Chapter 32 day before trial (2/2)

"From what I remember, you always taught me that the way to study all creation and nature of reality is not by becoming an all powerful immortal and splitting skies and whatnot but rather to gather all the knowledge about the rules of the universe. Although I don't know how you turned me into such a blasphemous person but I had no choice but to fall in your shoes as a friend and also had to become a "scientist", whatever that means. I should always use four steps to do something. "

"Ok. Judging from what has happened. What do you think I'm doing."

"Ok, now you're requesting me to do deductive reasoning and I'm not good those. How about you tell me yourself then I can deduce whether you're crazy or not. I feel like that's more important in this case."

"Ok fine. I will tell you. Honestly when I first asked uncle Shang for what cultivation and immortals and Qi was, he gave me only enigmatic words that don't really explain much except that Qi is like magic which cultivators and path seekers use to do the impossible. When I asked him what it was, he said only those born with spirit roots can control Qi and harness power beyond that of mortals but the heavens don't tolerate that. When I asked him to solve this paradox, he said it takes only one's comprehension and a manual to gain the ability to control Qi. No matter how ambiguous he sounded, I could somehow understand but what totally confused me was the part about controlling Qi to do their bidding. That seemed illogical since what controls our body actions are neurons and how can a weird plasma like substance be controlled by the human body. Are you keeping up?"

"Hey, I'm not an idiot."

"Ok. So let's start with step 1;observation. If people's can't control their own bodies except through neurons, then how can Qi be controlled to run through veins, I observed that something else must be able to control Qi.

Step 2: hypothesis. I think the spirit root acts a spine for all the Qi but it must attached to something not physical, namely the brain. Therefore I think it might be another dimension that can interact with our neurons.

Step 3. Experiment. I used some captured animals and fed them monster cores while I opened their brains. I still couldn't see anything with own two eyes. With some tools that my boss's subordinates "generously"gifted, I made a DIY photometer using heavy water. Don't ask the details. Anyway, I even used my make shift electroscopy but nothing was physically observed within the spectrum of light from radio to gamma. That made me think that only those cultivators can see the so called Qi so I made my boss's subordinate observe but all he told me was that the Qi was nourishing the spirit root somehow but he couldn't see it but the root somehow provided the Qi throughout the creature's body without escaping to another invinsible space. That confused me for a while until I came to an astonishing hypothesis. I ended this step 3 and returned back to step 1."

" Are you teaching me again one of your weird logics? Ok fine, what did you come up with?"

"What if.....the spirit root doesn't just exist in a different space? What if... it's actually connected to another complete zero-dimensional overlapping distinct object but of no mass that exists with the known three-dimensional distinct object of mass that respect the rules of space-time."

"You mean,, do you really mean!!"

"Yes. Mind body duality, the famous and legendary soul. I mean cmon. That would explain everything. We have just uncovered the hidden secret for cultivation. It's the soul."

"Techically we haven't uncovered anything. I'm pretty sure all those powerful cultivators already know that. "

"Yeah but what I'm talking about is where Qi comes from yet and what controls it in the body. It's obviously the overlapping dimensional consciousness that are separate from each other from two different planes of but they are able to form a bridge in the material world using a spirit root. I even just tested that a while ago. Isn't this amazing?"

"With the information we already have on planes. Then I think it's true. After all, the evidence speaks for itself. So....what will you do with this information?"

"Are you serious? That's the first step we've taken into understanding the nature of our world. Do you know the implications of this information? I'm even scared that the heavenly tribulation is waiting outside just to smite me out of spite!"

"Hey now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Besides, you already know that the heavens can't do anything to target you. I'm sure many people have come up with the same ideas long ago and I haven't had it being a taboo to divine the origin of nature. "

"I guess that's what science would be in this fantasy world; divination. However that's also wrong. I know what I will do with this information. You don't have to worry yourself about it. There's something else I would like to discuss with you."

"Let me guess, you want to tell me you have some hidden plan that you can't tell me for the time being but it will be revealed later until you finally "surprise" me and I'm left in awe of your wisdom? Who do you think I am, Watson!!?"

"No, I'm more of a Doylist. Also tropes don't work in real world. What! Do you think we are just some characters in a stupid novel that follow everything on the whims of an untalented writer? Haha, that's hilarious."

"But Jerry, the universe is vast and..."

"Don't tell me about the universe. You will have Newton's flaming sword burnout if you increase the scope to that level, but I still think it's impossible and that's final. Anyway I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow. I have already talked to Uncle Shang and told him I decided to surrender to the authorities tomorrow and confess to stealing the items and lying to the young miss. He didn't take it well, seeing as his slap almost tore off my cheeks. He must be truly disappointed that he actually defended me yet I did such I henious thing. Tell him I'm sorry and that even if we never meet again. I will always remember his kindness. Also tell him not to tell Old Shi."

" I know. You have already told me all of this yesterday. I will make sure to pass your information. "

With that, he moved out of the lab without turning his back and then they started to move stuff into the cave under the dome, followed by the sheep release and earthquake that buried all the evidence. Even if those released prisoners said anything, no evidence could be found and no one would care about such crazy things.

With that done, he lay on the bed for the last time and fell asleep. It was in an instant that his ears suddenly hurt for the loud sound came from all around him. A blur, two blur, more and more blur fused together to create a clear image of a majestic squadron. He felt his legs numb and eyes hurting but he endured it, trying to calm his mind till his arms were yanked with a strong might that made his shoulder joints quake, bringing a shock throughout his entire body as he was lifted forcefully off the bed and pushed out the door.

He felt the earth with which he walks on, the grass on the side of the road seemed to dance ever so softly like a soft wave pushing away a turbid wind and welcoming a new beginning on the forenoon. He knew the day had finally arrived and like testament to the heavens, he urged his shook body to stand upright to welcome the daybreak that will soon fade from his daily side , like the end of loved one's soft embrace as you stand on top the soil that buries them. The stagnation of nature tore apart, seemingly in accordance with how all things should be as both his arms were grabbed from both sides and forced to stand up with sheer might ever present in the arms of these path seekers.

Like a leaf touching the very soil that mothered it, a signal rang out and the youth, who had always heightened himself with giants by merely hanging onto their shoulders, was taken away to court. However there was a truth no spoken by words but rang true in his heart.

'Hey wasn't done yet.'

"As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning"

-Chris Jami