The whole car ride home, me and Isla barely talked. Mom didn't know about what happened at school. I told her about the fight training. When we got home, I told her I would be inside in a minute.
"So, what was that?"she asks me.
"What was what? Me getting angry? I'm allowed to do that, Isla."I say in a sarcastic tone. I try to joke around, but she's not laughing.
"I've never seen you that mad, F/N."
"I know. I didn't know I could get that mad." We stayed silent for what seemed like forever.
"It was kind of scary."she says, laughing. I let out a sigh of relief. She's joking around now. I laugh with her.
"I know. I didn't like being that angry, but under my skin I guess."I tell her as she looks at me.
"I'm sorry, F/N. I called him hot. I didn't realize just exactly what a jerk he was."
"I know. It's ok. When someone is hot, they're hot. I'll admit he is, kind of, but he has so much pride." I yawn and my stomach rumbles. I need some food and sleep. Now.
"You must be pretty tired. I'll let you go." she hugs me and then walks across the street to her house. I walk into my house and drop on the couch. I have never been so glad to see that stupid stain Dad accidentally caused last year on the it.
"Honey, I warmed you up some pizza and wings."my mom calls from the kitchen. The thought of pizza makes my stomach rumble.
"Thanks, Mom." I say, walking into the kitchen. She hands me the plate and I sit down.
After a few minutes, I go to my room. The minute my head touches my pillow, I drift off.
~The next morning~
"Honey, wake up. You're going to be late!"I hear my mom's voice, but for some reason I can't get up. I feel heavy.
"Five more minutes..."I say, rolling over.
"F/N get up. Heroes don't get five more minutes. Get up and get ready or I'm taking you like that." she walks out of the room.
I sit up, rubbing my eyes as they try to adjust to the light. I slept in my uniform. I get up and take a clean set out from my drawer.
"Girl, I knew you were tired, but I didn't know that tired. You're never late!"Isla tells me as she walks in my room.
"Glad to see you're awake."I let out a big, long yawn. I pull on my clothes and walk to the restroom. Isla makes me toast in the kitchen. She's the best. I brush out my hair and put it up. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I don't usually wear makeup, but on this particular morning, I need it. I put on a little bit.
"Here."Isla hands me a pb and j sandwich.
"Gosh, I love you."I take it from her.
"I know, now hurry up and get your backpack. I'll be in the car."
~At school~
I walk into the classroom, barely making it on time. I sit at my desk and yawn for what seems like the hundredth time today. I've been slow all day. Barely making it to classes.
"Wow you were almost late, L/N."Ochako tells me.
"I know. I was just so tired for some reason."
"Did you hear about what happened earlier today?"
"No, what happened?"I ask her.
"A whole crowd of people were outside at the entrance. They wanted to get a scoop on All Might's time here."
"Oh ok."
"Alright quiet down everybody."Mr.Aizawa says as he enters the room. Everybody goes quiet immediately.
"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. I saw the feed and went over each of your team's results. Bakugou, you're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss."he turns to Bakugou. So he did stay. Great.
"Yeah, whatever." he responds.
"Midoria, I see the only way you won was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the exuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old."
I look at him. He's looking down. At least he's ok. I'm glad he is.
"You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk would be really useful if you could get a handle on it. So show a little urgency, alright?" my teacher continues.
"Right!"Midoria says, looking brighter.
"L/N you did good. You never lost sight of your mission and treated the training as if it were real. That's good."he tells me. Oh my gosh. Did Eraserhead just tell me I did good? That's two pro heroes!
"Thank you, sir."I say. Bakugou turns to look at me. He scoffs and turns back around. That little snail.
"Let's get down to bussiness. Your first task will decide your future."Our teacher says to us.
Oh not another quirk test. I don't have the energy for that.
"You all need to pick a class representative."
Ohhh. Ok. I can work with that. Everybody gets up and starts saying to pick them. Even Bakugou. Being class rep means getting noticed by agencies. But I know that yelling and telling everyone to pick me won't work.
"Silence! Everyone, please!"Iida says, shushing our classmates. "It is the class representative's duty is to lead other's. That's not something anyone can just do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to pick this position is democratically. We will hold an election."
Wow this guy is really something else. We ended up having the election. Iida collected the results and now it's time to see who our class rep is. The votes show Midoria got 3 and Momo got two.
"How did I get three votes?!"Midoria asks.
"What did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?"Sero asks him.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?"he yells. I laugh and he turns to me.
"What are you gonna do? Try to leave again?"I say, in a mocking tone.
~At lunch~
"Guys I'm kind of worried about class rep thing." Midoria says. Me, him, Iida, Uraraka, and Isla are sitting together.
"Don't worry, Midoria. I think you'll do great."I tell him.
We talk about the class rep thing for a while.
"You know I've been wondering something about you." Ochako tells him. "Admit it, Iida. You're filthy rich!"
You know now that I think about it, it makes sense. His formal hand gestures, his way of talking.
"I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family."
"Ohh Iida's got a secret."I say with a grin.
"You see, the Iidas have been pro heroes for generations. It runs in our blood." he says. Wow so there is more to him.
"What? That's awesome!"Uraraka and Midoria say at the same time.
"Are you familiar with the turbo hero Ingenium?" Iida says.
"I know all about him! He's a super popular pro hero with 67 sidekicks working along side him and his Tokyo agency!" Midoria says. He's such a fanboy.
"Wait don't tell me..."I say.
"He's my elder brother! And as the second eldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him."
"That's so cool."I say, eating my lunch. This is so much better than the crap they serve in elementary.
All of a sudden, a loud bell rings through the air. Like an alarm. Everybody freezes.
"Warning! Level three security breach. Please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."
Oh crap. That's not good. Everybody rushes to get up, including me. Me and Isla try to stay away from as many people as possible. If I get stuck in this crowd. I don't know what I'll do. I'm claustrophobic.
"F/N!"I hear Isla yell, but I can't see her. We're getting pushed apart. I can feel my breath shortening.
"ISLA!"I yell, but I don't hear a response. She knows I'm claustrophobic so she'll try to reach me. I walk over to the window, trying get space. But it's no use. I try to take deep breaths. I feel sweat roll down my forehead. I can feel the room closing in on me.
"STOP SHOVING ME BEFORE I KILL ALL OF YOU!"I hear Bakugou's words. I try to open my closed eyes. I can see him. I can't cry, not here. But I want to. I feel like I'm dying.
"HEY TREMORS!"he says making his way up to me. He gets pushed against me and now he's close. It's not helping my phobia.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"he says. He must have noticed how bad I look.
"I... I can't-"I try to speak but I choke on my words. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Hey!" he says as I cling onto him, Gripping his shirt tightly.
"I'm claustrophobic!"I manage to say. "I can't...breathe, Bakugou. It's too tight."
I look at him. He's staring at me, but I can't read his expression. Not right now.
"Damn it..."he says. "Aren't you supposed to be tough, tremors?"
He doesn't say it in a mean way, though. It's like he's trying to distract me. I try breathing.
"We all have...our weak spots..."I try distracting myself. I look up at him. Tears are filling my eyes. My face is wet with sweat and tears. "Bakugou, please help me. I feel like I'm dying." I grip his shirt tighter.
"I hate you, you know that?"
"Right back at ya."I respond. But it's more of a mutter because I feel my consciousness slipping away. I start to slip, but Bakugou grabs me.
"I'm not gonna carry you."He says, even though he kind of already is. He looks around.
"HEY!YOU!"he says at someone, but I don't know who. I can't breathe no matter how hard I try. I slip again. Losing more consciousness. "YOU'RE SMART DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!" Bakugou grabs me, carrying me now. My head is placed on his chest and my legs are hanging.
"Hey. Tremors!"he shakes me. I make a noise, barely. My breathing is ragged and my body feels like it's on fire. I hear someone yelling at everyone. I think it's Iida.
"I can't...anymore."I mutter.
"Listen to me. I will kill you if you force me to carry you."I can hear some worry in his voice. He's trying to cover it up but it's no use.
"Sorry, sparky."I try, but I lose all my consciousness. I can't hold on anymore. I'm dying.