
Michelle was a brutal woman to be overly nice. What she really was being explicitly honest was a fucking demon. That broadsword coming after me every day and launching me all around the field near our home was a painful experience in the least.

Scylar and her argued every day about things I did not know about, but Michelle would send me through trees if she got the right angle. Her aim was at least bordering seventy percent when it came to sending me towards the trees, and my back took the brunt of the pain.

Every day I started with feeding my babies, including little Fucker followed by miles and miles of running with that god-forsaken robe. Then I would be forced to learn in a classroom with it on for hours on end. It was interesting some of the theories that this magical society came up with, and I would love to attempt some experiments when I had the time for it.

Then I would take off the heavy-ass robe and fight Michelle with those overly large breasts that didn't seem to faze her. Her arms looked almost like twigs compared to the bastard sword she swung around like a toothpick. I could almost imagine her picking her teeth with the greatsword after a meal.

Scylar would then take me home, and I would lay down with my babies as I fed them. My only rest time was with them as Scylar took care of our fifth child. Scylars parents were making things better, at least as they helped around the house. But I was quickly growing bored of the training. I knew I needed to train and learn, but I needed more than training to get by. Magic was interesting, but Meditating was the bane of my existence.

I wanted to growl, and I sighed as another class with Scylar came to an end. Scylar raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a look that told me she disapproved of my sigh. "You are bored. You go crazy when you are bored," Scylar commented, surprising me. "I know that you prefer the more alchemical elements, but for combat, you need to know these things," Scylar told me critically. "What is it?"

I eyed Scylar and told her flatly, "I want more freedom on an average day."

"You are behind on your studies by seven months now. You should be way more advanced in these classes than you are." Scylar retorted, raising that eyebrow, learning that compromise with me worked better than trying to talk me out of an idea. "I don't understand how you can be so smart with barely any ability to concentrate on something for a long time." Scylar finished before quieting down to listen.

I looked at her, knowing I had made it through school for years in my previous world. Over decades to learn everything I knew, and I was amazing at it. When I finished, I became someone to which investors and everyone clamored to give money. I would choose who I would run research projects since I had such a record of success. Investors knew that if I couldn't pull it off, it was because it wasn't possible or impossible with the current tech base in the first place.

But after that man raped me, it changed me forever. I could never fully concentrate except when researching things that interested me. Outside of work, I always sought the thrill of what he had done to me. I reached for that high like a drug addict, knowing it would never change even as I found Scylar, who somehow filled my holes with that thrill every time.

"I need more than just studying through this endless cramming ride. I fucking hate IT!" I screamed, "I want sex. I want to go out and do some things once and a while. I need more than fucking cramming till I collapse both physically and mentally, then sent to a fucking nutjob before I have to go home pump milk for our babies and feed them each every day. I feel like I am going fucking crazy!" I cried out, tossing my hair.

Scylar looked at me and sighed, then her expression turned sadistic, "I almost forgot to treat you how you want to be treated in all of this. You are right," Scylar said with that sadistic smile that sent shivers down my spine. "I know this about you, and I know you will start acting like this if I don't treat you like the proper slut you are. Know slut is too good of a term for someone like you. You are degenerate when it comes to sex and need it almost constantly. I will rethink your training," Scylar said, agreeing with me way too quickly. It was like something clicked in her head instantly, and I didn't know if I liked that, but I also liked that.

"Before that, though." Scylars grin was large, and I shivered as I saw her grin turn more sadistic, "I believe we forgot something that your training needs." My eyes widened, and I knew what was coming, "Instead of sleep, I think meditating would be a good substitute for you, wouldn't it?" Scylar said.

I shook my head, "No, You," I began, only to have her smack my face making me taste blood.

"I don't care what you think at this moment, Clarissa," Scylar said, "We are building the business and making you stronger. You will have a little freedom and fun, but I will have my freedom and fun. I will train you into a powerhouse mage I believe someone with your slutty genius can be." Then Scylar spat on me before continuing, "I think there is something I want to do to you," Her sadistic smile grew in the classroom, and I couldn't help but dryly swallow as I saw her step toward me.

My cock hardened as she approached, and my pussy turned moister than an oyster almost instantly. Scylar knew how to play me, and I was her fiddle as suddenly her hand hit my stomach. I coughed out, and I saw the world around me turn cyan as she wrapped us in her bubble. "You are mine," She said more to herself, but in the now overarching silence became easy to hear. "I know what to do with my slut," Scylar finished as I continued to cough.

I was expecting Scylar to do something when suddenly something came into the bubble. "Wh- at?" I coughed out as something wrapped in cyan came into the bubble of mana around us. Her smile turned vicious, "You think you are being rewarded for bad behavior?" Scylar said with a smile that was sadistic and mischievous.

The bubble popped, and an octopus dropped unto me. "Strip, Slut," Scylar ordered, and I didn't think twice about it. I took off the purplish black robe I wore way too often these days. I could feel her eyes on me as the little octopus suddenly touched my feet. I looked down and saw cyan cover my clothing, and Scylar tossed them out of the bubble she created. "The octopus's suction cups suddenly touched me, and my eyes widened. My instinct kicked in, and I tried to kick the octopus away when cyan stopped me from moving.

"No, you will not kick it away," Scylar said, "Meet your punishment toy," she told me as I looked toward her, "Its suction cups have tiny needles that leave a trace amount of poison that isn't lethal in anything organic. They use it to capture and stun their enemies, leaving them helpless to resist as it also has a trace of nerve blocker that takes only a half hour to leave your system after it is finished."

I processed the information she told me, and I realized just what was about to happen to me; my eyes widened. All the while, the creature had already sent pain up to my knee. Each limb had dozens of small suction cups, and I heard Scylar chuckling as she stripped herself showing me her sexy body.

Pain shivered up my spine, and I felt the octopus slowly moving up my leg, and I could no longer move it; I looked down and saw that Scylar was no longer being held by her mana. The neurotoxin was already making it so I couldn't move it, which was when a painful tingling sensation went up, hitting me hard. I cried out as the octopus reached my thigh, and my eyes widened as Scylar began chuckling.

"It seems to be curious about your cock, Slut," Scylar said as I felt those suction cups get closer and closer. Dozens pierced me each time the slimy tentacles of the small creature moved up my body curiously. "I wonder if it thinks your cock is a fish or something. That will make things interesting. They don't have teeth." She told me my stomach dropped even as my cock throbbed and my pussy dripped fluids down both thighs. "I wonder," Scylar said with a sadistic smile, "What it will feel like riding your numb painful cock while you cry out in pain even as I bring you to an orgasm without feeling the pleasure!"

I shuddered, and I felt fear as I felt the octopus move up me. Then Scylar closed the distance, and her hand reached out to my cock. "Tell me slut," Scylar said, "Are you ready?"

Scylar didn't wait and reached down and picked up the octopus with cyan covering her fingers. My eyes widened, and the octopus tried to hold onto my thigh to no avail. Pain shivered up from where the octopus was pulled from, but that wasn't on my mind as I saw Scylar bring the octopus down to my cock.

"Please don't," I begged just before I felt the tentacles against my cock. My mind blanked, and pain erupted from my cock. I screamed in our little bubble as the tentacles wrapped around the head of my cock. I couldn't move anymore as the paralytic toxin entered the bloodstream quickly through my cock. My mind blanked, and I watched in horror as my cock was tightly grasped by the octopus making pain erupt throughout my cock. Scylar wasn't done and let the octopus go.

Her statement about the curiosity of the octopus wasn't one made lightly, and its tentacles started to roam down my nine-inch cock. The pain was fierce, and my cock throbbed as I felt a very faint pleasure as my cock began to go numb with the pain. Tears started to pool in my eyes like the octopus. Then my eyes widened as I realized where the octopus was going. "Scylar!?" I cried out before I knew it, "Take it off me!" I cried out.

"No, I like where it is going," Scylar replied, her sadistic smile growing in brightness.

The octopus continued to travel down my cock, and suddenly I cried out in fear. "PLEASE!" I cried out just as the octopus moved its head to the underside of my cock. The tentacles slithered, and I felt the moment just before the suction cups touched my balls.

I screamed as I felt a dozen suction cups press against my balls. More and more tentacles slithered over my balls, and fear of what would happen next filled me. "Scylar!" I cried out, and she watched. Her gaze did not show the slightest bit of pity, sending thrills through me even as the fear filled my mind.

"NO!" I screamed, and dozens after dozens of tiny suction cups wrapped around my balls, and something somehow horrified me even more as the tentacles seemed to wrap around my right testicle.

"Oh, I didn't expect that!" Scylar exclaimed with pure excitement. "I cannot wait to see your reaction!" She said.

Fear filled me, and I watched as it took the testicle, bringing it toward its head, and then I felt it. I felt something pierce me before I felt suction around me. My brain blanked, and I heard Scylar say, "And that is enough!" With that, the octopus left my body.

My screams didn't die as my cock spasmed, I felt a throb like no other, and my pussy started to gush fluids at a rapid speed. My balls felt like they were going crazy, and I noticed in all of this that I was no longer held by mana. Only one leg would move, and suddenly Scylar was before me. Her hands took both cheeks, and she kissed me. Her kiss was deep, and it was the only pleasure I felt as I felt my numb cock start to shoot a liquid from it.

"You naughty slut," Scylar said as she broke the kiss, "Pissing yourself," Scylar told me what I did, "But your cock is so hard, and it is thrusting on its own almost an entire inch! I wonder what it will feel like!" Scylar said and lifted her leg while using her hand to shove my cock into her pussy.

Very faint pleasure came through my cock, but the overriding pain shut down most of the pleasure. "Scylar!" I cried before her lips closed on mine again as she pressed me against a wind wall that she made. She thrust her hips against mine as I felt pain throbbing through my cock inside her wet tight pussy. Instantly I felt even more liquid hit my cock as Scylars pussy spasmed, and she moaned into my mouth.

My pussy didn't stop either, and I suddenly felt like something was moving through me. From my toes, a painful wave hit me through every inch of my body till it reached my pussy and continued on even as the pain erupted and my pussy squirted all over mine and Scylars legs. My brain felt hot as and Scylar didn't stop. The kissing silenced my cries, and I felt a wave of something hit my body again and again.

I lost it, screaming into Scylars mouth, and my mind blacked out before returning, only for that sensation slowly travel up my body to make me black out again and again. My pussy erupted, and my cock throbbed so hard I didn't know what was going on anymore.

The world shattered into darkness before the cracks seemed to replace themselves before self-destructing. My world turned upside down before spinning while never leaving being right side up. My body and mind were spinning and going crazy in a way I never knew it could. Meanwhile, my pussy squirted again and again while my cock throbbed.

Yes, Clarissa! It's like your thrusting into my womb while you stand there and take it like a slut. Fuck! Take it, you fucking pain slut. You fucking crazy bitch!" Scylar cried out, breaking the kiss. "Nothing I could say will truly reach the depravity that is you Slut!" Scylar cried out, then grabbed both my breasts and for the first time, as my world shattered and rebuilt, pleasure soothed it all. My breasts suddenly gushed as she milked my nipples, sending pleasure through me and making me cry out in pleasure as her pussy came on my numb cock again and again. I cried out till my voice turned hoarse and Scylar started to tremble on me. My cock throbbed and again I felt something through my balls move up to my cock and splurt out deep in her cunt.

My world shattered yet again and this time I didn't wake up right away.