Time passes

The days moved both quickly and very slowly as I lived with Scylar. Every day I woke up, and I was brutally torn out of bed, and I was on the Academy's field sprinting around with Scylar taunting me. The heavy robe chafed on my skin, but my taskmaster was merciless. I loved it and hated it so much. She made me run till I was almost dead on my feet before taking me to eat now with a feast ready for me.

After that, I learn more about the world around me. It was strange how this world worked; the mix of technology and magic worked together. It was so off-kilter that I could not understand until Scylar told me it was because of the 'Gods' like the ones that brought me here.

When you reach the peak of being a mage, apparently, things happen at some point with the ascension to the new worlds. Something you had to overcome, and when doing so, you reached a new level of life, allowing you to ascend to the other moons of this world. This was all besides the point, as the practical consequence was that people trying to achieve the results that these gods tried to bring into this first world was lopsided technology. Many tried to leave their impression, and many succeeded in small ways, like the magic carts that could go at a good speed, increasing the speed of transportation in the world.

Not long ago, though, a Demon lord tried to take over the world because of these gods. I wouldn't have been surprised if they were the same gods I brought here because of. With that came other gods sending someone to be a hero. But I couldn't help but laugh at what the end result was in this world. The history of the people living here had apparently grown long tired of those reincarnated or sent here from the gods. That particular Demon king was killed, and the people forced the consequences of whatever punishment the gods gave that person to happen to them.

The results were brutal, and the person was broken into dust apparently very painfully as they screamed for help to the masses before their ashes spread in the wind without anyone going near them. But the Hero had it even worse as they couldn't do what the gods told them to do. That came with consequences but was much less lethal.

Still, my heart skipped a beat when I read that the Hero lost all ability to have sex. His testicles were suddenly ground to dust, with his screams echoing all around the city when it happened. It was just one of the many things that this world has recorded for people sent here by the gods. This world had adapted to their mischievous gods and constantly were vigilant toward new threats they may have caused.

All of these increased my fear of these gods and the fact that they could do what they told me could happen to me. Still, this world wasn't to be underestimated, and I would need to learn more about implementing my mana in research. I would have to create research groups to parse out the information, and with that, I needed more people and gold.

When I had time, I would also go into the lab and run tests on my babies. No one knew where I took the babies at the time, but I would run tests and record the data. I couldn't help but smile as I noticed my botched genetic job was doing very well. All the babies looked heathy, and except for some genetic defects like their ears and tails, which seemed to be fully functional, they were healthy babies.

Little fucker was the most annoying of them, but they all worked together to make my life a living hell. They seemed to feed off each other in their misery. Still, all of them took to Scylar's parents as they assisted Scylar and me. My breasts were sore from both being sucked on whenever I wasn't training, meditating, or being beaten the shit out of by that crazy bitch that swung a greatsword like a toothpick.

Still, as the months went by, I was forced and trained to be able to fight at close range with Melissa. My body was tempered, and my mana infused with my body. My core was quickly reaching new heights, albeit not as quickly as when Scylar made me frustrated and on the edge of orgasm. There was zero chance that I was about to let Scylar know about that fact. However, I suspected that she may know about that fact and had done something to tease me.

Our sex life was sporadic, but she did things to satiate my desire once and a while, and each time she left me wanting for more. Sex in my past life used to take months of planning and to scope out when to play victim to these men. They were my prey to make me their prey. I would have to stalk them to figure out how or where I could have them alone and be the perfect person to be a 'victim.' With Scylar, that wasn't an issue as I was always a victim in her arms, and she constantly and easily fulfilled my desire. It only sparked even more desire in me since it wasn't a limited quantity.

Instead, she threw me back out on my ass and made me work to get more powerful, and my muscles developed. My mana core became more solid and grew as I meditated. My skin became tougher, and Melissa started to use magic against me in our bouts, knocking me on my ass hard ever.

All of this continued to happen while blacksmiths worked on our products, and I had to send work back to them because it wasn't good enough. I sighed, wishing for the industrial revolution to happen in this world. I wasn't about to spark that, though, and I continued to have the factory and mine set up so we could make sex toys. The molds were being set in place, and in another couple of months, we would soon have a working facility ready after a year of labor.

My body and mind were reaching new resiliency, and those kids inside my lab now knew basic English, both reading and writing. The maid I purchased, which I struggled to remember, was doing an outstanding job; she was handed even more textbooks that she started to read and learn how my previous world worked with the children. Many of the concepts in my previous world worked in this world as well, with the exception of whatever magic was.

Still, she educated them with textbooks that I had in my house, and I was happy to realize that one of my doctors had a full selection of primary, middle school, and High school level textbooks because of their kids. They had wanted to keep up to date, I guessed, to help their kids with homework while remote talking to them.

I was a little annoyed they were using company time to help their children, but the person probably was doing their job. I was very tolerant of anyone who showed results, no matter how they got them. Even if they were breaking the law, I couldn't give much care as long as they didn't get the lab in trouble. The government wouldn't do much to us, though, and while I was still alive in that world, we were rapidly reaching too valuable to touch territory that all companies we worked with and the government would protect us.

So I took the textbooks as wins and made them available to the girl who was actually incredibly smart. I hoped that she continued to show value like she was, and I began to wonder if I should bring her along to purchase new slaves when I had more gold as she might be able to ask the questions that I didn't need to know for educating children.

Still, the days went on, and I broke through under Scylar's abuse, and my stamina was at a new level as I could run easily around the entire school for hours wearing hundreds of pounds while only eating one feast a day. My calorie intake was enormous, and my mana was spread throughout my body while also being concentrated in my core.

Scylar told me that the elders were pleased with my current progress and that they were increasing our funding for training as I grew stronger. I wasn't a mage yet, but I was rapidly closing the gap to that level of power.

I learned that the rankings went as follows.

Normal person: A person who couldn't use mana at all, nor could gather mana.

Novice: A person who discovered that they had mana and began to consolidate a core.

Apprentice: A ten-rank series from one to ten in which the core solidifies, becoming denser with mana. This is where the person chooses how they will use mana for the rest of their life.

Mage: A person who completely gathered a core and now works on controlling that mana and consolidating it in a way exclusive to them. However, some follow others in this regard.

Specialist Mage: To reach this stage, the person must shatter their core and completely control the mana they had and make it a whole new core in a style of their choice to make themselves stronger.

These were the stages that Scylar taught me, and I wouldn't say more about it as she wouldn't tell me until I was a Mage myself. I was now a rank six apprentice after all this time which wasn't bad progress but still under many of my peers. Scylar told me that I was closer to a monk these days than a pure mage. I still retained much more control of my mana than a Monk, and I was walking down the path of a Mage Monk that was incredibly rare in this world.

After months of the same thing, Scylar stopped in the middle of a lesson one day, and an Elder walked into the room. "Scylar," The elder said, her voice serious, "It is time to compete for the kingdom."

Scylar nodded and turned to me. "It is time to see if I wasted my time on you or not."