Chapter 0161 - The Measure of Growth, Evolution and Change

Two Hundred Thirty Seven tables stood around a monument inside of Zao City, the Elders of the Sect stood around a particular table, their speeches were amplified over the area. There were many tables, they stood lined around the memorial stone in a ring. On one, lay the body of Zao Xue. On the others, the soldiers who went out, and gave their lives to bring her home. Everyone was in mourning,

The Zao Forces had returned a few days before and news quickly spread.

Rachael was crying uncontrollably as the bodies were magically disposed of, a way of sending the spirit into the afterlife.

Zhan stood beside Khan Ni, neither would relinquish their form. They stood as new beings, a lone pair, unchangeable, the dawn of a new race of Espers, the World Tree Foil Vipers.

When the funeral was over, Khan Ni flew off to the side, waiting. Zhan was in charge of handling the matters of their household among the Humans.

"Rachael, my heart aches. Life takes us strange places. Watch over Marcus, you are every bit his mother as Khan Ni, one day he will ask of me. Tell him the Truth, as a father I could not protect our daughters innocence. She lost her life, no matter the healing spells or the potions we threw at the problems, she never recovered. I cannot give you the life you wanted, I have tried. In my stead, take my position, my household, my son, our Son and raise him in the Clan." Zhan flew closer to Rachael and Marcus. He reached out to touch his father, Zhan pulled out his dagger. He cut a scale from his body and watched the wound close over.

"Take this, when he's older he can use it to find me." Zhan said his final goodbyes to his wife and flew to join Khan Ni. They approached the Patriarch.

He landed and knelt. "Father. I go to start my own life and tribe. I never thought it would come to this, leaving the clan seemed impossible a year ago but under the World Tree, I may yet make my kingdom." Zhan looked his mother in the eyes and did his best to hug her one last time.

Lei, Han, Wang, Tiancho, and Ho looked very sad to see Zhan going. It was the last time the Zao Family was going to be together for a long time, and they knew it. Some of the were crying, Ho stood with Qingchi. He came up to Zhan and nodded. "Brother, I may follow your footsteps. When I do, I'll be sure to visit." Ho channeled a teleportation circle and took Qingchi away with him.

"Show off." Zhan laughed, he pulled out some tools that Khan Ni had made and passed them to his little brothers. When he was done, he had said his goodbyes and left.

Khan Ni dropped the Compass with Kuzunoha and kissed Wu Hai on the cheek. "Goodbye old friend."

The Clan waved, the Dragon Corp saw them to the border and turned back. Wu Hai stood beside the others, his face unchanging.

Everyone in the Clan was present, there was a gathering of over a million people in Zao City, they had come from all over. It was as good a time as any.

Zao Wu Hai looked back to his father and started talking. His speech pattern caught everyone's attention.

"Kuzunoha. My battles are long from over. You've joined me, taken an Elemental Body. Now I ask you formally. Will you be my Empress, to stand by my side in all things to come?" Wu Hai produced a small half crown, it had a magical looming effect but it carried the Emperor's Aura. He knelt in front of her, his Mother, father and the Clan.

Kuzunoha started to cry and nodded. She grabbed Wu Hai by the shirt and kissed him. "Of course, what took you so long?" She kissed him again.

"We have our family to start. There must be a wedding. .. .. .. . .... ." Kuzunoha started talking among herself, Lei and the other Zao women gathered around in celebration. Wu Hai smiled, he walked over to Kuzunoha and placed the Crown on her head. It spun around in her hair and settled. Socketed above it was a small clear barrier holding a pool of Liquefied Light Essence. It shined while she moved and flickered in the sunlight.

Kuzunoha spread her essence out and creating wings. Wu Hai flew beside her, He pulled out a crown that looked like it belonged to the one she had, it wrapped around his hair. "My Beloved. I told you one day, a Dragon, a demon, whatever I may become, I desired you. Now, we share what could be eternity.. But we do it together. He held his head next to hers, an effect took place. A Giant halo wrapped around them and spread out over the City. The sky turned a bright white, they hung in the air like a pair of Lanterns.

"You know the fight isn't over. When I fell into that Hell Pool, I felt them. There are many battles ahead, they won't settle for anything less than our destruction. We will have to fight them in the future, we'll have to prepare." Wu Hai locked his eyes to hers while he spoke.

"Yeah.. but not Today." She kissed him again.


Three Months later, Wu Hai and the Empress were off training somewhere secluded. The left the Tower with Abbi and Genba.

Abbi's Eggs began to hatch inside the Tower. The five babies all had small nubs for horns and they all had wings. Genba watched them with Abbi at his side. "We are gonna need a bigger den, honey." Three Boys and Two Girls were surrounding the Dragon Egg Crystal. They played with it and absorbed its energies like a heat rock.

Qu stood by the side and warned them a bit. "your children are absorbing the crystal's aura rapidly, what follows, I cannot possibly know."

One of the baby girls burped a hint of lightning and fire.

They were all hungry, Abbi looked confused when Genba handed her one and passed the others to Qu's multiple avatars.

"All things change, I'm sure you'll figure it out like all parents do." Qu tickled at the babies in his avatars' arms'.
