We Have a Problem


I can't catch my breath, the acrid smoke was choking off my airways. The Vlotva stares at me while I choke. Some laugh, some spoke to me in Slovak, and others spat their hot, burning acid on my flesh watching it sizzle away.

"LEN ZOMRIEM!" "JUST DIE ALREADY!" One says in a voice that sounds like nails against a chalkboard as it drills into my skull.


With that my eyes snaps open, all pain forgotten I clench my teeth as I rip off the chains on my wrists. I maliciously grinned at the Vlotva.


"O tom, koľko si idiot." "Of how much of an idiot you are." I say plainly still smiling. And with that I rip out the things throat. Then I snap the neck of another one, letting it fall to the ground chuckling as I watch. With the speed of cheetah I ran to another one gouging it's eyes out then brought my leg up as I threw his head down meeting my knee with a sickening crack as it's skull fractured effectively killing the sick bastard. I put my hands into it's mouth one hand on the roof of its mouth and on at the bottom and started to tear laughing while I did so. When I get done I throw the body down onto the bloodied ground.


"NIE TOTO JE!" "NO THIS IS!" I yell as I slit his gut open, then started to rip out his intestines and started to choke it with them as I laughed maniacally.

I jolt awake with a burning rage in my gut as instinct took over. I reach under my pillow and grab my Beretta M9, getting out of bed I stealthily creep out of my room. Flicking off the safety I creep down the hall to the living room and kitchen careful to check my corners and any rooms in the hall.

When I get to the living room I saw a woman in the kitchen... dancing and cooking. Quietly and carefully I creep into the kitchen and put barrel of my gun to the back of her head. She froze instantly raising her hands while she says "I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"ZMLKNI! Otoč sa pomaly." "SHUT UP! Turn around slowly." I say in a deep guttural tone.

"Oh, takže teraz hovoríme po slovensky, sme." "Oh so we're speaking Slovak now are we." She says in a soft song voice.

I push on my gun while says "SPRAV TO HNEĎ!" "DO IT, NOW!"

"Dobre, dobre." "Ok, ok." She replies as she turn around. As she turns around I felt the adrenaline waning. Now she was fully turned around and my adrenaline was all out.

"Sorry my instinct kicked in." I say as apologetically as I can putting my gun down.

She licks her lips as she eyes me as a hungry wolf eyes a injured, weak deer; like I was her prey and she was the predator.

"Do you often sleep without a shirt?" she asks as she looks me up and down.

"That is none of your concern." I replies with as much coldness as I first regarded the kraut with in the first place.


"Do you often sleep without a shirt?" I ask as I looked him up and down, a budding heat spreading through my chest.

"That is none your concern." He says with a coldness in his voice that made me wonder if he would ever like me.

"Anyway, I made us breakfast." I say as I smile cheerfully. He looks at me confused, one eyebrow raised.

"What do you want, Sauerkraut?" He asked me his voice harder than before.

"To have breakfast, silly." I said blowing a small raspberry at him.

"Fine. But if you try anything so help me..." Legion says as words were like poison in his mouth.

"Who me, try something?" I say as innocently, and sweetly as I could smiling. He turns on his heel and walks back to his room to what I assume would be to shower and change. I'm tempted to follow him but decide against it not wanting the gun barrel against my head again. I set the table for breakfast.

—TIME-SKIP brought you by a chibi Nora blowing a raspberry at a chibi Legion—


I sit down at the table and started to eat watching the kraut carefully. I'm pretty damn sure she is planning something. By the way she held herself as fearless, and noble she was an intimidating woman to a civilian, but to me she a scared little girl in a grown woman's body. I slightly chuckle while I chew.

"What?" She asks me incredulously.

"Nothing." I tell her. After we ate she went to sit on the couch watching me with glee as I did the dishes.

"Want do you do for fun?" Nora asks.

"We already went over this sauerkraut." I say not looking up.

"I know but I'm curious." She says pouting.

"Fine." I sigh, "If your that curious. I clean my guns, I plan two steps ahead, I -" I tell her finally looking up, me being done with dishes and all that.

"Not that kind of fun. Like fun like as in drawing, reading, etc." She interrupts.

"Fine." I say through gritted teeth. "I play basketball, football, and rarely video games."

Walking over to one of the chairs in the living room.

"There was that so hard." She sings in her little sing song voice.

"Yes it was." I say through clenched teeth, looking away.

"Ok then, do you know what I want to know from you, Legion?" Nora tells me.

My right eyebrow cranks up like a drawbridge confused. "What do want to know?" I cautiously answer.

"What I would like to know is have you ever loved someone, Legion?" She said in a low voice as she crawled closer to me.

"Getting a little personal. Aren't we, sauerkraut?" I answer as I get up.

"No I don't think we are, Legion." She says.

"Yes I did. Happy?" I reply getting frustrated.

She frowns as she says "Did? What's that supposed to mean?" She asked not aware of my body language.

"Yes, did. What it means is none of your business." I reply my voice as hard as stone.

"Awe Legion, did she leave or did she die?" She says oblivious to the fact of my body going rigged as I heard the word die.

"Nora I choose your next words very, very carefully." I tell her.

"Why should I? I know you wouldn't hurt me." She says smiling.

"How are you so sure?" I answer my voice dangerously low.

"Because I know you won't." She replies immediately.

"Really? Are you sure? Do you know pain like I do?" I said as I step forward and she unconsciously steps back.

"Yes, yes, and I'm sure you don't know as much pain as I do." She says still walking backwards as I keep walking forward until she hits the wall behind her.

"Un-fucking-believable. Do you want to know the type of pain that I have suffered?" Raising my voice at her.

"YOU DON'T KNOW PAIN AS A DEEP INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP LIKE I DO!" Nora screams in my face only fueling my rage. After she calms down she knew she done fucked up.

"Are you fucking serious?! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, YOU FUCKING BOXHEAD SAUERKRAUT! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE BEEN THROUGH! YOU HAVE NOT BEEN THROUGH HELL LIKE I HAVE! I HAD TO WATCH MY FAMILY FUCKING DIE! I HAD TO FUCKING WATCH AS A NIGHTMARISH CREATURE RIP OUT MY OWN FRIENDS INTESTINE AND CHOKE HIM WITH IT! SO I REITERATE YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH, NORA!" I yell at her. I use my anger to pull my knife from my knife holster and stuck it to her face and said in a low dangerous voice "Do you really want to feel the pain that I have felt?" She shrinks back and shakes her head as she says in a cute little fearful voice "No, sir."

"That's what I thought." I say as I put my knife away and walk to my room to get my coat and walked out of the penthouse and out of the hotel to buy some groceries and cool down.


I'm stunned that he actually threatened me. I have never seen him that pissed off before.

"That's because you've never pissed him off that much." The rational part of my brain says as I went the bathroom to take a shower.

—————————Time skip——————————


I'm so unbelievably pissed off at the kraut for saying that I don't know pain, then I remember I left her without anything to entertain herself with.

"She can watch tv." My mind tells me.

"Yeah, what if she gets restless?" The worry part asks.

"She -" the soldier started to say before I interrupt him.

"Shut up you two!" I growl as I spot a nearby bar.

As I got to the bar a guy walked out and shoulder checks me. The guy clearly wasted says something like "Pass auf, wohin du gehst." "Watch where your going." In a slurred tone.

"Es tut uns leid." "Sorry." I say as I walk into the bar. A wave a nausea washed over me as a mix of smells hit me like a punch in the face. I smell liquor, salted peanuts, cigarette smoke, body oder, and cologne.

I push the nausea aside as I walk up to the bar.

"Gib mir eine Jägerbombe mit einem Schuss Wodka." "Gimme a jager bomb with a shot of vodka." I tell the bartender as she looks at me like I was crazy.

"Bist du sicher?" "Are you sure?" She asks.

"Wenn ich nicht sicher wäre, würde ich jetzt nicht danach fragen, oder?" "If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be asking for it now would I?" I say with a coldness in my voice that scares her stiff for a few seconds then she shakes her head and began pouring my drink.

"Es ist deine Beerdigung." "It's your funeral." She says as she gave me my drink. I take the glass with a gracious nod. I down it without hesitation wincing as a burning sensation made its way down my throat and settled in my gut.

"A couple more of these and you'll be buzzed." My hardcore side says.

"Or drunk." The soldier in me says sarcastically as I ordered another one then downed it. Then I pay and start walking out of the bar as a hand was placed on my shoulder. My soldier sense instantly kicks in and I grab the hand then I flip the perp over my shoulder and twisting his arm behind his back and bent his hand backwards until I made him cry out in pain. When I hear him cry out I coming back to my senses I get up and walk out leaving the man to be helped up by his friends whose mouths were agape by the whole scene that just went down.

As I walk down the street I hear footsteps behind me. I go into an alleyway and the footsteps followed me. I turn around to see a man brandishing a large hunting knife. As he lunges forward, I grab his wrist spinning him around and pinning him up against a wall. I force the hand that held the knife backwards making him drop the knife as I calmly say "Warum bist du mir gefolgt?" "Why were you following me?"

"Fick dich ins Knie." "Screw you." He says panting.

"Falsche Antwort, Arschloch." "Wrong answer, motherfucker." I say grabbing his head and smashing it against the wall breaking his nose.

He laughed as blood poured from his nose.

"Was zum Teufel, über das du lachst, Arschloch?" "What the fuck you laughing at, asshole?" I say still gripping his wrists behind his back.

"Ihr." "Her." He says still laughing.

"Ihr? WAS ZUM TEUFEL MEINST DU MIT IHR?!" "Her? WHAT THE FUCK DO MEAN BY HER?!" I yell breaking his ring finger.

"Nora." He grunts grunting in pain while smiling. This motherfucker is enjoying this. My eyes widen as what he said hit me like a punch to the gut. I kneel taking him with me while breaking his hands and replacing my hands to where one was under his chin and the other was on the back of his head.

"Irgendwelche letzten Worte?" "Any last words?" I whisper in his ear.

"Fahr zur Hölle." "Go to Hell." He wheezes.

"Wo glaubst du kroch aus?" "Where do you think I crawled out of?" I say in his ear as I snap his neck.

"You won't make it in time." My soldier side says as I ran to the hotel.

——————————Time Skip—————————


As soon as I walk through the door I already knew that I was to late. I drew my Beretta M9 as I call out Nora's name. No answer, damn. I walk down the hall checking my corners and all the rooms. When I got to the living room and the kitchen there were signs of a struggle.

There is smashed glass, ripped curtains, slashed furniture, and blood. Wait blood I think as I walk over to it kneeling down as I did the strong scent of iron filled my nostrils. Yep definitely blood.

I made a mistake turned my back to an open area I thought as I heard boots on glass. I'm about to get up when I feel brass knuckles against the back of my skull. I fall forward as I think shit not this again as unconsciousness pulls me into the dark.