New Training Regime

I looked over my resources and came to a harrowing conclusion as I looked it over. Those gods either needed to tell me how to access those unlimited resources they told me they gave me. Or they didn't and bullshitted me. I didn't know what it was, but I hated that I didn't have those resources inside the lab. Instead, I would need to bring them in from the outside world.

That would limit what I could do, and I would need to find alternatives for some of them. The paper would eventually become a problem that I would run into first. I have boxes and boxes full of paper as I usually kept a decent stock of them, and most printers were full. But paper ran out faster than you would think, and I had to educate any kids or slaves I brought into the lab. I would need to set up a specific industry for it too.

My mind spun on the issue as I rifted back into the world.

The things I needed to run a lab better were a large team with the brain power and those that could at least understand the hazards around them. In my last world, that was easy as the idiotic education system pumped out university graduates in severe debt that would do anything for a position in their field. I could easily more or less enslave them and choose the best from those kicking out the ones that were too stupid or too smart for their own good.

I would not have that luxury in this world, just like I couldn't just purchase what I needed in this world. I did not have the free gold coins as I did in the last world. I hummed to myself when suddenly Scylar flew down in front of me.

"Where have you been?" Scylar asked, "I have been looking for you. It is time to get you back to training while the maids take care of our children. No longer am I allowing you to laze around." I opened my mouth to protest, and Scylar shook her head, "No! We will begin again now, and you will become the best partner I can have for my ascension so I can play with you in the next world. We have discussed this. I have already begun the hunt for the Blacksmith, and my mother and father are also looking into it." Her expression was severe, and I already knew that fighting back with her would get me punished.

I couldn't help but shudder in both excitement and trepidation of those punishments. They were always so creative and delectable that I loved them and hated them. She was so good, and all other thoughts of what I needed to do were out of my head as my cock hardened and my pussy moistened.

Scylar true to her word-wrapped me in Cyan light, and I rose off the ground, and her grin was large. "I think you know the warm-up," I shuddered as I knew what it was when we landed a minute later on the field of the Academy. It was the same one I had run around for hours, losing myself; even as my pregnant stomach slowed me down, my legs moved faster to make up for it. "Oh," Scylar said, gaining my attention. "You think that you are only going to be running?" Scylar asked, her smile making me shiver in trepidation.

I could suddenly see Cyan in the distance by the academy walls begin to move toward us at an astonishing pace. The thing wrapped in Cyan stopped, and I frowned, wondering why she brought a robe towards us as I looked at it. It was a black robe, and her grin told me that this robe was sinister. "This," Scylar said with that grin I both loved and hated, "Is a heavy cotton robe that Monks and warriors use to train. It is specifically for those long runs when you don't have something else to slow your trainees down." Scylar told me. "This one I had the Elders pick up because they have so much hope in you!" Her smile was now radiant, and I turned.

My legs moved before my brain did, and I smacked my body against a Cyan wall before I could even make it a step. "This will be your running buddy from now on! Try it on," Scylar said, her voice making it an order.

I felt an almost compulsion to do as she asked. Scylar was a great Dom, and I felt the need to follow what she said. My fear of that clothing was winning over me, though. I felt the trepidation of putting it on. Scylar made it a second later that I had no choice in the matter. I felt a weight on my shoulders settle and my arms pinned to my sides. I grunted under the fresh weight, and my back bowed a little. I struggled and eventually got my arms through the sleeves, not knowing if I should have regretted that as my arms felt heavy under the weight of the robe.

"Perfect and so modest as well under that. No more students distracted by those giant tits." Scylar scorned, "Now, I think it is time for that warm-up practice, Slut. You have some miles to run!" Her announcement wasn't followed immediately by me running as I was still getting used to the weight, which was something that Scylar did not accept. I felt something lash at my breasts, and I couldn't help the slight moan that came out as I felt my breasts lactate a bit when they were hit. "MOVE!" Scylar shouted then it began.

Scylar, in my previous world, would have an entire city up in arms as I got whipped like a slave as she forced me to run around the field. My legs barely held up my body and the robe restrained my movements with more than just the weight. Heavy cotton fabric was apparently not flexible and kept my legs from moving their full range. I couldn't hit a full sprint, but that didn't stop Scylar from thinking that I should not match the speed of a full-out sprint. I grunted as my ass felt the whip against it, and my cock hardened. I loved the pain, but the strain on my muscles made me groan. Having a hard cock while running was a fucking pain in the ass as well. I wanted her to strip me bare and ride me instead of making me sprint another mile around the field.

I lost track of time and myself when Scylar finally stopped whipping me while chasing me around the field. I fell to the ground, unable to move my entire body, sore everywhere. My chest even tried to ride, but the robe stopped me from taking full breaths. "Good," Scylar said, "You are still a little out of shape from the last months of pregnancy and the first few months of not training, but you have a solid foundation. Now, It is time for the next step. You may be tired, but you will stand on your own, and we will move to the next part of training. Also, we did twenty miles today. We will start with that from now on until you can do it within a more reasonable timeframe. Now I am sure you will love this next part." Scylar seemed to be wanting to keep the next part a surprise.

I didn't like that.

I either loved those surprises or hated them, and I didn't know which this was. Something even worse was that I had the feeling that I was going to hate what the next step was. I still got up, and I had to walk behind her in the robe. I wasn't even able to take off the robe at this point if I wanted to. I watched and followed as we entered the Academy again, just as students were released from their classes. I saw looks of pity watching me as I followed Scylar and looks of lust for a moment before disappointment when they saw how covered I was at this moment.

When we finished walking through the halls, we stopped at the door for only a moment before Scylar opened it. Inside there were walls of books and materials. "Did you think that in an academy, you would not study? We have plenty to catch up on, and I will enjoy making you catch up on it!" Scylar said, and I frowned.

"Can I have rewards?" I asked without a second hesitation. I didn't care about anything else; I just wanted some sweet rewards and punishments, and Scylar smiled, making me shiver.

"I will reward you for each completed subject. But beware, I will state how long you have to learn that subject and if you fail," Scylars grin turned large, "Punishment will be the least of your worries. I have dealt with your teasing for a year, slut. I have some payback in this room for you."

Anticipation made my cock hard again and my pussy moist. I wanted to know and not know what that Punishment was. I also felt a large trepidation as those last punishments were hell. "Oh, and this isn't the end of the day, Clarissa. I have much, much more to do to you in the day!" Her announcement made me want to groan. "Let's begin!" Scylar finished and reached out to a book on the shelf.

"First Subject will be Alchemy. You have some skill in it, and I think it would be a waste not to refresh and broaden your knowledge of it. You will have two weeks to memorize all of this book. The test will be on the last day of those two weeks. If you fail," Scylars voice trailed off with a grin. "Let's not get to that right now. Instead, let us talk about the properties in the Black lily," Scylar said, tossing the book at me. "Sit down now."

I followed and opened up the book before being bored out of my mind and tired as hell with very sore muscles. I read and listened, though, as I knew that I needed to know this information in the future. Although it was boring, I was never a bad student in the end.

I took in the knowledge and read while asking the questions when they came up. The learning that I had with Scylar in a one-on-one situation was much faster than with a bunch of other students around to annoy me. At some point, Scylar stopped teaching, and I would read, only stopping Scylar, who was meditating to ask questions that I couldn't figure out on my own.

It was much easier than running, and I lost track of time again learning now when Scylar called out, "Hey, Time to move on," She said, standing again from her meditation. "Now, we train you in combat. I have decided that I wouldn't be the best teacher for you either, and the Elders agreed." Her smile was sinister, and I felt that the smile would never get old, and neither would my anticipation and fear of it would lessen.

"She is going to take real care of you and is waiting." Cyan suddenly surrounded me as her words finished, and before I even knew it, we were out the window heading toward home, and in the back was a woman in a robe. It took seconds, and I knew that Scylar wanted me off-kilter each time she pulled these out. That woman was bald, but her breasts were still there, and she had a great sword on her back. The brown robe she wore and the greatsword together was an odd combination as she also had large breasts that I would guess at a minimum to be a G cup. Her expression was one of serenity as we landed, though, and her eyes slowly opened.

"Ah, you must be Scylar and Clarissa. The Elders said that you would be here today at some point. Although this is your house, you are quite late." The woman's voice was low and felt like it should be barely heard. but it was also easy to hear, which was weird. "I am here to train Clarissa in combat and control her emotions. Let us begin with combat." Her eyes suddenly opened, and I wanted to groan, "Where is her weapon, and why are you still here, Scylar?" The woman asked.

"I enjoy watching for the first day," Scylar replied, and the woman bowed almost, but I felt it was more of a nod in acknowledgment. "Her weapon is on the way," Scylar finished, and suddenly my sword, surrounded in a Cyan light, flew to Scylars hand from the house.

Scylar tossed it to me, and the Monk smiled, looking at me. "Now, Clarissa, it is time to train in the ways of Combat." The woman did not smile, but her arm reached behind her back and took that great sword in one hand. The thing was at least five feet long and more than a foot wide on the blade. The handle went out even farther and looked like a mammoth with her small hand. She did not pause in moving meant, though, and her arm swiped that sword at me, her breasts bouncing away from her arm.

My mind was blank, but for a moment taking in everything before my eyes widened.

I was in trouble.