Chapter 0216 - Birth of a Star

Hana's breathing calmed down after a while but Vira was still working on her formation, there were several pillars of starlight that reached to the space above them that circulated around the glassy surface of the formation ring. Vira had just gotten started on another branch of the formation guides and gotten them to intersect, another pillar came into existence but it was not an indigo color.

The new pillar was a pillar of fire, it rotated in line, in unison with the others and brought tremendous light to the islands that floated in the center. New light spread throughout its vicinity and mirrored off the outer formation ring.

The crystal at the center of the dimensional nexus was rotating at such a speed that it could mince anything that came near it. Particles impacted its surface and it was growing. A liquid began to surface and gradually covered the crystal's surface making it into a sphere of sorts.

While it was technically turning into a sphere, it had not yet completely covered its surface. A hazy glow began to come from within, and, like a star, the crystal ignited. It burned hotter than the pillar of fire and condensed. It rapidly shrank by nearly thirty percent and then a reverberation spread throughout the dimensional space. A wave, much like a sonic boom was spreading out.

Lighter materials came to the surface and dense, more compact materials sank into the core of the Crystal. Its speed had done wonders for its consistency, heating the crystal had turned it into a blazing inferno. That catalyst, that major change had brought with it yet another alteration to its unique phenomenon.

Small crusts began to cover the exterior of the crystal, it seemed to be solidifying.

All of this was happening while Vira continually cut into the formation, the runes and spellwork were merely channels and she had a goal in mind. '{I've got a focal point, a channel, a mirror to redirect and even a perpetual source of incoming energy but its not ..}' She hesitated to consider an idea, it had never been done and was unlikely to happen again. '{Here goes nothing.}'

Vira went underneath the crystal at the nexus after the final cut in her monolithic formation. A spell circle appeared with some simple chanting, it wasn't suppose to be a long term effect but she needed it to perform perfectly. She enunciated every syllable. "{GREAT.STARS.WEL.COME.AN.OTH.ER.}"

It came out as phrase, a simple phrase. Her hand came into contact with the base of the Crystal and it sailed into the air above them, crashing against the upper edge of the dimensional space.

"What is Vira doing??" Mike and Ho flew next to Wu Hai and asked.

"Dunno, but its... Its big." Wu Hai pulled out some chairs for everyone to sit down. Hana was recovering and she had an excellent view from the table. He looked back and waved to her with a goofy smile.

'Dad!' Hana wanted to chide him for the funny face he made but it hurt to move. Even smiling was a difficult task. The damage to her body and soul were significant, the bonding process was much more than she would have been able to bare under normal circumstances.

The Emperor noticed her wincing and left her alone, turning back to the Formation being finalized.

Vira gathered her energy, a great mass of red light appeared at her fingertips. It accumulated and globbed together in a swirl and she raised her hands toward the crystal that hung in the atmosphere. "{^!▓▓#*^$▓▓*#%▓▓:@}" Her fingers moved in a strange manner and the energy vanished into a fine mist rising to join the crystal.

It spun faster and faster until it resembled a ball of plasma.

When it reached a certain point the boiling ceased and a radiant energy began to fall on the space below.

The Truthers who were watching idly all gasped, their vital energy was coming back to them in droves and all them felt a rise in their power. Not like before when they had leveled up, but significant mark of improvement overall like they had grown, even developed to newer heights. All of them felt like they were approaching another level of understanding and several of them fell into trances.

Qingchi, the strongest of them all, saw many of her young disciple's states and rolled her eyes. 'Only this much and they've gotten such benefit. These kids, all of them, so spoiled..' Her face grew wide at the sight of the crystal rising further into the sky and planting itself near the stars that hung over head. 'Artificial Star?' "Is that really an Artificial Star?" She asked the question but everyone around her was probably asking the same thing internally.

'A new Star is born, one made with the hands of people from different worlds and backgrounds.' Wu Hai felt the energy that was gathering at the Nexus after the stars emplacement. Another mass of energy was accumulating, the same as before.

The Emperor flew to meet with Vira who was still near the portals and Nexus. As he landed, he asked, "How much knowledge about formations do you have, you just put this together?"

"{Yes.}" It was such a direct answer that it left the Emperor stunned for a moment. "{What do you think I do all day?}" Vira laughed slightly and then changed her tone. "{Now that I've helped Hanahaksu, we can go?}"

"Un." Wu Hai nodded, it was time. They both flew back to the empty Bloodpool, Wu Hai gathered the tubs that were of little use to the dimension and stowed them away. They were the source of the initial reaction and if left out, more changes could occur. The new appearance and energy that filled the space was worth maintaining and he couldn't bring himself to watch it regress.

"Truthers, I will take you back now." Sensing a change in the situation, Ho called out to his flock. "Gather up, When we return, I'll have Gorsya make pie." The girls all knew that pie was code for something else, they snickered together and disappeared with a rotation of the Chancellors finger.

Qingchi remained for a moment to say her goodbyes to the Sect Leaders. She gave Hana a hug and told her to come by when she was feeling bored. Ho returned quickly to pick her up, he pinched at her butt and she giggled. "Bye Uncle Jigui." The words faded with her disappearance, her words reminded the Emperor of his past life for a moment and then he laughed at Ho for his many informal wives.

Hana sat up, it was painful still but after the transformation of the dimension took place, her energy levels had rapidly begun to rise. She stood up with her hand on the tables edge and stumbled a few feet to a chair.

Kuzunoha's reaction was one of worry but she held back, afraid to break Hana's confidence.

Hana circulated her energy like Master Lu Sha had told her, once, twice, a dozen, a hundred times. The foundation of her body had improved, she could feel the power from the gray stone that she absorbed earlier revitalizing among the starlight. As the Pillar of Fire came closer to her position, she felt its radiance and it was like a hug from her mother. She melted into a state of bliss like a baby and fire raged outside of her body.

She began to float, her wings were not moving but she was rising into the air and drifting along the current toward the Nexus. She looked so at peace, no one present would dare touch her to shake her from the state. Hana's mouth opened a sigh of relief escaped the moment she reached the Nexus, it was like her whole body was taking in the energy once again. The blood had tempered her greatly but now the power of the Stars was flowing into her body.

'Solar energy, sun energy, star energy..' Wu Hai mumbled to himself and looked at Vira. "We can go whenever we're ready but I'd like to make sure nothing more happens.. can we wait another hour?" It was the first time Wu Hai had asked her to do something so gently.

'He was actually asking if it was okay!' Vira didn't let her expression change but she was pleased down to her core that the Emperor had asked for her approval, even if it was about something so trivial as an hours wait. She nodded without saying anything and went to take a seat.

They watched as Hana soaked up the energy and talked among themselves. The hour passed quickly but Hana showed no signs of coming down.

"I'll call Lu Sha and have him remain here until she's back on her feet." Wu Hai took out a communication stone and made the call. He paced around while making plans for a few minutes longer and then gathered the group.

Ooran and Calistown were dropped off back at the Sect, there was a commotion, a ruckus about the changes in the Patriarch and Matriarch's appearance and bloodline. Mike was sent back to Greensong, he had been getting frequent calls from his many wives about who was in charge of the City and its wealth.

Wu Hai brought Kuzunoha back to tower City to watch over Ibuwere, he wanted to speak to the Emperor but Wu Hai had gone quickly, only spending enough time to kiss Kuzunoha before his exit.


A month went by in a flash.

The Emperor set down roots for the Demon Region, expanding the territory they occupied by at least a fold. The spreading of their population eased tensions and though zoning each specific region with energy barriers to maintain isolation of the lesser creatures in the domains, the Eight Demon family heads were excited about every aspect of the changes.

The Eight Families looked like formal, long standing sects after the first few weeks. Labor was quick and easy because of the nature of the Demons themselves. Many of them held lots of power and getting those that didn't to do the work made things flow along swiftly. The Emperor may have disapproved of the method but it was working. The Demon Region was left with Ooran in charge, the Ying Demon branch of the Zao Family assumed the 9th seat of power but remained outside of the Demon region.

The Emperor was frequently traveling between the demon region, hell, the starlit dimension and Zao City making preparations. Sitting in the throne room of Tower City with Vira on one side and Kuzunoha on the other he felt rather at peace for the day.

No attacks had come to their gates and word from the Elves had come along, Zhan's campaign in the Qilin Kingdom came to an end. He had not stopped their rampage until all the Qilin had been driven from the region or killed.

Mike's problems in Greensong had gotten out of hand, his wives had even kicked him out of the Den. He could have easily forced his way to stay but it all seemed like more trouble than it was worth for him. He had no children among them and they were very self-sufficient. He was communicating with the Emperor when it shattered for the fifth time in a row. They had spent a lot of time talking and Mike decided to end the converstation, he felt like a downer, always complaining about his many troubles.

Wu Hai waited for a response but the communication stone in his hands cracked. He threw it to the side and looked over at Vira.

Vira's body had developed during her pregnancy, a sheen covered her body and she looked more pink than red, like her scales had been dyed. "{This child kicks too often}" Vira complained to the Emperor almost every day as well.

"{Haha..}" Wu Hai laughed for a moment and then grabbed Vira to pull her closer. "{Wasn't it you who chose such a thing? Don't tell me you have regrets about all this..}" His attitude was cheerful but there was obviously something on his mind.

"{No regrets.. I'm only wondering how long this takes.}" Vira's head would spin out every time the child kicked, it made concentration extremely difficult for her.

Most of Vira's time was spent in the Starlit Dimension, its changes were extremely beneficial to Vira and the baby. It also gave Hana time to bond with her new Stepmother.

"I've been thinking." Wu Hai put his hands onto the side of the throne. "I've been thinking about the Ultinians.. They remind me of the Custodians." He wrestled his power a bit and a gray film appeared over the back edges of the white blades from the spot demon. "After absorbing one of their power, I've gained some portion of it." The gray granite like shields over the blade made it stronger for defense but heavier and slower on the swing.

He walked around the throne room and dragged the sharp edge against the floor. It carved a deep scratch into stone. Qu quickly patched the damage and stopped in front of the Emperor.

"Ultinians?" Qu held up his hand. "Master. So, you've run into Ultinians?" It was the first Qu had heard about the matter, Wu Hai didn't bother explaining every detail of his life to the Tower.