"Damn Legion, can you get any heavier?" I ask Legions unconscious frame who was currently slumped over my left shoulder. I was walking to my truck when I hear Legion groan and mumble something.
"....zomri teraz peklo..." he says in what sounds like Slovak. (A/N: translation "die now hellpig". Also in this chapter the characters will be using more of their native languages and right after they use their native language I'll put in a translation next to it.)
"Verdammt noch mal." "Dammit to hell." I said. "I should've use more tranq gas." As I drop the tailgate and put Legion in the bed, then covering him with a tarp.
"Why did you have to fight?" I said as I crouched above him. His eyes was moving. He's in REM. I told my self.
"ZOMRI TERAZ PEKLO!" "DIE NOW HELLPIG!" I yell at the men I was slaughtering. The sweet smell of iron that fill my nostrils only fuel my bloodlust. I watch as some more people appear out of the smoke.
"Sotva l'udia." "Hardly people anymore." The still working rational part of my brain said as I decapitate yet another creature from five year olds nightmares. The creatures were called Vlotva, creatures from Hell sent to drag an escaped soul back to Hell. Well in my case I wasn't necessarily an escaped soul more like a soldier who saved his wife's life for his soul and someone who had skipped out on his part of the deal. The Vlotva were as horrifying as they were mean. Vlotva were Anubis like creatures that had razor sharp teeth, and claws; their comparison to a human ended with the way that they walked on two legs; they could spit flouroantimonic superacid that could eat through anything; with adults that can range from six to eight feet tall and children that can range from three to five feet tall; with a brain half as small as an apes they were capable of thinking of strategic thinking and planning how to overwhelm their intended target; their hide was as black as the thickest oil and tough as graphene; they had these eyes that never blinked and burned red with a burning hatred for anything that moved except for themselves and their masters.
"Honvo!" "Shit!" I say as I feel a Vlotva dig it's teeth into my arm shredding through the armor that I'm wearing. I howl in pain as I feel the razor sharp teeth rip through muscle, nerve, and crush bone as the Vlotva tears out a chunk of my flesh. I could've sworn the bastard laughed at my pain as my black spots blur my vision. I feel a surge of euphoria as it's venom seeps into my bloodstream. I recognize that I have been drugged anywhere because the military had made its soldiers take part in a top secret program where they trained us to withstand a bevy of chemical, and tranquilizer warfare but they trained very little in withstanding euphoric venom warfare.
"Sračky nie jed." "Shit not the venom." I think to myself as my movements get sluggish and brain metaphorically turns into mush. I get pushed to my knees, and then I fell on my back as a Vlotva proceeds to jump on my chest and tear it open with its claws. I didn't feel any pain instead of pain I felt giddy as the Vlotva ate at my insides.
I jolt awake and automatically try to feel my chest. I find out that I couldn't because my hands were tied behind my back and my legs were tied to the legs chair. I tried to open my eyes, but find out I was blindfolded.
"Dobrý večer seržant Legion." "Good evening Sergeant Legion." A familiar feminine voice says. An all to familiar voice. I must've been gagged to because I try talking but all that came out was muffled groans.
"Napriek tomu, čo chcem vedieť, je to, ako si vynechal obchod s tým jediným, Luciferom? Poznáš Satana, Ten Ohnivý, Pekelný Kráľ. To je to, čo chcem vedieť." "Anyway what I want to know is how you skipped out on a deal with the one, the only Lucifer? You know Satan, The Fiery One, The King of Hell. That's what i want to know." She says as she viscously rips the gag out of my mouth.
"Ako o tom viete, fena?" "How do you know about that, bitch?" I yell at her. She giggles but didn't answer. So I decide to switch languages. "Weißt du, dass wir es mit Krauts wie dir in meinem Land machen?" "Do you know what we do with krauts like you in our country?" I plainly say in German.
This did earn a reaction she stops pacing around and leans close to my ear and whisper with a heavy German accent she asked "What do you do with them, Legion?" After she asks she took my earlobe in her mouth and bites down softly and tugs until it falls out of her mouth.
I'm to shocked at what she calls me to answer.
"How... how do you know my name?" I ask hesitantly. She just giggles and walks away.
"HEY, I'M TALKING TO YOU, HOW DO YOU KNOW MY FUCKING NAME?!" I yell at the top of my lungs.
"Let's just say I've been assigned to watch over you." She says with a little chuckle at the end. Then I hear a door open and talking.
"Warum spielst du mit dem Gefangenen? Wir haben eine Aufgabe zu erledigen und das heißt, Informationen mit allen erforderlichen Mitteln zu extrahieren." "Why are you playing with the prisoner? We have a job to do, and that means extracting information by all means necessary." A male says.
"Nein, auf jeden Fall notwendig, das bedeutet sicherlich keine Folter." "No by all means necessary surely that doesn't mean torture." Nora says angrily clearly not liking what the man is saying. I don't know or want to know what they meant by 'extracting information', but I don't want to stick around to find out so I spoke up.
"Hey Sauerkrauts, macht es dir was aus, mich gehen zu lassen." "Hey sauerkrauts do you mind letting me leave." I say throwing as much destain and disgust into my voice.
Someone walks over to me and rips the blindfold off. The male. "Nein, das würde den ganzen Spaß ruinieren." "No that would ruin all the fun." He said smiling, revealing fake teeth.
"Ich wette, diese Zähne kosten dich ein Vermögen. Schade, dass du sie schlucken wirst." "I bet those teeth cost you a fortune. To bad your gonna swallow them." I say smirking.
A look of confusion comes over his face, but it quickly disappears with a slight shake of his head. He comes in front of me and bent over until we were face to face. I head-butt him, by now I have gained a lot of my strength back so when he backs away holding his nose, I rip the bond holding my hands together apart and clap both of his ears. I kick out with both of my feet tearing the puny tape free of my ankles. I grab the man by the side of the head and bring his head down to meet my knee. With a sickening crack he crumples to the floor and I transfix my gaze on Nora who is typing a passcode on a keypad by the door.
"Nie tak rýchly kyslá kapusta." "Not so fast sauerkraut." I sigh as I took a tactical throwing knife from my boot praying to the gods that my aim was true pulled back and let loose. The blade hit its intended target letting me know when I hear a chorus of German curses.
"Alright Miss. Schwarz lets go." I say as I bind and gag her. I grunt as I wrap my left arm around her legs and sling her over my shoulder after getting and wiping my knife clean. I merely look at the keypad before I kick open the door. With the wriggling woman on my shoulder stealth was a very slim chance of success. So I walk down the hall slaughtering any kraut soldier that I come across. When I get to the entrance the whole building looks like a slaughterhouse.
When I get outside it was pitch black except for the compounds security lights. I quickly spot a heavily armored truck and strolled over to it. I popped the lock and flung open the door. There was a prisoner compartment where I was at (at the back of the truck) and I gently lay the bound and gagged Nora down on the floor and say "I'll be back." I got out shut and locked the door.
I run back in to grab my gear plus some other stuff. When I get back to the truck I hop in the drivers seat, put the keys in the ignition and start the truck. I slide open the hatch that connected to the prisoners compartment. Just then I realize that I need some company. So I open the door that went to compartment, went in and pull out my knife and play with it in front of Nora. I want to see the fear in her eyes which there definitely was.
"Jetzt sei ein braves Mädchen, damit ich dich nicht aus Versehen schneide." "Now be a good girl so that way I don't cut you by accident." I say coldly. I lower the knife and she retaliated cracking her against a seat. She tries to cry out in pain all that comes through her gag is sobs and grunts of pain.
"Sehen Sie, was passiert, wenn Sie nicht zuhören. Jetzt werde ich deine Fesseln abschneiden und auch deinen Knebel abnehmen. Nicke einmal, wenn du verstehst." "See what happens when you don't listen. Now I'm going to cut off your restraints and take your gag off too. Nod once if you understand." I say smirking. In response through her sobs I get a slow nod. I get to work soon after. I cut off her ankle restraints first, then I get to her hand restraints.
Before I do those I say "Alle plötzlichen Bewegungen und das wird den Weg zu dir finden, jugular. Ok Nora?" "Any sudden movements and this is gonna find its way to you jugular. Ok Nora?" I say tapping her now rapidly pulsing jugular. I get a small sobby nod from her and cut the restraints.
Then I take off her gag, once I do that I start backing up into the cab. Once I got there I shut and locked the door, and started driving.
When we get to where ever we were going and hours of getting nowhere with Legion he finally opens the door to the rear of the compartment and says "Veränderung." "Change." As he throws me a light blue strapless dress as well as handing me a light pink perfume bottle. I read the label it says 'Yves Saint Laurent'. My jaw dropped how in the fuck did he afford this.
"Komm schon, wir haben nicht den ganzen Tag Zeit." "C'mon we don't have all day." He says. As I look back at him he was already dressed in a light blue tux, clean shaven, hair combed and smelling nice. He steps out and closes the door allowing me to change. When I got done he helps me out of the truck and picks me up bridal style. I was noticeably surprised by his actions.
He leans close to my ear and says "Smile honey it's our honeymoon after all." As much as I knew he hated saying those words to me I knew he didn't mean them because it wasn't our honeymoon, and plus we weren't even married or friends for a matter of fact. I had to play along with it if I wanted to live.
I giggle and laugh as though I just heard a funny joke as we went through the hotel doors and strolled to the front desk.
"Ich habe hier unter dem namen drake reserviert." "I made a reservation here under the name Drake." Legion says to the front desk man.
"Ah ja Me. Drake du hast das penthouse reserviert." "Ah yes Mr. Drake you reserved the penthouse." The man says. After a moment we had our keys in hand and kissing all the way to the elevator.
"How did you afford all of this?" I say in English.
"Don't worry about." He says in his trademark sinister dark and dreary tone of voice. We stand there in silence for a good three minutes straight when the elevator dings signaling us that we were at our stop.
"Stay here." He says while he swept the penthouse for intruders and bugs. After he concluded that it was good he gave the all clear and signals me into the guest bedroom and he says "You'll sleep here for the remainder of the stay."
"Thank you." I say not expecting a your welcome in return, all I get in return was a grunt.
"It's best we turn in for the night." He says I can't help but agree. I can already feel the days events start to way on me.
"Your right, goodnight." I tell him softly.
"Night." Came the usual gruffness of his voice.
"Night." I tell Nora. I couldn't help but feel an odd respect for the kraut because she hasn't broke down crying yet. I knew most men and women after today's events would've either eaten a gun barrel or torn out their own eyes, but she didn't, and I respect that.
I lay in my bed awaiting sleep to take me while thinking about Nora and what the man said about extracting information. One final thought was swirling around my head just before sleep took me. It was what information was they looking for.