Chapter 12: Training

~~time skip 1 year~~

A year had passed very quickly for me. In the next couple of weeks we could be finishing up our first year at the academy and Itachi should be graduating as well. A few things that had happened the last year was i had spyed on some genin that were training and picked up a couple of jutsu.

The first three i learned was Bunshin, Henge and Kawarimi also known as clone jutsu, transformation jutsu and replacement jutsu. I soon as i learned the hand sighs from the genin I got to work practicing them. That this moment in time I could do the Kawarimi and Bunshin without seals but I still had trouble with Henge from time to time.

I had also picked up fire style: fire ball jutsu from a uchiha practicing with his teammates but hadn't tryed it out yet because I didn't know my affinitys yet even though I'm 90 percent sure fire is one of them i want to be sure.

On to the non training things my birthday had passed and I turned four. I had invited Hana, Izami and Itachi over for a little party at my house which was great the girls even stayed over. Mom was delighted to have people over she had made a buffet of food thats how excited she was.

Today was Saturday and I planned to check my chakra affinities and go to training ground three to see if anyone would be there, I remember in the show thats were team 7 would train. Yesterday I had spent a couple of hours searching for it and found it not being used at the time which seemed very promising. Not only would I be practicing jutsu at the training ground but my mongekuo abilities as well i should be able to test them out without doing to much damage to my eyes.

That morning after eating breakfast with mom i told her I would be going to go train as well as giving her a hug then leaving the house after to make my way to the shinobi supply store. I had saved some money up that mom had given me so i could get chakra sensitive paper and a kunai set for my self.

Making it to the shop I duck into a alleyway and Henge myself into a average shinobi you would see out on the streets. The whole process was simple and the owner didn't catch on luckly and I managed to get both the things i was aiming to get. Walking back to the alley i take out one of the chakra papers and channel a little chakra through it, right away it crumpled around my fingers and the edges burned off. That ment I have a primary lightning affinity and a minor fire one which I don't mind.

Letting go of my Henge I hook my new kunai pouch to the back of my pants before making my way towards training groud 3. While I was walking my thoughts were on my next purchases I would buy shrunken next and I also wanted weights. The weights would increase my overall power amd speed after a while and that was somthing I would need in the future.

When I had gotten there no one was around which was perfect for me but just incase the first thing i would try was my right mongekuo ability, Closing my eyes briefly i opened them with my mongekuo sharingan active. "Yugami genjitsu" I say using my right eyes genjutsu like ability the first thing i noticed was aound a 20 meter radius around me i could effect everything and anything I wanted. Thinking about making my self hard to notice while also making people ignore my circle of influence that simple use of my eye had sent a jult of pain into threw it and my eye had bled a tear while recovering from the sudden pain l looked around.

I could see that there was a haze currently around me as well as 20 meters from each side. Transforming my eyes back to the normal sharingan. I couldn't believe the amount of chakra that I had just used used it made sense mongekuo abilities cost alot from what i can tell but I still had enough to practice chakra nature Transformations. Bending down i picked up a leaf while channeling chakra through my hands trying to burn it slowly with fire natured chakra.

For the next couple of hours i had gotten half of the leaf to burn, Calling it a day for that part of training i would do one more thing before leaving. Moving a little farther away from the tree line i focused on my hand with my left eye "Raijin: Raijin'noyari" activating my left eyes ability redish black lightning started to arc into and around my hand. Concentrating on the shape and size of the lightning i slowly made it into a spear that was bigger then me and it was giving off arcs of very destructive power making craters where ever they would touch.

At first I was going to throw it at the trees but thinking about it that might actually attract some kind of attention here sooner or later with how powerful this attack seems. Letting the spear disappear i let out a sigh at how low my chakra had gotten from the start to now i had used up 75 percent of my chakra. Stretching i decided to spend my last hour here working on my endurance and stamina.

After spending an hour running non stop my legs felt like jello and I was tired, I needed to continue working on my stamina thats for sure at this point. Using my right eyes mongekuo I let the field of distortion go returning this to normal. I could have left it there indefinitely but that may cause problems at some point.

From now on when im not at the academy i would work on my stamina, chakra control and transformation at training ground three. With that thought in mind i started my walk back home with a big smile on my face. I should learn Shunshin as well moving from place to place would be easier maybe I could sneak into the librarys jutsu section and take a look at some jutsu. Yeah that sounds like a challenge I'll take on and it'll be good practice for the future. Returning back home i had dinner with mom after showering and then went to bed today was good now lets see what tomorrow will bring.

A.N thats chapter 12 I hope you injoyed let me know what you think untill next time. update I have changed the name of her left mongekuo ability to Raijin i feel it will fit better. the Raijin will be followed by what ever the attck it like Raijin'noyari which means Lightning gods spear.