Chapter 9: The USJ

The first thing I do when I get home is jump in the shower. Showers always help me when I'm stressed. I peel of all my clothes and get in.

The fresh water hits my back and I close my eyes. I breathe deep and slow. I instantly feel so much better.

I finish showering and eat dinner. Then I go to my room and lay on my bed. I close my eyes and I let myself sink into the covers. The way I felt at lunch is gone. I feel good and that's all that matters.

~The next day at school~

Today we're gonna go to the USJ. USJ stands for Unforseen Simulation Joint. A pro hero named Thirteen created the USJ to train heroes in training. It simulates natural disasters so we can train for rescue missions. Mr.Aizawa said there will be three pro heroes keeping an eye on us. All Might, him and another faculty member. The third obviously being Thirteen. Three? That seems like a bit much. But it's probably because of the break in. Everybody is excited. So am I. I've been waiting to do this.

"What you wear in this excersise is up to you."Mr.Aizawa tells us. "I know you're excited about costumes."

He takes out a controller and points it to the wall. The numbered compartments pop out of the wall again. Yes!

"But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities."

I made sure that my costume wouldn't slow me down. I wore something similar to it when I trained. The school I went to had special classes where you could learn combat and I took special classes to help me control my quirk. I didn't want my costume to be leather. It's uncomfortable and hard to move in.

Since the USJ is off campus, we're going on a bus. Halfway there my classmates start arguing with Bakugou and making fun of him. I'm sitting next to Todoroki, behind Bakugou and Jirou. Todoroki is sleeping, but I don't know how the hell Bakugou's loud screaming doesn't wake him up.

"Hey, we're here. Stop messing around."My teacher tells us.

"Yes sir."We all respond to him.

We get off and at the doorway is Thirteen. The space hero. Wow I'm starting to feel a little nervous. Three pro heroes are gonna be watching us. I can't screw up. Although, I dont see All Might. Did they end up needing him somewhere else?

We walk in and I have no words. I wish I could take pictures and show Isla. But she'll see it.

"Holy crap! This looks like some kind of amusement park!"Kirishima says.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, etc."Thirteen tells us. "I created this facility to help you prepare for different kinds of disasters. I call it The Unforeseen Simulation Joint. But you can call it The USJ."

Mr. Aizawa walk up to Thirteen and they start talking. They might be talking about All Might. But I don't want to be nosy. And everybody us talking so I can't hear them anyway.

"Wow I'm so excited!"Ochako tells me, Midoria, and Iida.

"I know but I'm kind of nervous, too."Midoria says.

"I know. We haven't really talked about rescue missions or done anything like that."I say, chewing on my nails. It's a bad habit I have, I know, but I can't help it.

"That's true, but we'll do great I know we will."Ochako reassures us.

"Of course L/N will be good at this. Her quirk is awesome. "Kaminari says.

"Hah thanks, Kaminari."I tell him.

"And you're really good at this hero stuff, L/N. You'll make a great pro hero."Midoria says to me.

"You'll make a great hero, too. All of you will. You just have to learn how to control your quirk, Midoria." I tell him.

"I know. I really need to learn how to control it."

"Clock's ticking. We should get started." Mr.Aizawa says.

"Excellent! Before we begin let me just say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three. Four or five."Thirteen says.

"We get it."My class says at the same time.

"Listen carefully, I'm sure you're aware I have a powerful quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."she continues.

"Yeah you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters, haven't you?" Midoria says.

"That's true. But my quirk could very easily be used to kill." she says. Everybody shifts and some gasp. I stiffen and look down at my hands.

"Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our super human society, all quirks are certified. So we often overlook how dangerous they can be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone."

I suddenly feel my stomach twist into a knot. But I know why. I've mentioned that when I was younger I wouldn't be able to control my quirk. One time I got mad because someone at daycare took a toy from me and I caused an earthquake. I knew I was doing it, I could feel it, but I couldn't stop. I got scared and that didn't help the matter. The only way it stopped was when I passed out because the earthquake was too much for me.

Another time, me and Isla had a fight. I was older, but I still couldn't control my quirk. I got mad and caused an earthquake in our home. My mom was in the kitchen cooking and boiling water fell on her. She still has the scar on her arm. I hated myself for that and for weeks I wouldn't talk to her or anyone. I didn't want to hurt everyone else.

Those were memories I hoped would never resurface, but that can't happen. I have a lot of reminders. The biggest one being the scar I gave to my mom. I hurt my own mother. I never forgave myself for that. There's too much people around me. I walk to the back, slowly so no one sees me. I breathe in and out. Thirteen is still talking, but I can't hear about what. I can't cry here. Gosh I'm so sensitive. Bakugou is back here too. He looks at me from the corner of his eye. I don't know how I know, but I do. I can feel his gaze on me. I can't take it anymore.

"Is something wrong?"I whisper to him, attitude in my voice. I didn't mean it to be there, but he's been staring for like a minute.

His eyes widen. "No you just look like you're going to throw up. I don't want you passing out on me again, Tremors."

"No I'm fine. Thanks for your concern. I knew you had a heart somewhere behind that cold, harsh attitude you put up." I smile at him.

"Wha-You-I don't-AGH!"

I giggle and he gives me a death stare. I don't know why, but I feel better. It's wierd. I hate him and he hates me. But having him next me is reassuring. Wait what am I saying? How is Bakugou reassuring? He would probably kill me if he wasn't trying to be a hero and if it was legal.

All of a sudden, everybody cheers. I clap too even though I don't know why. I don't want to seem rude though.

"Right. Now that that's over."Mr.Aizawa points to the front and the lights go out. The fountain starts glitiching. Wait is that supposed to happen. I look around. No, something doesn't feel right.

Suddenly a purple warp looking thing appears in front of the fountain. What is going on?

"Um what is that?" I ask, mostly to myself. The warp gets bigger and bigger and a hand reaches out. Then, a face appears. A person covered in hands, with blue hair and blood red eyes starts appearing. Oh no, oh no. This isn't good.

"Stay together and don't move. Thirteen protect the students."Mr. Aizawa tells her.

"Well what is that thing?"Kirishima asks. "Wait has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people."

"Stay back!"Mr. Aizawa yells. He puts on his glasses, well they look kinda like googles, on. "This is real. Those are villains."

Crap I knew it.

"Oh crap this isn't good."I panic. How did they find us? Isn't this supposed to be a safe place? And what are they here for? Who are they? So many questions, but I don't think that really matters right now. We're in danger. Real life danger. This isn't training anymore. It's real.

Hello Reader! I know I said I wasn't going to do this anymore, but I just wanted to say sorry for taking longer to update a chapter then I normally do. I was kinda getting lazy haha. I have to watch the show while simultaneously writing so I can make the scenes feel as real as possible. I have to copy the exact words and actions, from a different pov of course. I promise not to take as long to write the next chapter. I hope you're liking my story! Sorry if there is any spelling errors.