Pitched noises

Walking beneath the canopy, the Raider squad felt the jungle start to come alive around them. Various buzzing and noises made up the background for the lush area. Small mammals flit through the trees, and some of the braver ones poke their heads out of the canopy to gawk at the metal group trudging on foot. A small footpath wound its way towards one of the forward sites mentioned. This one focused on Razaraptor's hunting patterns and observations.

Walking in the middle of the group, Azamir consulted the data files sent over for anything that could possibly provide a clue or a hint as to what they were going to deal with. The data entry on the local fauna providing some much-needed background.


Razaraptors: A cold-blooded mammal.

Main diet: Carnivore, Specifically 15-38 kilograms of meat per raptor per day. The species is known for a standing height of 163cm (5ft 4in) and weighing about 20KG-25KG.

Observed moving up to speeds of 64.3 Kilometers per hour. Hunts in a group of 4-6 males at a time. A hunting call is similar to a high-pitched whistle. Favors surrounding and pouncing on prey once its back is turned.

While males are observed to make up the primary hunter group, females are observed guarding the colonies and their young. The noticeable difference in scale coloration to be bright and imposing vs. naturally camouflaged is considered to be the easiest visual distinction between the two genders.

Namesake is from the ability to pierce tempered steel with their claws. Hunting territory is marked by deep divots in the ground and claw marks on the trees.


'Looks like we are against ambush predators.' Azamir mused to himself. "These things are faster than us on foot. We can outpace them with our flight modules here and there. But we will need to figure out how to distract them once we come upon the doctor's group."

"You can leave that part to me! If there's one thing I am good at, it is drawing all the eyes in the room!" Borridin proudly stated. 

Theo responded, giving Borridin the side eye. "For once, I think you're absolutely correct."

"Eyes peeled, then. We just entered their territory, if those markings are to be believed." Azamir gestured towards the group of trees ahead, seemingly savaged back and forth with various claw markings.

"Vessa, can you breach the tree line to give the prowler an update on our location? We might not get the chance to for a while."

Vessa simply nodded in affirmation before jetting off with a whoosh. The others waited momentarily for her to come back down. The jungle, as if responding to the sudden noise became eerily silent. Unused to this new predator moving through its area. Silent enough to hear what must have been a short, high-pitched whistling sound from the north...

Theo and Borridin turned towards the noise, both raising their weapons in response. Tension rises as the hairs seem to prick at the back of their necks. It was an oddity then, a simple chance decision for Azamir to look behind them that saved their lives. For when the group had turned towards the noise a sudden bolt of orange and red hue flashed from the bushes not 30 meters away!

Barely able to bring his weapon to bear, Azamir squeezed off a few rounds that managed to glance at the incoming ball of angry death. The hits grazing its hide, a yelp and hiss of pain could be heard as a raptor dashed to the side and back into the cover of the brush. The others whipped around only to miss the profile of the raptor.

"They are never alone! Cover a lane!" Azamir shouted. Another raptor pounced from the tree line only to be put down when Theo turned back. More making their presence known as the group of three started firing off rounds. Two more broke from the underbrush and made a beeline for Borridin. With a step to the side and a keen aim, he put 5 rounds into the beast on the left. Only to swing back just as the one to his right pounced!

A rifle report sounded from above, hitting the raptor true right between the eyes. It fell as if a marionette had cut its strings and flopped, rolling to a stop on the ground at Borridin's feet. Seeming at a disadvantage, the remaining raptors hissed and made another whistling call before retreating back into the brush at speed. Footsteps rapidly dissipating.

Vessa took that moment to land from up above next to the group. A sigh of relief escaped Theo. "Our first engagement, one of us almost got a shave." Rifles raised, Vessa and Borridin scanned the tree line for stragglers while Azamir took a moment to look at the fresh kill.

The dead raptor more or less matched the description, with a lizard-like head and vibrant scales running down the top of its body. It certainly had no camouflage. The distinguishing marks of orange and mottled red coloring giving it the streak of red as it runs.

His heart returned to something resembling a normal rate. Azamir came to grips with the fact that he didn't actually kill anything during that brief but intense engagement. Berating himself for not reacting quickly enough. 'I need to do better. We almost got ambushed because of my lack of readiness!'

Theo spoke while keeping his rifle trained on the underbrush the animals fled to. "We need to hurry. That group attacked an unknown like us without hesitation. Those scientists don't stand a chance if they are caught out when their supplies are exhausted."

"Hah, let them come. If everything turns out the same then I will put down the rest of the hunting pod just like this one!" Borridin exclaimed while prodding the dead carcass with his boot.

"Exactly, One. We killed one in a group of five just barely, not to mention the ambush we barely thwarted because Azamir read the mission brief." Theo fired back, " Borridin doesn't know it, but you saved him from an expedited weight loss program."

Azamir sighed and clapped a hand on Theo's shoulder. "We can't look everywhere, got to rely on each other to watch each other's backs. Just keep your senses trained for more of those hunting calls."

Vessa spoke up "Do either of you see anything odd with this one?" The group turned to see Vessa kneeling and examining the dead predator. She pointed towards its face. "The Raptor seems to be bloodshot around the eyes."

Azamir Approached the carcas and Analyzed the corpse.

[Female RazaRaptor]

[Status: deceased

Facial features show distress and signs of intense Physical exhaustion. ]

"There is dried foam at the mouth like it had been searching and running relentlessly... What could have caused them to be whipped into a frenzy like that?" Azamir mused out loud.

"Another Mystery that will just have to be solved on the move. Did you notice where they retreated to? Exactly the same direction as that observation post. The little expedition we are tracking could be in trouble if we delay anymore." Theo Remarked.

The group oriented themselves on the path the hunting pod retreated to. They moved with purpose, keeping their weapons trained on the edges of the path, ready for another ambush.

Azamir couldn't help but be bothered by the situation, though... Why would the hunting pod have a female in the mix? Furthermore, why in that kind of distress and fury? The notes said they usually don't hunt for food.

The squad moved swiftly through the jungle, following the clear path of retreat from the hunting pod of RazaRaptors. Concerning the squad further since it was almost a direct beeline for the observation post that was their destination. The team double timed it until making it to a break in the treeline. A small cliff overlooked the valley below. As the group made its way to the edge it noticed red/yellow smoke wafting above the canopy in a expanding pattern. Wedged in between two thick trees was a clearly pre-fabricated building. The smoke billowing out from the roof. Around the trees was an area of felled trees teeming with Raptors focused on the base of the tree.

"Ten credits say thats our post." Borridin stated.

Theo Sighed "No bet..."