Chapter 8:I Won't Tell

"Listen to me, I will kill you if you force me to carry you!"Bakugou says, trying to cover up his worry. She's mostly out so he doesn't think she'll notice.

"Sorry, sparky."she mumbles. Then, she's out.

"Hey. Hey!"Bakugou tries, shaking the girl in his arms. "Damn it, Tremors! You do not get to do this to me!"

I have to find that girl she's always with. She's probably her best friend.

By now, the crowd has calmed down and everybody is talking.

Damn it, what if people see me carrying her?

"F/N!Where are you?"Bakugou hears a girl calling out. It's probably her best friend.

"Wake up!"he tries again. He spots the girl who was calling out. Ira? No. Irma? Not that either. Isla! There you go, that's her name. Bakugou tries walking around without getting noticed.

"Hey I have her."he says, walking up to Isla.

"Oh thank God! Set her down here."she points to a spot on the floor. "What happened?"

"I got pushed towards her and saw how bad she looked and how much sweat she had. I asked her what was wrong, but she couldn't talk."he says, setting her down. "She started crying and then she managed to tell me she was claustrophobic. She started losing consciousness so I had to carry her."

Isla feels her forehead. She's burned up.

"I tried to stay with her when the crowd started forming, but I couldn't."she says as she looks around. There's a bathroom at the far end. "Thank you. You have no idea how bad it would've if she was alone." She needs water or ice to cool down.

"Yeah well I didn't have much a choice she was falling on me."

"Ok well thanks and I'm assuming you'll want to be done with her, but can you just watch her real quick? Please? I need to get wet paper towels for her. She's too hot."

Bakugou looks at Y/N on the floor. He doesn't know why, but he says yes.

"Fine, just hurry up."

"Ok thanks."Isla says, running to the bathroom.

Why did I say yes? I can't have people seeing me with her like this.

"You cause me so much trouble." he says, looking at her.

"Ok...I'm back."Isla says panting. She tries to catch her breathe. "Oh geez. Here." She hands the towels to Bakugou. He places them on her forehead and the back of her neck.

"Mm" Y/N makes a noise. She's regaining consciousness. She slowly opens her eyes. Her beathing is back to normal.

"Hey, hun."Isla says, squating down.

"Isla? Where's...oh. Bakugou."she says, wiping her face.

"I'm gonna kill you you know that, right?"

She smiles at him. "I know."

"Are you ok, F/N? You don't feel nauseous or anything?"

"Oh I'm fine. Other than the fact that I just felt like someone was trying to turn me into a human pancake, I'm fine." She turns to Bakugou.

"Thank you so much. Sorry for fainting and crying on you."

"Yeah whatever. Just don't do it again, I won't be nice." he gets up and walks away.

~Back in class(your POV again) ~

I sit down on my desk, laying my head down. That was so embarrassing. I really cried...on Bakugou?! Out of all the people who could have been there, it had to be Bakugou. He's proabaly never going to let me forget about it.

"It's time class rep, let's begin."Momo says. She and Midoria are standing in front of the classroom.

"Uhm..ok-uh we need to figure out who the other class officers will be."Midoria stutters. Ok maybe be isn't quite cut out for this. "But first there's something that I want to say. I've thought a lot about this and...I think Tenya Iida should be our class rep."

I'm trying my best to listen to Midoria, but my mind keeps going back to lunch. The way I felt, it was horrible. Tight spaces have always been my weakness. What if I get a mission in a tight space when I'm a pro hero? How am I supposed to help?

"He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line."Midoria continues. So he was the one screaming at everyone before I passed out. "So I believe he should be the one leading our class from now on."

"Yeah, you know what? if Midoria vouches for him so do I. Plus he was a big help. Totally maned up and took charge."Kirishima says.

A bunch of people start talking. Iida accepted the nomination, no surprise there.

"Hey, L/N, are you ok? Are you feeling sick?" Ochako asks me. No I'm not ok, but I'm not sure I want to tell her why. I know that the teachers know I'm claustrophobic. My parents made sure of that.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired."I'll tell her the truth, eventually. But not right now.

"Ok..."I know she doesn't believe me

I was so relieved when school finally ended. I felt like I needed to thank Bakugou again, though. He could have just left me passed out on the floor, but he didn't.

"Bakugou, wait!"I call after him as we walk out of class. He turns to look at me.

"What do you want now, tremors?"His old expression is back. His angry one. As well as his harsh tone.

"I wanted to say thank you again. I'm really grateful for what you did. You have no idea how much it means to me." I fiddle around with my fingers.

"Yeah whatever. I told you it better not happen again." We stay silent for a while. I don't know what to say or do.

"Are you...going to tell?"I say, looking down at the floor.

"Who knows about you?"

"My parents, Isla, and the teachers. I haven't told anyone." Another long pause. I take my eyes away from the floor to look at him.

"I won't. What would be the point anyway?"

"I don't know...maybe to embarrass me. I did cry and faint on you."I tell him.

"Yeah well so what? It's not like people would make fun of you for that. It woukd just be a waste of time." But he's a jerk to Midoria. To everyone really.

"But you almost killed Midoria last time and you left me when I was hurt. What changed?"

"Do you want me to keep your damn secret or not?" I think I made him angry. He helped me and he's going to keep my secret. I can't ruin that.

"Yes please."I tell him. Most of the students left. It's just me and him in the hallway and a couple kids passing by now and then. It's silent.

"Fine. Now go away and stop bugging me."he turns around and walks away. I stay where I'm at and watch him. My phone buzzes in my hand, startling me. It's Isla. Oh shoot! I forgot! She and Mom are probably waiting. I run to the entrance as fast as I can.

"Sorry, Mom I was talking to someone."I say as I get in the car.

"It's fine honey. Are you ok? Isla told me what happened at lunch. Why didn't you call me or text me?"

"I'm fine, Mom. Don't worry. I didn't have time to tell you. Sorry. But it's fine Isla and someone else helped me."

"Ok. Remember you can talk to me and your dad. Thank you Isla for helping her."My mom tells Isla.

"Of course. Anytime. Don't forget I'm here to alright."she tells me.

"I know."

The whole car ride home, I stayed silent. My mom and Isla were talking, but I didn't know about what. I kept thinking about Bakugou and what happened at lunch. Why did he help me? It doesn't make sense. He's full of himself. He wouldn't want anyone to see him carrying me in his arms. I have to stop thinking about this. Seriously, I'm giving myself a headache. He's a person. He has a heart. I probably looked pretty bad. I was sweating and crying. I don't remember much of what I said, but I must have said something to make him help me. If I keep bugging him about this, he might not want to keep this a secret. Right now, I'll just appreciate what he did.