End Of War

A few days later, Esmond and Asterin has tied in war. Esmond finally surrendered and made peace with the kingdoms.

( At the kingdom of Esmond)

"Princess Mei, I have an urgent report to tell you." The soldier said. Mei responded " Then speak up." The soldier then told Mei that Luke died. When Mei heard what the soldier said, tears started falling from her eyes. She told herself "What have I done? I just wanted revenge on Amara. I actually killed Luke... I killed him..... I didn't expect this...."

When the king saw his daughter crying he went to her and said " Mei don't cry. It's not your fault." Mei replied " told you to attack Asterin, but i never told you to kill Luke!" Her father responded "I'm sorry. We didn't know that Luke would be in the war."

(At the kingdom of Asterin)

The Duke quickly ran to the evacuation center and saw Amara. He went to her and said " Amara... Luke... He's gone...." Amara then fell down to her knees. Tears started falling from her cheeks and she said "I can't believe this. Tell me it's not true. Luke said that he'll be back. He said that he'll marry me after this war. How could he die on our birthday? How could he leave me like this?"

The Duke comforted Amara and said "Amara calm down. If Luke was here, he wouldn't be happy to see you like this. On his dying breath he called your name, Amara. He wanted you to be okay." Amara responded "How can I be okay when the person I loved the most died?!" The Duke said" Amara, Luke wanted me to give you this. Take it."