Chapter 6: Some Battles Can't Be Won

We all walk out of the building. Except Midoria. He used his powers to cause the blast to help Uraraka win, which caused him to get hurt. I felt so bad for him. His arm was broken badly. I don't talk to Bakugou as we walk. It's his fault for letting his pride get in the way. If he had just hurried up and put tape on Midoria, instead of trying to kill him, and came to help me we would have won.

"You were really good, L/N. I thought I wasn't going to beat you. And sorry about your wrist."Uraraka tells me.

"Oh it's fine. Sorry for blasting you to the wall."I tell her. "I just really wanted to win."

I look back at Bakugou. He's sulking like a child. I'm gonna torture him. As we walk out, All Might and our classmates are standing outside.

"You guys were so good!"Mina tells us. "Uraraka you held out your own fort and L/N your moves were killer."

"Hah thanks."I smile at her.

"I tried my best."Ochako tells her

"All of you did very good. Except, Young Bakugou."All Might says, looking at the boy behind me. I don't even wanna look at him. He makes me disgusted. "What you did was unacceptable and it was poor strategy."

"Yeah Bakugou, you should have come up with a plan."Sero says. "L/N was really good and she should have been the one to go."

"Yeah man you're just too reckless."Kirishima tells him.

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP OR I'LL KILL YOU!"he yells at them.

"Um sir I hate to be a whiner, but I think my wrist is sprained."I tell All Might. I don't want to look at Bakugou, I don't want to think or talk about him and I don't want to be close to him. "Can I got to the old lady?"

"Yes of course. Recovery girl should heal you right up ."All Might says to me. "The rest of you go to the moniter room. Me and Young Bakugou need to have a talk."

I look behind me. His face doesn't change. It's full of anger, pride, and envy.

"I hate you and I hope I never get partnered with you again."I say to him. I don't turn to face him. My voice is steady and easy, but I'm furious. "Hopefully you won't fail your next partner."

I walk away from everyone. Glad that I can be alone.

"You screwed up, Bakugou. Big time."I hear someone tell him, but I'm not sure who. I think it was Kirishima. But I'm not sure. And I don't really care.

~With Recovery Girl~

She places a kiss on me and my wrist feels better immediately. I move it around and stretch out my fingers.

"Wow it feels better already. Thank you very much."I tell her.

"Oh it's nothing dear. It was just sprained"she says, taking a seat at her desk. I look next to me. Midoria. He's laying on the bed. He's asleep and Recovery Girl already healed him. I feel terrible for letting Bakugou hurt him. I should have stopped him. I should have done something.

"Will alright?"I ask her, not taking my eyes off of him. She turns around in her chair.

"Yes he will. Don't worry. He just needs rest. You should get back to class, dear."

"Right. Thank you again."I say walking away. I walk out of the room. My stomach twists in a knot. He looked so bad. I go back to the moniter room.

"Woah shouldn't you be resting?"Sero says to me.

"Oh no I'm fine. My wrist was just sprained. Don't worry."I say, smiling.

"You did amazing, L/N. I wish I was as good as you." Kaminari tells me.

"Oh, thanks. But I think your quirk is really cool." A lot if my classmates start crowding around me. They're telling me how good I did and they're laughing, joking around. I like this. It's nice to have people build you up. I think we're all gonna be great friends.

"All right. The winner of this battle is..."All Might says. It's probably gonna be Midoria or Uraraka. They did win.

"L/N F/N!" Wait what? Really?

"Me?But we lost."I'm confused.

"Shouldn't someone from the hero team be the winner? They're the ones that won."Asui has a point.

"Yes, but who can tell me why I chose L/N?" All Might asks my class.

"Sir, I think I might be able to."Momo says. "L/N was the only who truly contributed to her role. Allow me to explain. Bakugou's personal grudge against Midoria clouded his judgement. As you pointed out earlier, launching a large scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly, Midoria's plan was also poorly thought out." Well it wasn't really his fault. He didn't have much a choice.

"As for Uraraka,"she continues. "She let her guard down mid battle. And her final attack was far to reckless, given the hypothetical stakes. If she treated the fake weapon as if it was real, she never would have risked using such an imprecise move. L/N was fully prepared for her opponents attack. She had a strategy and never lost site of the mission to protect the dummy weapon. Technically, yes the hero team won, but they took advantage of the fact this was training. They didn't respect the spirit of the battle."

We all stare at her. Wow. She explained it perfectly.

"Eh-uh..YES!"All Might says. "That is exaxtly why!" That was convincing.

The rest of the day went by quickly. There were a few more battles and then we were off.

I pull on my shirt in the locker rooms, eager to get home. I'm so tired from today. I just want to eat pizza and go to sleep. I grab my backpack and head out. Uraraka already left. I stand outside waiting for Isla. She said she had to go talk to one of her teachers. I pull out my phone to text my Mom. As I'm exiting the building, I bump into someone.

"Ow!"I say, stumbling back. I grab my nose. That hurt.

"Sorry I should've looked..."I can't finish my sentence. "Bakugou."

He's standing in front of me. I expected him to yell at me. For not watching where I was going or something.

By all he simply said was "Watch it." Not even in his usual harsh tone. I get ready to hit him with a snappy comeback, but then I see the bag he's holding. It's his stuff.

"Wait are you..."I trail off. Is he really leaving? He grips his bag.

"I failed. I lost to a weakling." I look at him. What is his problem? I laugh. Not a loud laugh. A small, quiet one, but he still hears me.

"What's so funny?"he says as he turns around. His old tone is back.

"I'm"I look at him. His face doesn't look as angry as before. It looks confused. "Your failure was no one's fault but your own. You didn't just fail yourself. You failed All Might and you failed me." I can't keep my anger in any longer.

"What the hell are you talking about? You let Uraraka get the weapon!"

"I was hurt, idiot! I knew I should have been the one to go, but no. You just had to have it your way!" He doesn't say anything. I don't care. I'm not finished. "We could have won if you would have just thought clearly. If you want to become a good hero, become a good person first."

"I will be the hero I want to be!"he says.

"And what hero is that? Huh? The one that scares little kids away? God, you make me so angry!"

"And you annoy me so much!"

"How do I annoy you?! I did my job today. You were the one who left me! And when I called for your backup, you hung up on me. I saw poor Midoria. He was beaten up. What is your problem with him-"


"I NEVER SAID I WAS BETTER THAN YOU!"people start turning to us. Most of the students have left, but some are still here. Waiting for someone or talking with friends.

"YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT! I JUST WANT TO SLAP THE SH*T OUT OF YOU!"I scream so loud, I surprise myself. I've almost always been so calm. I don't think I've ever been this angry. I don't even know you could BE this angry.

"Um, F/N?"Isla's voice startles me, but it calms me down. She's also never seen me this angry. "Are you ok?"

I didn't even notice how close Bakugou and I were. Our faces our inches away.

"Let's go, Isla."I say simply. My regular voice is back. "If you wanna leave, fine. I don't give a damn. But just know this. You are pathetic if you're leaving because you didn't win. There is going to be times where we don't win. It's life. If you can't understand that, maybe it is best if you go."

His expression changes again. This time it looks blank. I grab Isla by the wrist and start walking with her. I can see me Mom's car in the distance.

"Good bye, Bakugou."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This might be the last I leave a note at the end of a chapter. So I won't be annoying anymore.


L/N-Last Name

F/N-First Name

Y/N-Your Name