Chapter 11: bullys and new friends

"Hey little girl how did you even get into the academy. Did you pay some one or did you cheat some how"

"Yeah how can a week little girl like you get into the academy huh"

I was currently being harassed by some kids from higher grades during our lunch break. We had been going to the academy for a couple of days now and things have been going great, I had a new friend and I was having fun up untill this point. Don't get me wrong I could beat these kids but there's no reason to do so right now.

"Thats none of your concern why dont you leave me alone. Don't you have better things to do." I aked them while slipping my way through the three kids so I can go meet up with Hana for lunch.

"Hey where do you think your going!" the leader of the group of three yelped while blocking my path again. Letting out a sigh I put my lunch down off to the side and get ready for a fight i know was about to happen.

"Move out of my way"

"Oh yeah or what you'll beat us up hahahaha"

"Yeah you couldn't even touch us if you tried hahaha"

"Hahaha" the three of them laughed while the leader of the group tried to push me. Moving to the right of his arm I grab it and place my foot infront of his tripping him.

"Yelp ouch guys get her" and so the two remaining kids attacked me. The one on the left of me was mostly silent and the tallest of the bunch while the one on my right was average hight amd was the loudest besides the leader who was slightly shorter then them both. Thinking quickly i sweep the feet out from under the tall one and kick the other one in the side when I recovered.

Arms coming around me i was put into a head lock by the leader i had forgotten, I needed to work on my awareness. The other two getting up after my attacks the taller one throws a punch at my face, at the last second before it can hit me we all here my name being yelled.

"Shiko-san! Hey what do you guys think your doing!" Hana had come sprinting into the hallway we were in. Behind here was Izami and Itachi who was being pulled by the girl as she fast walked after Hana.

"Haa do you want some of this too" while the three were distracted i dropped out of the leaders hold and side kicked him from my crouch position followed by a spin kick to his jew knocking him out. Spinning around i see Hana and Izami fighting the average kid while Itachis already done knocking out the taller one.

"Thanks Hana-san for your help"

"Thats what friends are for Shiko-san speaking of friends these are Izami and Itachi Uchiha we met while I was waiting for you now come on lets have lunch before times up." Hana said while making her way ouside followed by the Uchihas. Grabbing my lunch from the side I follow right behind them.

"Its nice to meet you Izami-san and Itachi-kun" I say as I catch up with them.

"Its nice to meet you as well Shiko-san" Izami beamed a smile at me, for a Uchiha she sure is expressive.

"Nice to meet you" replied Itachi looking back at me from the corner of his eye.

"So Shiko-san why were those guys picking on you" questioned Hana as we all sat down under a tree opening up our lunches.

"They were just bugging me about my age you know being the youngest one here and all you should be careful as well Itachi-kun your young as well they might come after you at some point" I shrug while starting to eat.

"Hmm I think I'll be alright thanks" Itachi replied.

We continued to talk the rest of lunch while we eat and when it was over we all headed back to the classroom together. All four of us sat close together while we waited for sensei. The last couple of days after lunch we would go outside and workout as well as practice our Konoha standard katas which we learned on our second and third day here.

"Alright class today we'll be going outside to the training grounds today we will start sparing alright lets go" Sensei said as he walk into the classroom with a smirk on his chubby face as usual. When we got outside sensei had started out by pairing the boys together for there fights. None of them were very good untill we got to the fight between Itachi and Yuru Hyuga, There fight was one word captivating. Itachi was good at dodging attacks while countering using the Uchiha disrupter fist while Yuru was really good at attack with the Hyuga palm strikes without chakra of course. While they were fighting i had moved to the back of the class were no one would see me and activated my sharingan so I could copy both of there styles for later use, In the end Itachi had won by knocking Yuru out of the ring.

After there fight it was time for the girls to fight. The first few fights were pitiful but I wasnt to focused on them i was thinking about the fighting styles i had just picked up and how i could combine them to create a new style. "Hana Inuzuka and Izami Uchiha your next step into the ring please." Sensei called out, i moved back to the front of the crowed that our class had formed around the ring.

Hana had started attacking first her attacks were wild and you could see were her nickin would be while attacking, Meanwhile Izami had the same disrupter style as Itachi. All throught the match neither could get a true upper hand on the other untill Izami had landed a blow on Hanas side which distracted here long enough to kick Hana out of the ring making Izami the winner.

After there match was mine against some girl I didn't know she seemed Civilian born from what i could tell. Getting into the ring across from each other we both made the seal of recognition. I took a defensive stance while I waited to see what she would do. The girl had a cocky smirk on her face, i could tell she was looking down on me for being younger then her. She might be bigger then me but I was faster and if I use chakra stronger as well. As I predicted she decided to use her size to her advantage throwing a wild punch at my head.

Dodging to the left i got two quick punches into her side before she could recover,Backing up as the girl tried to kick me. That seem to give her pause for a moment as she assessed the situation not giving her to much time i went on the attack throwing both punches and kicks overwhelming her with speed rather then power. In the end she had stepped out of the ring sensei declared it my win and that was that.

At the end of the day me and my friends parted ways while I told mom about my new Uchiha friends and how I won my first sparing match even if it was easy. Smiling at me mom ruffled my hair while she congratulated me on my win. Smiling at here I couldnt wait to try out some of the things i picked up on today.

A.N thats that chapter let me know what you thought till next time.