There it is. The mansion the whole point of this mission. The smell of the woods calm my nerves.
"Stmavnite a zostaňte mraziví, chlapci." "Go dark and stay frosty, boys." Alpha one says through the radio in his usual gruff voice. We all know what that means.
We all put down our night vision goggles, starting to advance when a voice comes over the radio.
"Rádio kontroluje každých päť mikrov." "Radio checks every five mikes." Alpha One says and he gets a chorus of yes sirs in reply.
"Like we haven't done a million times already." I thought to myself, but held my tongue. I got reprimanded more than once for my insolence. When my squad got to the tree line, I put held my left fist in the air as I saw three guards patrolling the area my squad was going to.
"Solensky si ten vl'avo. Reaper dostať jeden do stredu. Dostanem ten pravý." "Solensky get the one on the left. Reaper get the one in the middle. I'll get the one on the right." I say as I raise three fingers and began lowering them. When all of them were down we shot the guards in unison and they fell like rocks dropped in a lake.
"Rádiová kontrola." "Radio check." Alpha One says as soon as we got to the mansion.
"Bravo jeden, skontrolujte." "Bravo one, check." I say in a low voice.
"Bravo dva, skontrolujte." "Bravo two, check." The guy to my left says.
"Bravo tri, skontrolujte." "Bravo three, check." Reaper says.
"Bravo štyri, skontrolujte." "Bravo four, check." Solensky says.
"Bravo šest, skontrolujte." "Bravo six, check." The guy to Reapers left says.
"Bravo päť, rádiová kontrola." "Bravo five, radio check." I say into my radio. Nothing but static answers my call.
"Bravo päť, rádiová kontrola. TERAZ!" "Bravo five, radio check. NOW!" I hiss into the radio. I let go of the call button and static again answers me.
"Bravo dva idú nájsť bravo päť." "Bravo two go find bravo five." I tell Bravo two and got a yes sir in response.
I look through a window and what I see makes me curse.
"Statečný jeden na alfa jeden je zlý." "Bravo one to Alpha one situation is dire." I say into my radio.
"Alfa jeden k Bravo jeden sa nezaoberajú bez Bravo päť." "Alpha one to Bravo one do not engage without Bravo five." Alpha One orders.
"Všeobecne to musíte vidieť'." "General you need to see this." Bravo two says into his radio.
"Kde si?" "Where are you?" I ask.
"L'avé krídlo kaštieľa." "Left wing of the mansion." Bravo two says.
"Na ceste." "On my way." I say plainly as I begin booking it to the left wing. When I got there I stop dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me.
In front of me was Bravo Five hanging upside down with his vest and shirt ripped open with his stomach torn open and his entrails hanging out. His eyes, tongue, and one ear was missing, with a blood smeared on face to make it look like he was smiling.
"What kind of sick fucks would do something like this?" I thought to myself as I notice something red and flashing on his chest. My eyes widened as I realized what it was. A fucking proximity mine. As Bravo two got closer to inspect it I yell "NO!" as I ran forward as the mine blew. I was thrown back like a rag doll in a tornado as bits of Bravo Two and Five landed around me.
As I struggle to get up I hear a soldier yell "KONTAKT!" "CONTACT!". As I got up I hear gunfire, screams, and ringing. I saw my M4 Carbine laying beside me, crawling over to I pick it up and getting up onto my feet. As I run to the nearest cover bullets whiz past my head.
I see one guy who had a sniper rifle who I quickly drop. As quickly as the fight started is was over in mere minutes.
As me and my remaining squad mates walk into the mansion we heard screams coming from the upstairs and I decide to check it out and let the others search the bottom floor.
Rushing up the stairs careful to check corners and rooms, I deduce that the screaming was coming from the last room down the opposite hall. One unfortunate man decided to poke his head out of a door, I grab it and smash it on the door banister.
Once I get done checking the rest of the rooms besides the one that the screams were coming out of I went to the door and kick it in. There was a woman on her knees bound, gagged, crying and screaming through the gag eyes wide with terror as a man stood beside a gun on either hand. One pointing at the woman's head and one pointing at my own head.
"Bir adım atayın ve beyninin her tarafına üfleyeceğim." "Take one more step and I'll blow her brains all over this floor." He says confidence in his voice.
"Eğer önce seni düşürürsem." "Not if I drop you first." I say choppily. Man I really need to work on my Turkish I think as I raise my gun and blew the mans hand holding the gun to the woman's head off followed by his other hand, then I blew his kneecaps out so he fell to his knees screaming.
"Herhangi bir son sözler?" "Any last words fuckface?" I say as I slowly walk up to him and level my M4 with his forehead.
"Cehennemde çürü." "Rot in hell." He says in painful grunts.
"Orada yapıldı mı." "Been there done that." I tell him as I put a bullet in his skull. After that everything went black and I woke up with my chest being ripped open by a creature, it laughs as I scream in pain. (A/N: Legion doesn't know what the Vlotva are yet. This is way before he made a deal with dear old Lucy (Lucifer)).
I jolt awake a familiar cold sweat covers my body. I automatically try to get my handgun and that's when I notice that my hands were tied together with what seemed to be zip ties.
"Ah, ich sehe, dass du wach bist." "Ah I see that your awake." I hear a deep male voice say from the shadows.
"Wo ist das Mädchen?" "Where is the girl?" I ask in a slurred raspy voice, and that was only when I notice the surgical utensils displayed on a tray beside me. I try to kick my legs out but they were duct taped to the chair as well.
The man laughs ruefully like he was enjoying watching my try to escape. "Viel Glück beim Brechen der Krawatten." "Good luck breaking the zip ties." He says when he stops laughing.
The man chuckles as he says "Viel Glück damit." "Good luck with that."
He finally steps into the light and I recognized him. "Nun, ich werde verdammt sein." "Well I'll be damned."
"Ah so you recognize me, Legion." He says in a thick German accent.
"Yes I do. I recognize a traitor when I see one, fuckin sauerkraut." I say putting as much hatred in my voice as possible.
"Traitor? Such a strong word, I would use the word morally opportunistic." He answers me as he walks over to the tray and picks up a scalpel.
"Where's Nora?" I say squirming in my seat as he walked over to me.
"Nora is the least of your worries." He responds as he took hold of head as he slid the scalpel down my cheek lightly.
"You asshole I'll kill you I swear. I'll rip your insides out and choke you with them." I say as he walks away. I feel something hot, and gooey run down my cheek and neck, then the smell of iron fills my nostrils and I knew it was blood. "Try not to go anywhere." He says as he walks out of the room leaving me to my thoughts.
(A/N: These things —> * are him thinking)
*Maybe I can slip my hands out of the ties.*
*No that wouldn't work, you would only add insult to injury. Plus if we manage to escape we would leave a blood trail.*
*We will escape. Plus we need to find out where Nora is.*
*Oh yeah the kraut.*
*If only I could reach that scalpel.*
With that thought I start making my chair move to the tray. Little by little the chair moves, five minutes into the chair movement a different guy comes in.
"Willst du dich benehmen?" "Will you behave?" He asks.
"Ja natürlich." "Yes of course." I say as innocently as I possibly can.
"Ok gut dann haben wir kein problem." "Ok good then we won't have a problem." He said as he walks over to me and starts to clean up my face.
As he looks down, clearly not prepped for me, I head butt him. As he backs away holding his head I quickly palm his knife and start to work on my bindings. One single slit and I'm free of the zip ties. He recovers relatively quickly, he says "Du Bastard." "You bastard." as he briskly walks up to me to punch me. As soon as he was six inches from me I get up, lunge forward and slam the knife into his carotid artery on the left side of his neck and watch him with a sick glee sink to the ground, eyes wide as he grips his throat to staunch the blood pouring from his neck wound.
After he bleeds to death on the floor I quickly get to work on the duct tape binding my feet. Two quick slashes and I was free. I keep the knife as I quietly creep to the door and open it just a crack so that I can see down the hall of this cursed place.
I see two guards making their rounds and decide that when they walk past I would sneak behind them and strangle one while the other one bleeds out from a slit throat. Gory yes but effective. When they were past where I'm hiding, I sneak up behind the one I'm going to cut the throat of and I get up covering his mouth and plug his nostrils so it would be quick and quiet, I run the blade of my knife across his throat. I have no time to relish in the sight of my kill as I grab the second guard from behind and wrap a thickly muscled arm around his throat as I cover his mouth and nose as I drop a knee taking him with me, making him arch his back on my knee as I strangle him to death.
After I get done, I make my way down the hall searching every room I come across and killing everyone and anyone that I deduce as a threat. As I get to the security office I peak around the corner of the door and see three guards on their breaks from the coffee cups in their hands and food they were stuffing themselves with.
*Ooh I'm gonna have fun with this.* I think to myself as I casually stroll in very much aware that I'm drenched in German blood.
"Oh Mann, ich habe keine Pause gemacht, seit ich deine Freunde durch die Gänge geschlachtet habe." "Ah man, I haven't had a break since I slaughtered your friends up and down the halls." I say ready for the retaliation that was bound to happen.
"Was?" "What?" One says half a sandwich stuffed into his mouth.
*Damn these kraut are as stupid as they look.*
"Ja, ich habe die Wachpatrouillen und jeden in jedem Raum getötet." "Yeah I slew the guard patrols and everyone in each and every room." I tell them. "Keine Sorge, ihr werdet euch ihnen bald genug anschließen." Don't worry you guys will join them soon enough." I say as I pull out my bloodstained knife.
"ARGH! HOL IHN!." "ARGH! GET HIM!" One guard yells and the others ran at me fists clenched.
"Du hast das auf dich gebracht." "You brought this upon yourselves." I say as I plunge the knife into the gut of one guard on my right. After I retrieve my knife I see the third guard trying to put on the password to the emergency shutdown controls. I throw my knife and it found itself lodged in the guards hand on the controls.
I feel a chair break across my back and turn around to see another guard holding a broken chair. I smile a predatory smile as I walk over to the door control guard, I get my knife out of the guards hand and cut his gut open to where his intestines flops out onto the floor.
As I walk back over to the chair guy he starts to fidget with his pistol holster. A trained soldier would be able to draw his pistol without looking down, this guy was obviously not trained and if he was he, wasn't trained well enough. I kick his hand away from his holster, then I kick him in the chest making him fall back.
"Ich werde das nur einmal fragen. Wo ist das Mädchen? Jetzt können wir dies auf einfache oder schwierige Weise tun." "I'm only to ask this once. Where is the girl? Now we can this the easy way or the hard way." I say as I walk up to him, crouch and grab his vest pulling him up.
"Abschrauben." "Screw off." He says as he spits in my face.
"Oh, ich bevorzuge immer den harten Weg." "Oh I always prefer the hard way." I say wiping away the spit on my face. After I get done wiping off the spit I break his left arm.
"Jetzt das Mädchen. Wo ist sie?" "Now the girl. Where is she?" I say as he screams in agony.
"Fick dich. Du kriegst nichts von mir raus." "Fuck you. You ain't getting anything out of me." He says through clenched teeth and grunts of pain.
"Sehr gut, dann. Wie sehr schätzt du deine Knie?" "Very well then. How much do you value your knees?" I ask as I got up.
"Tu alles, was du willst, aber du wirst nie zum Reden kommen." "Do all you want to me, but you'll never get me to talk!" He yells at me.
"Ok." I say as I lift my right leg and brought it down hard on his shin. I grin sadisticly as I hear his tibia snap in half.
Then I repeat myself louder this time. "WO DER FICK DAS MÄDCHEN IST?!" "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GIRL?!" I yell at him. He didn't answer so I decide to slam my knife into the soft spot in between his knee socket and his actual knee bone and began to lift slowly causing him extreme agony. He screams as the sound of a sickening pop filled the air.
"OK, OK, ICH SPRECHE." "OK, OK I'LL TALK." He says through the tears and snot streaming down his face.
"Wo ist sie?" "Where is she?" I say as I contemplated letting the bastard live or killing him as a mercy after he tells me where she is.
"Drei Türen weiter links. Es ist zwar schwer bewacht." "Three doors down on the left. It's heavily guarded though." He tells me in fear of what I would do to him next.
"Lass mich darüber nachdenken." "Let me worry about that." I say as I bent down to take his pistol out of his holster.
"Ich mache dir einen Deal, Kopf, Kopf, Schwanz, ich lasse dich leben und du blutest aus." "I'll make you a deal heads you die, tails I let you live and you bleed out." I say as I grab a coin from the counter and flip it. I catch it on heads.
"Tut mir leid, aber dein Glück ist gerade ausgegangen." "Sorry my guy, but your luck has just ran out." I tell him as I show him the coin. I saw his eyes widen as I raise the gun and put a bullet right between his eyes.
After I put a bullet in his skull I ran out of the room and down the hall. I spot two more guards standing by the room holding Nora. Once I rounded the corner they see me and I plant bullets in their skulls before they even raise their guns. As soon as I got to the door I try the handle. Locked.
"Kurva ma." "Fuck me." I say to myself, then I rear back and gave the door a steel toed boot. It shook in its hinges, but didn't budge.
"Súložiť." "Fuck." I breath out as I gave it another kick. It rattled this time, but same result. Third times a charm I think as I kick it once more. This time the door comes crashing down revealing the man I once knew with four guards along with
an unconscious bound and gagged Nora.
Just then something primal in me snapped it was almost audible. I throw the knife directly into the eye of one guard as I blow out another's kneecaps. As I walk in I bent down grabbing the knife out from the eye socket of its victim. The guard who has his kneecaps blew out was trying to crawl away from me, I let him. The two remaining men recover from their shock to late because I make quick use of them.
I punch one in the nose breaking it, while I gave the other one a knife to the leg. While the guard with the knife in his leg was screaming and writhing in agony on the floor, I use the heel of my palm to shove the other guards broken nose bone into his brain, instantly killing him. When I finish with him I kneel down beside the one who had my knife in his leg and was rewarded with boot to the face. As the guard pulls his leg back for another kick I grab his foot with both hands and twist until I hear a sickening snap. The guard howls in pain as I retrieve my knife and proceed to cut his stomach open and pull out his entrails until I hear him die and watch the light leave his eyes.
As I make my way to my next victim I notice the man trying to escape so I throw my knife into his hand lodging it into the wall and then I get my boot knife and pin his other hand to the wall that way he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. I make my way to the crawler and tear out his throat. Plain, simple, and effective yet very brutal.
I walk over the man and say "Zack Brovani, the fucking traitor. Killing you will be a pleasure."
"L-Legion l-lets talk about this." He stammers.
"The time for talking has past." I say as I rip free my knives from his hand. I bend down and cut the back of his knees to make sure he can't escape. I walk over to Nora and place a pair of noise canceling head phones I found in one of the rooms I searched earlier on her head that way she doesn't hear any screaming and yelling.
After I do that I walk back over to Zack, grab him by the throat and then walk over to the bed in the room and slam him onto it. Then I tie him down using the restraints on the side of the bed.
"Listen here Zacky boy. Here's what I'm going to do to you..." I say as I look over my shoulder at Nora and something told me that he did stuff to her that I would not like to hear. Then I look back at Zack and say "First I will pull off all of your fingernails and toenails slowly, then I'll pour hydrofluoric acid on your fingers and toes and let them dissolve, then I will make you choose your fate out of three choices." While I say all this seeing his eyes widen knowing that his fate was inevitable a smile spread across my lips.
"You piece of shit. You'll never leave here alive. I fucking trusted you." He yells in my face.
"Yeah well so did I." I say as I walk out of the room to get pliers, a bottle of HFA (A/N: HFA = hydrofluoric acid), a revolver with one bullet, a syringe, and a hammer.
Warning: Extreme Gore, Language, and Vile Sexual Talk
"Guess who, motherfucker." As I re-enter the room and walk up to the bed where I have Zack strapped down to.
"Shut the fuck up." Zack demands.
"Oh looky who grew a pair, giving demands and shit." I say smirking.
"At least I have pair, ass-bag."
"Oh ass-bag, huh. That's not what your wife said."
"You son-of-a-bitch leave her out of this." He growls as he struggles without fruition. Truth be told I didn't do shit to his wife.
"Ok, ok I will. If you don't want to know what she told me that's your choice not mine." I say as I put my hands in the air. I walk around to the left of the bed with the pliers to start pulling out his fingernails.
"What did she say, you little fuck-" he grunts but his sentence was cut short with a scream of pure agony.
"What was that? I didn't quite catch that." I say being an asshole as I start with the middle finger as I watch his pointer drip with crimson blood.
"What did she say?!" He growls through clenched teeth and grunts of pain.
"Nope you said leave her out of this so I am." As I rip off his middle fingernail and smile as he writhes in pain. Then he says something that I wasn't quite expecting.
"See that little whore over there. She screams like a pro." He says smiling through the pain that was no doubt making his adrenaline rush.
I look over at Nora then back at him as a primordial rage festers inside of me.
"What did you just say?" I ask through teeth clenched so hard that it hurt.
"You heard what I said." He says chuckling then he screams as broke a finger.
"What the fuck did you just say?!" I yell in his face.
"She screamed like a professional whore. When I stuck my dick in her pussy and slowly broke her hymen, she screamed like a fucking professional whore." He says laughing enjoying watching my face contort from anger into rage.
"YOU BASTARD! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU! YOU BETTER ROT IN HELL YOU SICK FUCK!" I scream into his face as I pour the Hydrofluoric Acid onto his elbows and his shins. The rage broke free as I maniacally laugh as he screams and writhes in pure agony. The sound of sizzling flesh and the stench of blood only fueled this rage.
"You should've got here sooner to see what my guards did to her." He says through grunts and pants of pain.
"That's it asshole. Your fate is decided." My voice dangerously calm as I rip the restraints from the bed and pick him up by the shirt he wore.
"Wait what? You said I could pick my own fate. YOU FUCKING LIAR!" He yells as I descended the stairwell going onto the basement boiler room.
"That makes two of us." As I kick open the boiler room door and jog up the stairs to the tallest boiler. I throw him down on the catwalk and put a foot on his chest as I open the boiler.
"Any last words Zackery Brovani?" I ask as I bent down to pick him up.
"Yeah fuck off." He says grinning.
"No you." I say as I throw him over the railing and watch him disappear into the steam below.
"Gotta get back to Nora." I tell myself. I jog out of the room and back up the stairwell back to Nora's room.
When I get there she's already stirring. She looks at both of her wrists then up at me walking towards her and she starts sobbing. I briskly walk over to her and into the light where she could see me.
"Shh, shh." I shush her as best I could without seeming like a total asshole.
"Nora it's just me. I'm going to take off the gag and going to cut off your bindings. Nod if you understand." I say as I take off the head phones.
She nods and I reach up to take off the gag, then takes in a huge gasp of air and lets it out slowly as I start on her bindings. As soon as her hands were free she hugs me tightly squeezing me hard.
"Thank you." She shakily whispers in my ear.
"Your welcome, Nora." I say in a low voice. She leans back just enough so I could cut through her leg restraints.
"Can you walk?" I ask her softly.
"Yeah I think." She says as she attempts to get up.
As she does I notice a deep wound on her left leg bleeding heavily.
"Your bleeding. Screw it." I say as I pick her up bridal style.
"Hey what are you doing?" She says woozily.
"Taking us home." I say as I run to the front doors and slip out. I spot a truck as Nora slips back into unconsciousness.
"Hang in there. I promise no one will hurt you anymore." I silently vow as I pull open the door to the passengers side of the truck and lay her gently down in the passenger seat. I shut the door and run around to the drivers side, I get in, starting the truck and drove back to the hotel with an unconscious Nora beside me.
When I get to the hotel I unload Nora and went in. As I briskly walk to the elevator to my room I get a bunch of dirty looks as I wait. The elevator finally dinged and I hit the penthouse button, then the close doors button and began to ascend. When I get to the penthouse I go straight to the bathroom to get work immediately.
I get the first aid kit, scissors, hydrogen peroxide, a emergency sewing kit, a wash rag, a hand towel, a lighter, an actual towel and alcohol. First I remove her clothing except for her bra and panties what was left of them anyways, then I wipe the blood off of the minor injuries the best that I can, then I wet the wash rag down and wipe the cut on her outer left thigh. I'm glad to see that the cut was only about half an inch deep, but still pretty bad. I would have to sew it up. I opened the sewing kit and got a curved needle and suture thread, then I get the lighter and sterilize the needle.
I get to work sewing up the wound. After I get done I get a spare towel wet and bathe her with it being careful around the sutured wound. Then I removed her worn bra and panties, then fitted her with one of my oversized shirts that covers her body all the way to her knees, then I carefully put some pants on her. After all of that I pick her up went to my bed room and laid her down on my bed, careful not to disturb her from her peaceful rest; then I shower, change and go to bed.