
I reacted barely in time with a great sword passing just over my head. I gasped as I heard it go over my head. I fell on my back as I leaned so far back, and I raised my head and saw the Monk quickly turn her first strike into something over her head straight down at me barely a second later. I had no time to think, and my mind went to the fastest evasion I knew. I opened a rift several feet back, and I fell into it.

Pain erupted from my ass as I fell through the rift and landed on my ass. I did not have time to think about that, though, as the Monk was smiling in the distance. I could feel that smile, and I felt the fear of that smile. She moved, and it was like she bounded several meters with each step. Three steps later, as I scrambled to my feet, she was in front of me.

"Fleeing doesn't work on me, little one!" The female blad monk told me. Her greatsword moved quickly towards me, and I knew I wouldn't be able to take the strength behind that sword swing with my own. Evasion was all I could do as she swung the greatsword around like a toothpick.

I jumped over it, feeling the wind as my feet came back down. My quick reaction only earned a smile that sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly only inches away from me, her arm stopped the greatsword's momentum in its track. Then just as fast, it came back at me as if she had been swinging that way from the start.

"HOW FUCKING STRONG ARE YOU!" I yelled in protest as I hit the dirt, making a rift to dive into as I did so.

I was back where we started, and I had to tuck and roll as I recovered from my last-ditch effort to dodge the woman. I came back up to my feet only to see her greatsword coming down at me right in front of me. It hadn't even been a second, and I knew there was only one way out of this. I moved forward towards her using my sword hilt to thrust as hard as possible into her stomach.

Her eyes widened in surprise but not in anger, even as I hit her stomach. Her arms twitched as I hit her, making her move, the blow barely missing me as I dodged out after hitting her. But I already noticed that her stomach was like steel when I hit it. Just slightly softer as it had some give in it. Those thoughts barely entered my head as they left as the woman turned to me with a grin that sent shivers down my spine.

I jumped into another rift and, for the first time, controlled. I saw her a distance away, but I knew that it was a myth that distance. She bounded over to me with that large greatsword moving behind her as she moved her body with the strike, "I wonder if you can dodge this~!" The Monk exclaimed, her voice soft as she spun with her sword, using her whole body to swing it.

My eyes could barely see the after images as the sword looked like it stopped moving even as her body did. My eyes widened, and I jumped back into a rift, increasing the distance again.

"KEEP THAT FUCKING AWAY FROM ME!" I exclaimed without thought as I exited the rift. I looked at the woman, and that spin with the great sword stopped even as she tore the earth under her feet with it.

"You are my plaything for the next couple of hours. We are not stopping until Scylar here thinks you learned enough for the day! That girl loves watching me teach others!" The Monk as she brought the greatsword up to her shoulder.

I didn't know how to handle this, and they both smiled as I got ready for the next attack. The Monk did not move through. She kept a smile on her face like a maniac ready to strike at any moment. I watched her, wary and unsure of when she would strike or how. The female Monk just stared at me, and it was unsettling.

Then she moved, and my eyes tricked me for a second with how fast she moved that it took me a split second to realize she was already moving towards me. Her breasts jiggled as her arm moved with the greatsword, and I tried to move, but it was like my body was too slow. The flat of the greatswords blade moved towards me already as she had already closed on me. Then the train hit me, and I flew through the air.

I felt like I didn't even know what hit me as I knew perfectly well what hit me. I hit the ground once and finally cried out in my stunned state as I tumbled into something that caught me in a soft shell. I heard something loud in the background, but I didn't know what nor cared as pain erupted in my head. I coughed in the shell and groaned as the pain became my world. I felt it up the entirety of my right side, and I groaned more from the impact and the pain shooting up my arm.

Suddenly I felt soft fingers on my skin, and my vision started to come to, and I saw Scylar looking over my body. I saw her serious look as she looked me over before I took a huge sigh of relief. "You are not injured, just in pain," Scylar told me as another bolt of pain hit me. "But that concludes today's training." She finished, "You survived today; I wonder if you will tomorrow," Her grin was sadistic as she pulled something out from her robe. I groaned as I looked at the healing potion, "Also, I was granted liberal use of potions for healing after you played with this Monk. She has a reputation to uphold."

I groaned as I felt her pick me up from whatever cacoon I was in, but I knew it was Cyan. It disappeared, and she opened a bottle and shoved it in my mouth. I drank, and the liquid poured down my mouth, quelling a lot of the pain a moment later.

I groaned again when suddenly I hit the dirt, waking me back up. "Ow!" I complained, looking up at Scylar.

Scylar smiled down at me and replied, "Get up and greet your trainer, or I will make sure you don't get any rewards till the babies are ten."

I was on my feet before I even knew it. It was almost as if my body teleported there, and I turned to look at her. I felt a little angry at that threat, though, "There is a distance where a punishment is too harsh and places that they shouldn't be used," I said in a harsh voice. "I do not mind being threatened, and we both know I like it. There is a point of no return Scylar," I finished, my anger showing despite the glow of pain still in my bones.

My reminder of the bottom line surprised both the Scylar and the Monk. "Wow, you have a feisty one this time, Scylar. One that actually has some balls!" The Monk exclaimed, "I don't believe I have ever seen someone stand up to you!"

The Monk was smiling, and Scylar turned to her, "Michelle, you better shut up, you Fat titted bald cow. I will smack you back to next week just like in our freshmen year," Scylar snapped back before turning to me, "Yes, I understand, and you are right." Scylar replied, looking a bit more sympathetic but only for a second. "But you will be seeing this Monk more often. You will be sparring with this fat-tittied cow every day until you learn to fight her properly.

"Bitch, we both know that I could take you now! You have rotted in this Academy whereas I have seen the world fighting with the beasts!" She countered, "If you want to fight it out, I could take you right here right now!" Michelle looked at Scylar, her smile huge.

I took my first good look at Michelle and realized her breasts were a little larger than my own. The greatsword was leaning slightly on her shoulder with the crossguard lightly laying on her shoulder. The thickness of the blade was at least closing on a foot wide, and the length of the blade itself was five feet. It was a fucking monster, and it was just slightly smaller than the woman carrying the blade in her hands. I estimated her height at around five feet eight inches, with massive breasts that could be seen through her robes. Her bald head was shining as if it was polished, while her grin was pearly white. Her skin was tanned, as you could tell that she had been under the sun for long periods.

"Michelle, you have no idea my progress," Scylar said, turning to her, "You are still a meat head now as you were back then." Scylar snarled back.

"Ah, But now I can catch you in the air bitch," Michelle said, her smile large, "No more bullying like the sadist slut you are. Now, Bitch fight me."

I could feel Michelle's want to fight Scylar, and the condescending expression Scylar held was strong. I wanted to be under that gaze, and my cock hardened as I looked at it. My pussy was more than moist as they stared each other down.

It was a couple of minutes when I looked them both over and realized nothing would happen. "Oh, you both are not going to fight," I said, my expression and voice are telling my disappointment. I turned and walked towards the house instead, feeling I had better things to do.

My muscles were sore, and suddenly I heard Scylar say, "Maybe tomorrow, Cow."

"Sadist bitch, I will knock your masochistic slut tomorrow. Maybe she might want my rod later," I heard Michelle respond before I was taken up in Cyan and brought to the house.

I didn't know how to feel as we arrived home just in time for today's last feeding of the babies. My breasts were lactating in response to the first cry of one of my babies. All I knew was that I was not looking forward to tomorrow as I headed to feed little fucker and his sisters.