Chapter 20

A 23 year old youth was at the moment cleaning up the dung that was excavated by the cows and sheep in the grazing zone. He had picked up this unusual assignment a few months ago and he was able to earn a few cabbat to buy a real cultivation method, therefore it felt fruitful to do it as it reminded him of the happiness he got after finally being able to cultivate. It was a top cultivation method in this city called element refining method.

As it's name implies, anyone who cultivates with it may eventually gain the ability to manipulate the elements and become like those immortals who throw fireballs or at least cook without using firewood. This technique even helped him finally conquer the cold during the winters. Of course, even after he acquired this heavenly technique, it didn't change his aptitude but he had learned to move past that. This technique however was somewhat vastly different from the fake goods he acquired called wood breaking technique that only serves as a funny fountain gimmick in his brain and helps with nothing at all. Now all he liked to do was to relaxedly work and play with fire, or even take care of baby sheep that he got after killing its mother and serving it to his coworkers. At that time, when he was slaughtering it, he discovered it was pregnant and hid the lamb for a few days until later on he had no choice but to reveal it. It took some psychological plays but he was able to keep his lamb.

His days had never been better and he started to recall when his happiness started. It was four months ago after he fainted. At that time he had tried to empty up the previously filled three filled holes in the weird chain reaction machine like fountain in his head. The effect was that he immediately passed and woke up to find that his three previously filled holes where now filled with the green spring of chi and the green spring norms filled seven holes. At that time, he woke feeling a little funny but not any different from usual and went to feed his little lamb secretly. No one questioned him on the way why he was carrying around barrels of grass since they already considered him crazy this time. That was how he was able to feed his lamb without arousing suspicion. He even occasionally bleated to make himself look a little crazy to deter more people from coming closer to him, even a few kids started to cry on sight of him.

He was soon forgotten by the world and his ten of thirty of the depressions in his mind were finally filled. It still wasn't strange to him until he started to notice more things along the way. He would unconsciously dodge potholes and muddy grounds. Even when carrying thaws and hay, he would use less energy than before due to his carrying and walking technique. In a world where strength was everything, no one would be able to notice this little detail by a mortal. Those who noticed thought that he was either working out or ate some expensive ginseng to boost his vitality. It wasn't uncommon for rich mortals to hug thighs of some immortals and gain a few treasures to extend their lives. The reason they didn't bother him was that his vitality didn't increase much, so all this could be attributed to just a little training. That was what everyone thought until a few days later when his lamb was discovered.

On a sunny day, Shang Fei was meditating in his room while refining the elemental energy in his dantian. A few moments later, he opened his eyes. The first thing that came to his mind was to take another food pill but then he halted his movements. He realized that he had been cultivating for a few months and hasn't been out in a long time. He decided to go out this time and check on Jerry, the kid he brought to the city mansion a few weeks ago. As he walked towards servant's quarters, he heard a lot of news about him, even paid a few brats for the full information about him. When he learned about what he had gone through these weeks, he felt a little regretful. He knew he didn't take care of his Long Shi's kid and even let him be bullied to this extent. However as he reached the servant's quarter's, he saw Jerry carrying some hay on his shoulder and moving secretly to a corner. He secretly followed him, wanting to know what's up and when he reached in a corner, he saw him feeding a cute little lamb some hay and playing with it.

He jumped out to surprise him and almost made him fall to the ground but when Jerry saw that it was Shang Fei, he breathed a sigh of relief. After a few chats, he told Shang about what happened to him while Shang was in seclusion, trying to break through the Xiantian realm. It was a bit tragic but he found ways to cope with it in the last few days. He didn't elaborate much and Shang didn't question it, preferring to let him keep his secrets.

"It seems you have matured a bit these weeks, you're no longer the little ignorant kid I brought to the mansion. Let me ask you one more time, are you willing to return to the village and live out your life or stay here and be miserable?"

"Elder Shang, I'm really not suffering here. You don't have to worry about me. The previous situations were due to my ignorance and that won't happen again. Anyway, regardless of what you say, I'm not willing to leave the mansion. Here is my chance to rise up and I won't let it go for anything."

Seeing his determined eyes, Shang Fei kept quiet for a while, and pulled out 12,000 cabbat. He also handed a jade slip to him and said;

"Here is some money, I heard you bought that trash wood breaking technique and it won't help you much. You must have a few saving, so please add these 12000 cabbat to those savings and buy yourself an elemental refining technique. "

Jerry felt a little moved and said his goodbyes, rushing towards the shop he was pointed to. As he reached an alleyway, he was suddenly blocked.