Scylar's Turn

I felt spent as I laid back with my body feeling stretched. I knew that my body was designed to bounce back. It still took some time, and Scylar was shuffling around in the small dorm while the finishing touches of our personal home were being completed on the Academy Grounds. A cry of multiple babies went around the room. It was like a tidal wave that one made the other cry making another cry. Although I got some pleasure from it, feeding them had become a pain in the ass and my breasts.

However, the problem came when they seemed to get jealous when they saw the other feeding on me. That made almost what came to a feeding frenzy. One would eat off my tit, and then the other would feed off the other tit making the other two hungry. Once the first two were full, the other two would eat, making the first two apparently fucking thirsty. So they would then cry, and the only thing that would make them relax was my tit.

I sighed as Scylar placed two babies in my arms. I looked down at the deformed babies in my arms. I smirked with that thought. Although technically, they were all deformed from the fast and loose genetic splicing I did, I was still amazed at how well they all came out. I had three girls and one boy. The boy was the last born out of me, and I knew it was that little fucker that liked kicking me in the organs.

I wanted to name them Sara, Cassy, Patricia, and Little Fucker. Scylar hard vetoed the last two names. I thought the last one was a really good name, and he would grow up into a Strong man with a name like that. Also, to signify what the little fucker was. As two babies latched onto my tits, though with slight pain and pleasure of that bite followed by the small pleasure of my full tits being fed on, I continued to think about things.

Instead, though I could only name two of the girls, Scylar insisted upon it, and Sara and Cassy were the only names she allowed. I didn't mind since I more or less made them up on the spot. When I woke up after giving birth, I noticed all four of my little deformed babies lacked names, and I never thought of giving them one. I couldn't go ahead and provide them with specimen numbers, although that would have been much easier. Instead, Sara was the little girl with floppy dog ears that were still in the early growing stage on the side of her head.

Cassy also had growing floppy dog ears with a small stubby tail right above her ass. The last two babies were Emma to honor her dead grandmother and Darius. Emma Did not have the floppy ears of her two sisters but also had a little tail growing just like one of her sisters. Darius, though, had both like his sister Cassy. It was striking, and I saw many looks from the doctors afterward. I didn't know what they meant, and they didn't seem to want to elaborate.

I felt Scylar flick me, and I looked up as I felt myself being sucked on both nipples. "You need to pay attention. Although our babies are here and you look exhausted, that doesn't mean you can be too absent-minded while they are feeding on you." Scylar told me.

"Yes, Yes," I said with a sigh, "They are my babies, and they are interesting specimens. I will start taking more care. I am very sleepy, and you haven't given me a reward!" I complained since Scylar did promise, and Scylar looked down at herself.

"Do I look like I am able to do anything of the sort?" Scylar asked, pushing her pregnant stomach in my face more.

"You could at least help with the feeding," I said and felt petulant at the moment before sighing.

"I will reward you later, you little slut," Scylar said and looked at the babies. "I have to-" Scylar shook her head and walked away. "Your other little babies are also hungry, so you should get up. And don't forget to meditate when you get time." Scylar finished, and I couldn't help but groan.

I wondered what she cut off and got up and turned away. I got up, and I continued to feed my babies. It was a long time, and I wanted to groan in annoyance before all of them settled down, then I had to change them. It was a full-time job, and I wanted to scream at them. I hated this part of raising my last kid, and I hired a nanny to do most of the work. I knew that I was about to get some of my own in this world I was annoyed that I couldn't hand over all the work right away.

I grimaced as I finished changing them, and with dusk coming in after a long day, I began to put them back into their cribs. This was going to have to change, and I put them away, letting them fall back asleep. I sighed, heard a groan, and moved into the small dorm to where Scylar now had a puddle under her.

"I guess it's my turn now," Scylar commented as I found her water broke, and I wanted to chuckle.

"I just got those little guys asleep, don't you dare yell," I told her seriously. "Let us get someone to take care of them so I can be there to see you in a miserable state," I told her, and I got slapped hard. I felt a thrill go through me as I felt that swift hand, and my cock began to harden. I looked at her, my eyes gleaming in desire only for her to glare at me.

"You are such a fucking brat," Scylar cursed, getting up, and cyan encircled her body. Scylar floated to the door half a second later, and I moved behind her as Scylar moved. "Tracy," Scylar suddenly shouted towards one of the doors, and a small woman I never thought I met came up. "Take care of the kids. I have a baby to push out." Scylar said in a dark, angry tone, and I loved how she commanded her. Tracy almost scraped the floor in a bow with the way Scylar talked, and I wanted Scylar to speak to me that way.

My fantasies started to go into overdrive as Cyan began to encircle me, and we moved to a window that opened and took us out to the Mage healers while my cock hardened, thinking of all the ways Scylar could command me.

When we made it there, Scylar pointed outside and growled at me, "You outside," She said dispassionately, and my eyes widened, and I groaned at the missed opportunity as Scylar floated away.

Oh well. I wasn't exactly interested in watching all of it, and I would get her back. I grinned, thinking of ways to get her back as Mage healers moved past while I waited for my fifth kid to be born, and I realized something.

It was much easier being the father than the mother; I thought as I relaxed back. I wonder how much pain she was in. Scylar never reacted much to any pain I've seen, and I wanted to force my way in. There was a certain satisfaction in the thought, and I moved to the door where they were at, and I saw Cyan in front of the door, stopping any sound.

I thought what a bitch as I realized either one of the healers was stopping my ability to hear or Scylar was. Either way, I wasn't getting in, and for some reason, I could only like my lover even more for it.