Long awaited Reward End

Pain erupted across my breasts, suddenly bringing me back to the waking world. My breasts were hot, and I screamed out without thought as my cock erupted into a hot pussy. I tried and failed to thrust my hips upward into that wet hot hole. My throat felt raw as the breath in my lungs came to an end. I tried to take a deep breath when suddenly something landed across my breasts again.

I instantly screamed out the air in my lungs again as I felt fresh pain across my breasts. I tried and failed again to thrust up to retreat from the pain. I subsequently felt something press deep inside me, and I felt my eyes widen as a flash of a painful white-colored my vision. My womb had gotten trusted inside, and it was rampaging inside me. I tried to suck in the fresh air as my lungs screamed for oxygen.

I took it even as another whip across my breasts made me want to scream. My lungs needed the air as my world turned to pain and pleasure mixed. My cock erupted into the pussy that was riding me even as I struggled to breathe. I finally filled my lungs, and I couldn't help but loudly moan as something punched my cervix inside me. I screamed again, losing all that precious air in my lungs from it.

I felt whatever it was in my anus as well. It moved up into my intestines, hitting points inside me. I didn't know I could feel pleasure. My womb got invaded, and my breasts were whipped again. The intense pleasure and pain hit me everywhere, and my pussy erupted. I had no idea if it was my bladder or I was cumming. It didn't matter as my cock felt a flow of semen move from my balls up into that pussy, waiting to catch it all for me. My breasts screamed in fresh orgasmic pain, and my lungs stalled.

I felt air force its way into my lungs suddenly through my open mouth, and I screamed it out as soon as the air stopped forcing its way into me. Pleasure and pain erupted again and again. I could not keep track of my body as I screamed and erupted in another heaven-breaking orgasm. My body screamed for mercy, yet air forced itself into my lungs.

I screamed when the air wasn't forced into my lungs, and my voice went hoarse, screaming so much. My breasts felt raw as they were whipped again and again. My nipples were hard and sensitive as they were struck again and again. I couldn't keep the sense, and my body erupted again and again.

My world spun and shattered and never righted itself.

I screamed.

I came.

I screamed my lungs out.

My body erupted in an earth-shattering orgasm.

My womb was defiled.

My cock erupted.

My stomach was filled.

My breasts were whipped.

My world shattered into pieces, and darkness overtook the dark world.

I awoke with the world too bright around me. I squinted against the painful light, and a blur hovered above me. Brown hair dropped into my vision as I saw Scylar above me. Her large significant smile was bright, and I groaned.

"Your reward was very fun," I heard Scylar say. "I enjoyed it immensely."

I tried to talk, and nothing but a hazy whisper came out. I tried to speak, but even I couldn't hear words leave my mouth. "Oh, You screamed too much," Scylar informed me with a smile, "You will need to rest your voice for a bit. Sweet, Sweet silence for about a week." Scylar sighed in pleasure.

I opened my mouth to refute, but nothing came out, and her smile grew larger and more sadistic. "You wanted a reward, and you got it, my little lover. I feel like without your voice, and we can have some fun in the bedroom when we get back as well~!" The singsong tone that she had was one that I hadn't heard. I could see that she was more than satisfied. My breasts, pussy, and ass burned from the abuse. My cock, on the other hand, felt flaccid, with my balls feeling empty. I had no idea how many times I came from the abuse. I felt really good too, despite my lack of voice.

I felt satisfied although very sore.

"Time to head back now, though. We have been gone for a little longer than I thought we would since I took some time to enjoy myself on your cock." Scylar continued after a lengthy pause. "My parents will definitely like to talk to us, and since I have you in a good position for that talking..." Her voice trailed off, and my eyes narrowed.

I was lifted from the ground by a teal light before I could do anything else, and soon I was flying through the trees in her wake. The sun was overhead, creating a faint green glow as we moved through the trees.

It took a bit of time before we broke through the forest and were back at the mansion that we called a house. My legs trembled, and my breasts had been whipped raw, but as we were about to reach the house, I saw clothes that we originally flew out with move towards me and covered me under Scylar's influence. "Time to dress, Clarissa,"

I allowed her to dress me, and soon, we were touching down on the ground. Holding my weight made my legs tremble a bit. My pussy and ass were sore, making me not want to close my legs in any way. I looked towards the entrance to the house, and I smiled bitterly. Inside was all the attachments I had to this place. I had responsibilities, and I didn't care much for them. When Scylar handed me to a beast to be abused, I didn't have a care in the world. Only pleasure and pain, and I looked upon the house stepping forward behind Scylar.

We opened the door, and some of the maids greeted us. They always greeted Scylar more warmly than they did for me, but I couldn't care less about that. I didn't care about any of the help, though, as I stepped inside, and soon I saw Scylar's parents walking up to us with smiles.

"You are back!" Scylar's mother exclaimed and moved forward towards Scylar.

Scylar dodged her mother's arms, and her mother instead turned to me. "How are you with my heartless Daughter?" Her mother changed targets and said, sounding wronged.

I looked at her, and I couldn't say anything, and turned to Scylar with a raised eyebrow. I pointed to my throat, and Scylar smiled. "Clarissa is having throat problems from the training last night. Her voice needs to recover, so she cannot speak, Mother." Scylar said.

"What training did you do?" Scylar's mother asked, looking mystified. Then she shook her head, "Nevermind, No matter what it is, I am sure as she is your lover, it was something that I don't want to know." Scylar's mother then turned to her daughter, "We were so surprised when we arrived to see neither of you here. Also surprised to see Clarissa's babies. No one told me that she had mixed genes."

Scylar smiled, "I didn't know either," Scylar replied, looking at me, "Still, she will become a powerful Void Mage. That will never change, and I plan to make her a force to be reckoned with." Scylar promised, and I looked at Scylar, intrigued. 'Mixed?' what was that, and it sounded so interesting. I had only seen humans around the city and even in the slave markets. I wonder if I could get my hands on a Mixed person to research.

"You know that will make their lives when they try to go out into the city a little tougher. But living with you two inside the Academy will not make it too bad," Scylar's mother said.

I looked at her, and I wondered if there was a racist sentiment in this world. That wouldn't be too much of a surprise, and I turned to Scylar, "Yeah, it won't be too much of an issue. Remember that all four of those mixed babies were bathed in the mother's womb in elemental pools. They will become the darlings of all the elders." Scylar reassured, and her mother smiled.

"Yeah," Her mother replied with her voice trailing off. "So, Change of the subject," Scylar's mother began, "WE have sold our loot from the last material-gathering we did, and we are willing to invest in you two. I know that you two will need large gold storage, so we made available some extra gold for your business. With your loot guarantee later, both your father and I discussed it." Scylar looked at her mother with eyes that anticipated something. "We will write a formal agreement, but we plan to fund you with as much as we can for the first two years. That is our maximum, and we will hunt in the forests to uphold that." Her mother said, and Scylar looked surprised. "In return, we also want a ten percent cut as an early investor. If it fails, you will owe us only ninety percent of the investment in return for our risk."

That was utterly reasonable to me as I thought about it. I was never one to personally deal with my cash in my past life. But I did know that although this wasn't standard, it wasn't unfair either. They would be our gold bank, and they would use ten percent of that as a loan to own some of the company.

"Are you both sure?" Scylar asked and looked annoyed. I understood because her parents were taking a bet on us. We would have a larger chance to succeed, but we would lose gold in the long term if we were successful.

"Yes, honey, we are," Scylar's mother said and pointed down the hallway. "This way, Scylar," Her mother said, wrapping an arm around me and smiling. "Let me show you our initial investment!"

We both followed her mother, and I felt her arms around me. Her mother liked me because I was probably the only person that could take Scylar's personality, and that was enough for the parents to like me even though they hardly knew me. That coupled with the fact that I barely ever talked around them.

We soon were in the middle of the mansion, and I saw Scylar's father there. "Ah, you took longer than I thought!" Scylar's father slightly complained.

"Scylar being Scylar," Scylar's mother retorted, and her father accepted that as a proper explanation.

"Well, I finished putting it all into the vault. Although I still think we are taking more risk than we should, honey," Scylar's father said, and her mother smiled.

"It will be fine. We are at the Academy, and none of the maids will have access. I also plan on being a Grandma to Scylar's kids. Think about it," Scylar's mother then said, looking at her husband, "With Scylar being a mother, how much love do you think these babies will get?"

The brutal dark question made me blush while Scylar looked at both of them with exasperation. "You're right," Scylar's father said, "We need to be around more often for the babies."

It suddenly became a fact, and I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. One fact of the matter was that they would be making sure that Scylar and I did our part. That coupled with their financial dominance over us because our business meant that we would have to listen.

Something told me as the mother and father began to talk about the lack of love Scylar had to give out. Scylar watched both of her parents in what many in my previous world would call shit talking. They were ruthless towards their daughter, calling her out for being callous.

"Those poor little babies will grow up with their mother being unable to show them a hint of love." Scylar's mother mourned.

"I know, but at least they have Clarissa." Scylar's father said, and both looked at me.

They were both filled with hope as they looked at me. My legs were still trembling slightly from the brutal raw fucking I got from that plant creature or whatever it was. I wanted to reassure them that Scylar would probably be the better mother between the two of us. As I opened my mouth to talk, nothing came out from my brutal ravaged throat.

Instead, both Scylar's parents looked at me with happiness, "That is right! They will at least have one parent capable of showing love!" They exclaimed when I didn't object.

I winced as Scylar looked at me with a grin that told me she planned all of this, and I wanted to groan. Something told me that things were going to get complicated.



Hey guys,

I am still celebrating releasing my Third week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. You can find the link below if you are interested. Enjoy and thank you for all the support.
