my tight pants, making me involuntarily whine a little as nothing came of it.

My mind turned to the godforsaken reason I was in the stone room as I was rapidly reaching the peak of a Third level mage to break into the fourth. Today was probably the day as I shaped my mana. Scylar told me to start within the initial stages keeping to a sphere was the smartest, and I didn't care to play with it at this point.

I arranged it into a sphere that slowly took the condensed mana together more and more. The frustration seemed to grow as I tried to shape my core in the final parts. Mana condensed in the atmosphere towards me as I shaped it more and more. Soon all that condensed mana started to make a large sphere inside of me. Faster and faster the mana moved, and my frustration grew. I growled out my hate at the fact my cock was hard without release.

I brought more and more mana in; as the condensed mana came together, I felt my sphere solidify inside me. I growled with frustration more and more as it all came faster and faster together into a single ball. My throat roared as I felt another presence watching me as, at last, my core finished inside me and solidified.

I felt relief pull through me as it solidified faster and faster it washed through me. The problem was that my cock got harder and harder. My pussy was pouring fluids like I was urinating as I opened my eyes. I felt powerful at this moment. It was like I had just passed something, and relief swept through me as I felt no longer full. Instead, I started to feel empty again, and mana rushed into me, filling me where I no longer had mana. I felt like I could have even more in me, like my stomach expanded too.

The feeling was overwhelming, and I opened my eyes.

Scylar was smiling at me as I looked at her. I felt myself shudder, and my need hit me all at once. I looked at her, and I didn't know how to feel. I looked at Scylar, and her expression changed subtly. Her smile turned into a grin, and it showed pleasure as she looked at me.

"That, That face," Scylar said, and I saw her visibly shiver. "That face is beautiful, So Beautiful!" Scylar exclaimed, looking at me.

I could barely hear her words; I was filled with need. I needed to be inside someone; Someone inside of me. I could only feel want, and Scylar walked towards me with an almost trance-like look on her face. Her hand struck me and then pulled me into her lips. Scylar's kiss intoxicated me, and my arms wrapped around it, deepening it as I felt a hand send a shiver up pain up to my head as her hand landed on my ass hard. My ass rippled, sending a shockwave up to my womb, where a baby kicked out in protest.

None of that mattered at the moment as her hands struck my breasts in my tight shirt. A shiver of delight moved through me. Her other hand came down upon my juicy ass, and I felt my baby kick again. No one cared about that as her hand continued to send shivers up and down my spine as her hand landed on my ass again and again. The pain went up, shaking my womb, and my pussy erupted with a light orgasm fueling my need for my lover.

I felt Scylar lifting a leg as she kissed me harder and her other hand smacking my ass again. Scylar broke the kiss and looked into my eyes, "Get that pregnant ass naked," Scylar ordered, and I followed. My hot pants came off feeling drenched as a trail of want kept me connected seemingly till they hit the floor. "Fuck, Slut, You are wet," Scylar commented as she disrobed, showing her clean body.

Her breasts looked like I needed to be suffocated in between them, and her legs were dripping with need. Her pregnant stomach was starting to show, and whenever we closed together, our kids would meet in the middle. I wanted her to sit on my face. I wanted all of her so much as I lost my clothes, leaving me naked with my large pregnant stomach and my breasts ready to be milked. My breasts were leaking with need like I was a cow ready to be milked. My breasts felt full, and Scylar finished stripping and grabbed me by the neck.

"Slut, You are mine!" Scylar told me. Her hand lashed out again, and her sadistic smile grew as I tasted iron in my mouth. I couldn't care less as her lips mashed against mine and her hand collided against my ass again. I shivered with delight, and I felt like my whole body was melting as she beat me and pleased me.

"Please," I finally begged as I looked into her wonderfully sadistic eyes. My hands reached out, and they were slapped away by Scylar. My want grew as I felt every touch she did send a Shiver through me, and I fell to the ground on my back as Scylar pushed me down.

Scylar stood above me, and she stepped forward as I looked up in a trance of desire. Scylar moved above my head, her pussy dripping down onto my head. She turned to look down at my cock, and her pussy landed onto my mouth, and I spent no time starting to lick her pussy with relish. I could not breathe as her wet wanting smell entered my nose without any of the accompanying oxygen.

Suddenly I felt her hands on my breasts as I licked her pussy while being smothered amazingly. Her hand came down harshly, and I let out a muffled scream of delight as milk sprayed from my tits. I struggled for oxygen as her hand landed on my cock, slapping it. The pain rolled through me as the pleasure of some form of feeling coming from it accompanied it. I cried out into her pussy, losing the rest of my saved air as my tongue continued to lick her clit.

I moaned as her hand lightly stroked me before another bruising hit cam upon my breasts. I soundlessly cried out as my breasts came, and my cock pulsed with pleasure. My body was hyper-sensitive to every touch she made.

Air came into my lungs smelling of Scylar's pussy as her hips came up a little allowing a little oxygen to enter my abused lungs. I cried out instantly as her hand collided with my breasts and my breasts erupted as I orgasmed. My pussy felt on fire as juices rocketed out, and my balls pulsed without releasing any liquid. My mouth was then covered, and I tasted the sweet taste of my Dom's pussy again, and I made sure that she felt at least a third of what I was feeling.

Scylar moaned as I licked her and didn't say a word as she started to slap my breasts hard again and again violently. The pain and pleasure destroyed the last vestiges of my ability to think, and I mindless sucked on her clit as pleasure and pain rocketed out of my breasts as she milked me with slaps.

Then suddenly, air returned to my lungs as Scylar stood turned around, and her pussy penetrated itself on my cock. Scylar's pussy tightened all over my cock, and I cried out in pleasure as my breasts flew to the side again as they were battered with her hands. Milk flew all over the room, spraying out as I orgasmed again, releasing ropes of semen into Scylar's pregnant pussy. Scylar moaned her pleasure as she slapped my breasts again and again.

My mind was a vast void of white and red as pleasure spiked with that wonderful spice called pain as she took her pleasure from me. My moans and groans turned to cries of delight and pain into screams of pain and pleasure. My world was turned asunder as I reached a climax after climax releasing that frustration that had been built.

I cried out over and over until I passed out, my cock erupting into Scylars pussy once again.



So I got really sick this week and it took me out for a number of days. I need to catch up on chapters again and so next week I will be only posting on those I caught up on. Sorry about this.

P.S. I am finally starting to feel better but I was down almost all week.