The long awaited Reward

Over a month had passed. Scylar gave birth to a baby girl, and I was officially a mother of four and a father of one. Our family consisted of four girls and one boy. They were an absolute handful, and the dorm was packed until they finally finished the house for us.

It was located just in the nearby forest along the edge to give us privacy. The Elders found that I was a nuisance that had too much research use to let go of, and we were tucked away. Scylar and I were still getting used to our kids, but the Elders provided wages for two maids and wet nurses. It was a great relief to hand off the babies to others.

Scylar named her little baby girl Amanda, and she was a very quiet child. That was in stark contrast to the four little ones I had, whom each raised a fuss in turns. Did I say they were handfuls? Well, that was an understatement, even with maids to help.

Now, though, I got those damn maids to do their job, and I felt good. "Scylar, You promised me a reward," I told her as we let the babies sleep. We were eating, and a feast was in front of me. My calorie intake was still huge, and I continued to eat regardless of the fact that I wasn't working as hard as I was before.

"I did," Scylar acknowledged, "I have something planned for you, and I will give it to you soon. I have the maids prepared, and my parents will be over to let me 'take you out' for the night. That way, you can properly enjoy your reward to the fullest. Although I am still wondering if you deserve such a reward for being such a brat."

My eyes lit up. My cock had been starving, and even Scylar's slaps had been coming less often. Her parent's coming here meant something else also, "Your Parents? Are they bringing the final gold needed to begin the creation of our business?" I asked her.

"Yes, We can finally start. But we can leave that for now. The Maids can take care of things while I take you to where I can properly, 'Reward' you." The smile that Scylar gave showed made me shiver. It was showing that I wasn't the only impatient one in this house. Scylar had been wanting this. She needed to do what she was about to do to me. Scylar was the opposite of me in so many ways, but I knew one thing. She loved one aspect of me above all others, and my cock hardened as it was that amazing chill of a sadist's smile was shown to me. I would both love and hate what Scylar was about to do to me. Scylar would take pleasure from it no Masochist would ever understand.

I could feel it even in my fingers, her smile so bright that it could never be explained how much danger was in it. I shivered with delight, and I knew that I was going to love what was going to happen next. "Ah, That is the expression that I see on you. The anticipation of the questions. It is what I love about your slut self. It barely matters what I have planned for you. You shiver in excitement without thinking that it might even ruin you forever. It might destroy your reputation or even destroy your current life or kill you. That is part of the excitement for you." Scylar said suddenly.

I looked at her, surprised how she pegged me so suddenly. "What?" I asked her.

"You heard me, Clarissa. I had a realization the other day about you. What made you tick in sex. That is why you are my bitch. You enjoy your freedom outside sex, but you are a thrill-seeker inside it. The more dangerous while keeping you alive, the better. Now you're my slut," Scylar said, getting up from the seat and gazing down at me. "I am looking forward to treating you as such."

Scylar shivered visibly. "This time, I have made sure that I have taken Baby leaf too. That way, I can enjoy you without adding more to our current predicament." Scylar's smile was bright.

"Baby leaf?" I asked, but I thought I had heard of it before in this world.

"A Contraception." Scylar specified, and I shrugged.

"Okay," I said with a chuckle. Where was the thrill then? I wondered, and I almost blanked at how I had just been called out for that just moments before. I shrugged again and stood, "Well, My body is ready for whatever you have planned. My cock is throbbing for attention, and you have been teasing me for months." I complained.

"You love it," Scylar said as she walked towards the door. The babies were sleeping with the maid watching them a couple of doors over, and I got up quickly.

"Do you need me to change?" I asked with excitement in my tone. I didn't know what the feeling was, but I felt something like never before.

Scylar looked at me with a smile, "No, What you are wearing will just be placed to the side," Scylar said, "Now, I think now is a good time. The maids are here, and my parents should be here soon."

Scylar was decisive, and I followed behind her. I wore the Dark purple robe that I hated wearing, but the thing was useful for normal days. When we first got them here, the Maids hated the way I dressed when I was starting. I didn't let them bully me, though, and they quickly understood that I was who I was. The school couldn't control my dressing, but Scylar had said that for now, cover-up. When I asked her why Scylar looked at me and simply said, "My parents will be giving us gold soon. You just need to dress up till we take the initial investment."

That was over two weeks ago, and I still hated it, but it was comfortable when I had to deal with the babies. Now Scylar told the maids to let her parents in, and I was on my way with Scylar out the doors of our massive house. They spoiled us a little, but I knew it was for show. The forest around us kept us just out of sight but nearby just in case. Scylar didn't mind, and neither did I when instead of taking us towards the academy, the Cyan glow surrounded us both, and Scylar took us deeper into the forest.

Trees whipped by as we moved, and the trees became larger and larger. The academy was on the edge of this forest, and it still hosted monsters that they used in training for the later year students as Scylar brought us deeper and deeper the more excitement built in me. I couldn't wait, and when the foliage and trees broke after traveling miles and passing some smaller monsters, we broke into a large waterfall.

The change was very sudden, and the pool under it was crystal clear. You could see the floor all the sudden go down into an underground river. It was awesome to behold and downright questionable why we were here. Scylar didn't stop, though, and rapidly moved towards the waterfall before suddenly we moved through the heavy torrent of the falling water into the cliffside where a cave lay. It was almost cliché that there was a cave behind the waterfall, I thought for a second with sharp nitrate deposits on the roof of the large cave.

The crystalline look of the cave with a slightly damp smell came into my nose as we moved down the cave at a breakneck speed. Then Scylar smiled, and we began to slow down. Scylar looked at me, and I shivered to see that smile. "You know," Scylar suddenly began, "I wonder what amazing screams you will make when I give you this 'reward,' Clarissa." I shivered with her calm words, "They will be amazing, and I wonder how many times you will cum."

I was confused; the darkness in the cave was deep, and I could barely see. The slow drip of water hit the floor, and Scylar looked at me with that smile that made me shiver. I could barely see it in the darkness, then suddenly her hand glowed Cyan as she cast wind. She was pushing the wind down the cave with that smile on her face. "Strip, Bitch, Your breeder is on his way, and I want you to have clothes for when we go back," Scylar said, her anticipation growing.

Mine grew in tandem as I heard her voice, but I wondered what was coming. I took off my dark robes, and Scylar took them, holding them in her hands as she suddenly stripped herself. No clothes were on either of us Scylar then sent them away, and she watched in the glow as the clothes disappeared with a cyan glow on her hands. I could see her anticipation with the glow from her face.

Scratches were heard in the silence as we waited, and I turned to look into the darkness broken only with the Cyan glow. That glow faded somewhat then a dark green light started to glow in the cave. It was dim, and the scratches started to grow louder and louder. It wasn't the scratches of claws like an animal, and I had no idea what was scratching the stone around us. My body stiffened, and my eyes widened as they got louder from a whisper and that green glow in the darkness slowly became brighter as the scratches got louder and louder.

"This is a very special reward," Scylar suddenly said, "This is a rare beast, and I knew about this one since the liquid they secrete and inject into their victims is used in alchemy and sometimes used as a punishment for very, very bad mages; both men and women," Scylar said as the scratches got louder and louder and the dark green got brighter. "The dark green glow in the glow of their mana as a mana glow. It is a rare plant monster called Punishment vine. It is a very dangerous vine to those who are not at least Mages, like yourself. They like to trap their victims, using them again and again. Luckily for me, I can free you easily as well as have some of my own fun!" Scylar finished with an excited expression, her body glowing Cyan.

I saw that scary smile on her face, and I turned to look at the now green glow of a large plant with many vines. They were dark green vines, and something from it glowed in the center. A green liquid dripped from random places on the vine, and I swallowed dryly. My cock hardened since I knew that this thing was about to do something. Trepidation and a bit of fear-fueled my body along with anticipation as it neared me.

Vines suddenly shot out at speed I couldn't even respond to. They flashed, and as they flashed, they also went past me. A scream erupted from the beast, and I was pulled towards it as it moved back. The vines wrapped around my body, latching my arms against my sides, I didn't have time to process as things moved so quickly.

Suddenly the monster started to move, and Scylar followed with the familiar glow of her mana as she followed me down the cave. The vines moved as we dove deeper and deeper into the cave. Those vines moved between my breasts, separating them, and I moaned as they tightened around them painfully. The vines were not done, though, as they wrapped more and more around my breasts, tightly squeezing them. The fat all went to the tips, and I felt the nerves in my nipples on fire. My cock throbbed with need as we moved deeper into the cave.

I had no idea what was happening, and suddenly we came to a funny-smelling area with a large amount of green liquid covering the walls. It glowed darker than the vines, and suddenly, more vines wrapped around my legs. I couldn't help as those vines slipped around my legs and the ones around my breasts tightened and pulled apart. "Oh, FUCK!" The pain went through me along with a sharp pleasure, making that pain so sweet. The vines started to slip on something, and my breasts began to feel wet as they pulled somehow tighter before finally loosening. The sharp pain hit my head as my cock throbbed and my pussy moistened. I had no idea what would happen next, and I saw the cyan light from a short distance.

"You have arrived at your reward," I suddenly heard Scylar's voice in my ears. "That green liquid won't hurt you. No, It will be bliss for you soon. I see your cock is already hard slut," Her voice continued as vines slithered up my legs. Suddenly my legs were spread, and I was still wondering what was happening as vines began to wrap around my arms. Just as quickly as my legs, the vines that bound my arms to my sides loosened up, and my arms shot straight out.

I turned to look, and I saw the deep green glow from the mass in the center of the vines. A spray of green suddenly hit me just as I closed my mouth along with my eyes. My entire body was hosed, and I felt movement before my back was sprayed too in whatever liquid it was. "Oh, That was a larger load than I have seen. Then again, No one has been punished hard enough to bring them to this guy." Scylar's voice was dark and filled with anticipation.

I had no idea what was next, and I opened my eyes, the heat started to tingle along my skin. The vines loosened on my breasts, and I gasped in a large breath of air as a sweet smell entered my nose. The liquid was sweet on my tongue as it dripped into my mouth after it covered my face and body. "It's about to begin," There was then a sigh of pleasure from Scylar as she said those words.

I looked over to the cyan light, then suddenly I was turned to look at the beast. My sense of where I was distorted, and I was turned at the whim of the beast. Those vines held me strong, and I couldn't move even after all the movement from the past months. I was helpless in front of this beast as even if I tried to rift, it would still have me pinned. My cock throbbed, and thoughts of escape were only fleeting as I stared down the green mass.

Tingling went across my skin, but I stared at that green mass. Then pain erupted as suddenly a vine hit me across the chest. Raw, fiery pain erupted, and I screamed. I couldn't help it. The pain was intense, and just as soon as the pain erupted, that green liquid dripped down onto the mark, cleansing the pain leaving a faint heat that started to make me tingle. My cock throbbed, and I wondered what was going on. Pain erupted suddenly, my breasts screaming in painful fury as the vine hit both nipples at the same time, sending my breasts rippling in all directions on my chest.

This was just the start as the green liquid dripped down the vines hit my thighs and my back. I screamed in confused pain as that heat built up. My cock throbbed with each hit, and my pussy dripped. I was confused as vines slipped up my body. The pain was one that came from the strong thick vine that erupted in pain, just stopping from cutting me open as I screamed out. Vines crept up my legs slowly, and I breathed harshly in the dark green glow of the cave.

Another scream erupted from my mouth, and I heard Scylar moaning in my ear, "Scream more Slut. Scream!" another moan entered my ear as the vine lashed my breasts again, and I couldn't hold back. I didn't want to, and the whipping continued. The green liquid seemed to stop dripping, and my skin felt fiery. Just as the whipping started, it stopped, and I heard Scylar, "Oh, I shouldn't forget my fun before the next part starts."

It was the narration as I shivered with remembered pain. Cyan glowed around me, and I felt a wind whip around my cock, blowing away the green liquid. I questioned it as she left an opening for my pussy as well, along with some of my thighs. Then The green mass hosed me down with the vines secreting more, and I closed my eyes and mouth just as it whipped me in the face. The wind blew around the areas that Scylar cleared.

It repeated on my back, then suddenly I felt the world moving as the vines whipped me through the air. Suddenly I coughed out all the air in my lung as the vines let me go beating me to the floor. A large splay noise sounded in the cave, and I struggled to breathe. My lungs seemed to forget how to function as I struggled to pull in air to my lungs. A sudden whip made what little air I did have in my lungs escape as my abdomen rippled in pain. I didn't understand what had just happened, and my head was struggling to catch up when suddenly I felt the wind and a blast of that green liquid smother my body.

I could no longer see as I couldn't open my eyes, and I felt wind around my lungs, ears, cock, and pussy. I heard a whisper, "Oh, now comes the good part, you are going to enjoy yourself so much!" Scylar moaned into my ear.

I heard scratches coming closer and closer, and I couldn't see. But I could feel movement, and I tried to lift my hand, but I couldn't move. I was spread in a large X that I couldn't escape like I was bound to the floor held by the liquid. I felt movement, and suddenly I felt something wet with a different consistency. "You are about to be bred like the slut you are!" Scylar moaned, and I could hear her about to reach orgasm from her voice.

I felt it slide around my cock, and the liquid left a trail. It moved around my balls, and I struggled to bring in the air again into my lungs. Finally, my body was remembering to breathe when I coughed out the air as the ling around my balls pulled back and pushed deep into my ass. Without warning, it shoved itself deep, and I screamed out all the air in me. The penetration came with a hard whip just about my cock, barely missing it, and the pain erupted with the pleasure of having so many inches suddenly penetrate me. The mix of pain and pleasure destroys reality.

"Be ready" Was all the warning I got when the Vine or whatever it was with its weird indescribable feeling started to move fast deep into me. It pushed through my intestines, and I screamed as it snaked through me and stopped. It pulled back out slowly, almost to make sure that I wouldn't be injured just as my pussy was getting penetrated. My hips tried to jump up into the air, but the double penetration hit my head hard while whatever that liquid was solidified me to the floor. I couldn't move, and my pussy spasmed as the world shattered.

I came over whatever the fuck this creature was. Plant or monster, I didn't care. My body exploded on him, and my bladder released. The pleasure of the double penetration as it almost felt like I was going to the bathroom as it pulled out of me. It hit me deeper than I had ever been before, and it pushed back into me. I cried out, and then my breasts exploded with pain, and I screamed.

I screamed as he whipped my breasts. The liquid, now a semi-solid shattered. My body was pinned. I couldn't move as pain erupted, and the vines whipped me again. I screamed, and my cock exploded onto the mass. The pleasure mixed with the pain, and I couldn't tell what was going on with the penetration of my pussy and my ass as my breasts got whipped. Pain flashed, and my eyes turned the dark world white with flashes of pain or pleasure. I didn't know, and I didn't even have time to wonder if I would live as I felt wind around my cock. My mind flashed again as I tried to thrust my hips into the air in the world of black.

A pussy suddenly covered my cock, gripping it tightly as the wind whipped my legs. "Take it slut. Enjoy your reward, you brat!" Scylar said, her voice moaning as I erupted into the pussy that took my cock deep. I felt vines penetrate me deeply, and my world flashed again and again as my breasts were whipped, and the scream erupted from some other than me as that pussy on my cock moved up and down.

The world became flashes of white and darkness. Pleasure erupted from my cock as pain came the same way. My balls tightened as electricity shot through me, erupting out of whatever orifice was available, and the world darkened even as it exploded. My cock continued to erupt, and my mouth was erupting in just a loud moan until I blanked out.



Hey guys,

So to celebrate that I just released my Third week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. You can find the link below if you are interested. This will not come out of the regularly scheduled Chapters either. Enjoy and thank you for all the support.