Smoke Signals

The valley seemed littered with at least ten hunting pods of RazaRaptors. They crowded around the base of the two trees supporting the observational post, blowing smoke into the air and broadcasting a clear warning to everyone who could see it.

"Okay, I'll just say what everyone is thinking. We don't have enough bullets for that crowd, and our laser weapons can't compensate for the deficit either." Theo Offered.

Zooming in with the optics on the suit also revealed no traces of their quarry. Azamir examined the outpost, which seemed abandoned if not for the ever-billowing smoke plume. "There isn't any way around it. We have to investigate the outpost and confirm the scientists are present. Or, failing that, where else they may have gotten to? Because someone was clearly here. Recent, too."

"Ok, how about the obstruction in the valley then? What do we do about all of the angry critters? I'm not sure we can ignore them and take our sweet time investigating."

Looking away from the valley and eying the basin surrounding the area, Azamir attempted to note anything useful.

The open valley had multiple felled trees crisscrossing the pathways in and out, impeding any progress that could be made on foot. Without some kind of diversion, any attempts to evacuate survivors would be doomed on foot.

The remains of a rockslide were on the far west of the basin, creating a steep slope and a decent, defensible position. Inklings of a plan began to form.

"Theo, Borridin. I think I have a plan. Take a look over there..."


Vessa and Azamir soared above the treeline in the air above the raptors—just high enough to avoid the more zealous of the lot snapping at them in fits from the ground. The group notified Prowler in orbit about the situation and proceeded to investigate the observation post. Cutting flight right as they approached the rafters lining the trees, Vessa and Azamir positioned themselves at the door to the post, swaying ajar and creaking back and forth with the wind.

Engaging the external speakers, Azamir spoke through the door: "Hello? Is anyone there?"

A Clatter resounded from inside the post, and a grunt and exclamation came from within. "Rescue? Here? Oh, I might be blessed after all. Please enter! I'm afraid I can't get the door."

Exchanging a look, Vessa nodded at Azamir, and they both entered one after the other. Rapidly clearing the room. Behind the door, the entrance corridor gave way to a common room space. Hammocks lined the circular wall with a desk and terminal in the corner and an observational telescope in the nook.

Dried blood decorated the floor alongside a medkit splayed open with supplies and used bandages littering the area next to a man with grievous wounds. His leg savaged and a broken arm in what looked to be an improvised splint. Azamir approached the figure while vessa cleared the remainder of the compartment. Azamir Paused on inspection of the man breathing laboriously in front of him.

The haggard man in a torn field jacket of mottled greens laughed weakly. "Whats the matter, soldier? Never seen a lost cause before? Please tell me you are the rescue and not the executioner"

Snapping out of it, Azamir responded, "I don't believe in lost causes, sir. You must be Dr. Daniel Ackerman?"

The Scientist responded, "What gave it away? My charming sense of humor? Or my badge?" He gestured weakly to his left breast, where an ID badge fluttered and stubbornly stayed attached to a rapidly deteriorating field jacket. The name and photo confirming Dr. Ackerman's identity.

"Your injuries, actually, match the description my squad came across in a distress message recorded at your base camp. We were tasked with your rescue and retrieval of research data by the main expedition force. Where is the rest of your team?"

Daniel sighed. "Moved on; I could not keep up with them given my injuries. This Post couldn't support me and the other seven members for longer than a day or so. I offered to stay behind and draw the worst of the local raptor population to me so they could get away safely. I'm sure you noticed that smoke is coming from the system on the roof. That's aerosolized pheromones provoking aggression in the colony. A more concentrated solution we put into our bait capsules to gather them in an area for observation." Dr. Ackerman Pointed towards the map of observation posts on the wall.

"The rest left a bit under 7 hours ago, taking the last of the repellant and making for the deep observation post. It's the largest one and the best bet at holding out long enough for someone like yourselves to find them." He slumped in resignation. "But... I'm afraid I am a bit lame at the moment; I can't leave. I don't suppose you can help?"

"It's what we came to do, Doctor. Let me see If I can contact our ship." Azamir stood and turned the channel back to internal/private. "Vessa, can you raise the prowler here?"

Pausing for a moment with her head cocked to the side, she shook her head in the negative. "Too much interference. Need a better signal."

"Contact the other two and see if they can use their elevation to break through."

Azamir turned back to the Doctor. "Dr. Ackerman, we are going to try and raise a medivac for you. But we need to clear the landing zone. Do you have any of that bait left?"

"Bait? uh, sure... several doses left. But how is that going to get them away from us long enough?" He asked, puzzled.

"Dont worry, I happen to know two very motivated distractions eager for the attention." Azamir Smirked.


Theo and Borridin were staying low and out of sight from the roving raptors in the valley. Picking their way through the vegetation and over the rocks to the top of the rockslide.

"I'm not very happy with this idea.." Theo grumbled.

"But this lets us be the star of the show!" Borridin laughed and clapped Theo on the back. His hand clanked on the back of his armor.

"Gee, and here I thought I was a Merc, not an actor."

"Raider 2 & 4, radio base for medivac. We have one of the survivors deeply injured and immobile. We need to clear a space for them to land as well long enough for extraction." Vessa chirped over the radio.

"Raider 2 copies; how are we going to provide enough cover to bring them over?" Theo Responded.

"Raider 3 is bringing the smoke, that's how."

The smoke? Theo shrugged. It doesn't really matter how as long as it works.

"Copy, Standby."

Theo Engaged his jets to the top of the highest rock on the basin. Engaging his comms suite and raising the prowler above.

"Raider 2 go for Mercy, Confirmed contact with the injured survivor. The rest of the team was confirmed alive but not at the location. Require urgent medivac. Coordinates to follow. Observational post in the basin. Note hostile creatures present in the evac zone, ready to provide cover."

The Radio crackled for a moment. "Prowler responds, the expedition base will be sending a medivac to your provided location shortly. It goes without saying the survivor and the medic team must not come to harm. Draw those critters out and away from the landing zone."

"A-firm, Distraction planned on arrival."

"ETA 10 minutes."

Jumping down from the rock and relaying the information to the rest of the squad. Theo stood with borridin on the line on the top of the slope leading down into the valley.

"Raider 3, Engage fireworks. Evac demands a clear field." Theo reported.

"Copy that." A plume of fire sparked on the rafters above the post. A fresh column of smoke billowing from a stick held by Azamir.

Then he jumped the railing, and every head of the raptors turned towards the singular figure falling out of the sky towards their razor-sharp maws.