POV Future Charles

Before I married Scarlet, I was heartbroken. The girl I loved didn't love me back. I thought that as long as I let Amara stay by my side for 7 years she'll at least like me. But I was wrong. In those 7 years with her, I just felt pain. Ever since the day Luke left for the military camp, she never smiled at me. She would always talk about Luke every time we were together. That's why when her father cancelled our wedding, I wasn't sad. I was happy for her. It's better off seeing her with someone who she loves rather than being with me.

A few years after letting go of Amara, I met Scarlet, Amara's best friend. She was the one who always made me happy. Then after a few months of hanging out, we started dating. But we broke up because I still couldn't get Amara out of my mind. I thought that it was okay if I break up with her. But it didn't feel right. Each day, I started feeling more sad as if there's something missing in my life. So I went to her and asked her if we could get back together. She eventually said yes and after a few years, we got married.

Then 3 years later, we eventually had a daughter. Her name is Caye. Caye's life was okay, but there's just one things that's been bothering me. Every single day, a boy would come knocking on our door asking Scarlet and I if we could allow him to date Kaye. I'm so tired of this! My daughter is too beautiful to the point that all the boys at her school wanna court her! Give me a break! But there was this boy who I allowed to date Caye. He proved to me that his feelings for Caye were sincere. To be honest, he kinda acts like Luke.

30 years later, my grandchildren were already 10 years old. Their names are Catherine and Mia. Everything was going well until Catherine said to me "Grandpa, I think I'm in love." I responded "What?! Really? What's the name of the person your in love with?" Catherine replied "His name is Luke. I like him because he is kind and helpful." When I heard what she said, I murmured "Among all the names in the world, why does it have to be Luke?!!!"