When Luke accomplished his task, the Duke arrived. Duke Arthur saw the General said "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? I need to tell you something Luke." Luke replied "Thank you for worrying, but I'm fine sir, we need to evacuate first before we talk." The Duke said "Of course."
As they left the place, A bunch of soldiers from Esmond appeared. Luke was shocked and left with no choice. He then told the remaining soldiers to help him fight the soldiers of Esmond. Riding his majestic horse, Luke was able to kill Esmond's soldiers. As he killed one of the commanders of Esmond, a General ferociously shot Luke from the back. Luke then fell from his horse. Duke Arthur saw Luke lying down on the ground full of blood. He quickly ran towards Luke with tears falling in his eyes.
The Duke held Luke in his arms and said "Luke, my son! you don't know how long I've been looking for you. I'm too late...I'm sorry that your dad is too stupid." Luke smiled and put his hands in his fathers face. He said "I never knew that I would be able to meet my biological dad. Don't blame yourself father. I'm glad that I at least was able to meet you even at my last moment." Duke Arthur responded "My child, I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I'm late." Luke said "Father please hand this letter to Amara and tell her that I'll always love her." Luke's father nodded and replied " Don't worry, I will definitely hand this to Amara." In Luke's dying breath he said Amara's name one last time as his eyes closed with tears falling in his cheeks.