Villains. Real villains.
"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraser. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA All Might should be here." I'm not sure who said that, but I think it was the purple warp. So it's a person?
"So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus." Mr. Aizawa says.
That makes sense. Everybody was worried about making sure no one came in. And how would some everyday people be able to break into one of Japan's most secured schools?
"Where is he?"A dry, raspy voice asks. It sounds creepy. "I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends eager to meet him. They want All Might. The great symbol of peace. We can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play."
That doesn't sound good. But why do they want All Might? Do they want to kill him? That sounds like it's going to be a bit difficult.
"What? Real villains? No way. How could so many get into a UA facility this secure?" Kirishima asks.
It's kind of hard for me to see since I'm all the way at the back, so I walk to the front next to Ochako again.
"Yeah, Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?"Momo asks her.
"Good question. I'm not sure."Thirteen says. Not sure? How is she not sure. Didn't she build this facility?
"Is the entire campus under attack or is this their only target? Either way if the alarm sensors haven't been triggered then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here." Todoroki says. "They carefully choose this isolated facility as an entry at a time a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they thought this out. Whatever their plan is, they must have a concrete objective behind it. But what is it?"he continues.
Ok this guy is good. He is the son of a pro hero. His monologue tone is kinda wierd and it's not helping my nerves, though. Everybody stays silent for a second. A long second.
Mr.Aizawa walks in front of us. "Thirteen get them out of here and alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors, tgen they might be jamming our regular communications too. Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school."
"Yes sir."Kaminari responds.
"What are you gonna do? You can't fight them on your own. There's to many of them. Even if you can erase their quirks, your fighting style is not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not gonna help with a group."Midoria says. And he has point.
"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick."he replies. "I'll leave it to you Thirteen."
Then he jumps high in the air, right at the villains. Oh no, oh crap.
"We can just do nothing."I flinch. I don't want to think about what will happen to my teacher if he can't fight these guys. I can see the villains talking. They're probably underestimating him.
"You have to trust your teacher. He can take them."Thirteen says.
He grabs three guys with the rope things on his neck and throws them in the air. He pinches another one and throws him in the air, too. I look to my side at Uraraka and Midoria. I can see that they're worried, too.
"Come on, we have to get out. Follow me."Thirteen says. We all follow her. We have no choice. Everyone except Midoria. I look back and Iida tells him something and then they're following, too.
The door is a little far from where we're standing so we have to run a bit. As we reach the door, the purple warp appears in front of us. We all come to a stop.
"There is no escape for you."the warp says. It sounds like a man. I turn around to look at Mr.Aizawa. He's surrounded by villains. He can't help. But we have Thirteen. "It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the league of villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to take his last breathe."
Wait, so they do wanna kill him! How do they plan on doing that? Why? I mean they are villains, but they have to have a motive. What has the number one hero ever done wrong?
"I believe he was supposed to be here and yet I see so sign. There must have been a change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah in the end I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."he continues. A chill goes down my spine as he talks. This guy is something else. He's creepy. I don't like the feeling I'm getting. By the looks on my classmates faces, they feel it, too.
I look over at Bakugou and Kirishima. Oh no I can see it on their faces. They're planning something.
Thirteen puts her hand out and I know she's going to use her quirk. But she doesn't get a chance because, then Bakugou and Kirishima lunge at the warp guy.
"Bakugou! Kirishima! No!"I yell. I want to jump at them, but I might make things worse. A loud explosion rips through the air and I stumble back. I cover my face and and close my eyes.
"Did you think we were just going to stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?"Kirishima asks. I cough as the smoke from the explosion thins. I look around. Where's the purple warp?
"Did you..."But I don't finish because the warp appears.
"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Or else someone might get hurt."he says. I realize how close I am to Bakugou and Kirishima. Wait, no. I'm not close to them. I'm in front. I'm IN FRONT of the warp. How did I get here? I didn't run that fast...right?
"Crap..."I mutter. I turn and the warp is right in front of me.
"You idiot!"Bakugou yells. He and Kirishima try to lunge forward.
"No! Stop! Please!"I yell. "He'll get you!"
"He's going to get all of us, moron!" Bakugou yells.
He's right. I turn back around to face the warp. My quirk won't work against him. I don't think any quirks will. I'm not sure. But when Bakugou and Kirishima hit him, he had to take form of the warp again and I saw neck armor. So he has a human form.
I look at him. The armor is mostly covered, but I can see it a bit.
I use my quirk to boost myself up. I blast his armor with my quirk. I use a strong blast. I know I'm not authorized to use my powers, only pros can, but I have to.
The warp slightly weakens for a moment as I land on my knees. I run back towards my class.
"Don't do that, dumbass."I tell Bakugou, slightly out of breathe. That was quick. My heart is racing.
"You're one to talk."he tells me. I can see that a he was worried for a minute.
"You three get out of the way right now!"Thirteen yells at us.
"I'm scattering you across the facility. To meet my comrades. And your deathes!"The purple warp spreads out all over my class and surrounds us.
"Crap what is this?"I hear Kirishima say.
"I didn't hurt him hard enough!"I yell over the loud commotion. "Damn it!"
I want to kick myself. I can cause earthquakes. Breaking the armor off of this guy shouldn't be a problem. If I had landed on him and vibrated it until it broke, instead of blasting him midair, I could have broke the neck armor.
A second later, I'm falling. Not from a high distance but I'm falling. I land on my back with a thud and groan. Suddenly, I feel weight on me. I feel someone on top of me. I open my eyes and see Bakugou staring at me.
"Mgh!"I groan again. My back hurts now. "Bakugou, you're kinda crushing me."
"Shut up, you're so weak."he gets up and stands. I sit up and rub my back.
"Hey I landed on the floor and you landed on me. So I got hurt twice! And I had to make up for that lame ass attack you pulled."
"What did you say you little-"
"GUYS!"Kirishima interrupts him. We both turn to look at him. Wow I didn't even see him. "Can you please stop fighting for a minute so we can figure out where we landed? And so we can look out for villains."
I get up and look around.
"I'm not sure where we are. Are we the only ones here?" I ask.
"I don't know."is the reply I get from Kirishima. "Hey can I ask you something, L/N?"
"Sure. What?"
"How did you get in front of me and Bakugou?" he asks.
"You were with the rest of the class behind us when we lunged at the villain. How did you get in front of us when we attacked? After the smoke cleared up, you were in front of the warp guy."
"I know. I don't know how I got there. When I realized what you guys were doing, I ran forward. But I didn't want to jump in or I might've made things bad. When Bakugou caused the explosion I stopped. The smoke didn't allow me to see where I had landed." I reply. I know what I did was odd, especially since I don't even know how I did it, but is that really what we should be worried about right now?
"So you ran because you wanted to stop me and Bakugou? You ran that fast...for us?"
I mean...I guess so.
"Um...yeah. I guess I did. I was worried that you guys would hurt the class or yourselves. Or that the villain would hurt you guys."
Is that really so surprising? Of course I was worried for my classmates. Even if they are big jerks like Bakugou.
"But then the villain had you in his grasp so it was dumb."Bakugou says. Seriously? This guy makes my blood boil.
"Well I'm sorry I worried about you and wanted to make sure you wouldn't get hurt."I don't know how this guy can be so cold.
"I'm not a weakling you don't have to be worry about me, idiot! You should take of yourself first!"
"I'm only human, Bakugou! I worry. I don't know why I worry, since you are literally the biggest bitch ever, but I do."I walk up to him. It takes every ounce of strength in me not to blast him across the room. "And I'm not a weakling either. I can handle myself. I handled myself with the villain. So don't make me sound like I'm a helpless little girl!"
"Um guys...can we just-"Kirishima starts, but Bakugou doesn't let him finish.
"Yeah, barely. You didn't even hurt the warp guy! He recovered in less than a minute!"
"Oh and you did?"I laugh, but it's not a humorous laugh. It's a bitter one."You didn't even touch him! I did! What was that attack anyway? No offense Kirishima,"I look at him. "But what were you trying to accomplish? You didn't even hit him. You hit his quirk which didn't do much."
"I swear I'm going to crush you!"Bakugou says through gritted teeth.
"I'd like to see you try, sparky." I say.
"Guys can we please focus on trying to get out of here please!"Kirishima yells. I look towards him and then back at Bakugou.
"Gladly."I say. I start to walk.
I've been trying to be nice to him since he helped me, but it's so hard. How can I be nice to an asshole like him?
Suddenly, a loud noise goes through the room. Someone is yelling. Two people are yelling.
I turn around and a villain is lunging at me.
"L/N!"Kirishima yells.
I quickly get out of the villains way and they land on their feet. I look around and I can see that there are more villains in here now. But they're not attacking. Why?
"Why aren't they attacking?"I ask.
"Are they seriously scared?"Bakugou laughs.
I roll my eyes."No that's not it, moron."
We're just a bunch of kids to them. We're not pros. We've barely started school. And we're outnumbered.
"They don't know our quirks."I realize. "They know the pros quirks. They know their strengths and weaknesses because they've seen them. Everybody has. But they don't know ours.They're not scared. They're uneasy. They don't know if one of us might have a really strong quirk that could get rid of them right away."
"Are you sure?"Kirishima asks. No I'm not, but it's the only thing I can come up with. It makes sense.
"No, but doesn't it make sense? It's the only reason I can come up with."
A big villain lunges at me again. I turn my body to the side, letting the villain's arm land just above my shoulder. I grab his arm with my right and elbow him, hard, with my left. I throw him over my shoulder with all my strength, hitting a villain in front of me. I punch them both in the face, but that's not gonna do much. I won't be able to fight them with my fighting skills. I need to use my quirk.
Another villain comes from behind me, wrapping his arm around my neck. Then, he pulls out a knife and puts it to my throat.
"You're a pretty little thing, aren't you? And you're tough."the villain says. It sounds like a man, too.
"L/N!"Kirishima yells again.
"Ugh!"I hear Bakugou.
I put my hands up to the villain's arm.
"You still use knives to kill? That's weak."
I don't know how, but I can feel the villain smiling at me.
"I've always liked knives. Simple but dangerous things. And they're everywhere. In stores, on streets, even in houses."he traces my jaw with the knife and a chill goes down my spine. Bakugou and Kirishima can't help me. They have to take care of themselves, too.
"You idiot..."Bakugou says again. But he's not mad.
"Is this your friend?"the villain asks them. He has a tight grip on me.
"Yes now let her go!"Kirishima yells.
"Take care of yourselves! I can defend myself."I tell him, but I know he's not going listen.
"Well, you can watch her die."the man says.
"I'M GONNA ENJOY KILLING YOU!"Bakugou yells. He starts to run forward at the villain.
"NO!"I yell. "STAY BACK!"
I start to vibrate his arm and it breaks.
"AGH!WHAT DID YOU DO?"the villain yells, dropping the knife and letting me go. I kick him in the face and blast him against the wall.
"Got you."I smile. I turn around and Bakugou is red with anger. Literally.
I laugh."You're the color of Kirishima's hair."
"You couldn't have done that sooner?! You had us thinking you were gonna die, stupid!"
"So you do care. That's so nice."
"That's not what I said!"
My face turns dead serious as a villain tries to hit Bakugou from behind. I run and push him out of the way, blasting the villain.
"I had that."he says.
"Sure."I reply.
Another villain tries to get me, but I dodge them. I try kicking them, but they dodge. They kick me instead and I fall back.
"Gah!"I grab my face. He punches me in the face again. And I fall to the the floor. I blast him with my quirk and he hits the floor. But the blast was weak so he gets up again. I get up, but he's too fast. He hits my leg and I fall again.
"AGH!"I cry out in pain.
"You're just a child."the villain says. This time it sounds like a woman.
"And you're a piece of shit." I hit the floor underneath her with my powers and it crumbles and falls. The villain falling with it.
I try to stand, but I fall again due to the pain in my leg.
"Argh!"I can't stand, which means I can't fight. Damn it.
"Don't tell me you're hurt."Bakugou says, hitting a villain in front of him.
"Sorry."I sit correctly. "Help me up."
He makes a face and takes a moment, but he walks over to me grabs both of my hands. I try to stand, again, but I can't.
"Damn it!"I hit the floor next to me with my fist. "I'm so stupid."
"At least you didn't die."
I look up at him "Thanks."
I hold out my hands again and try to stand. It hurts, but I can't just stand by and do nothing. Bakugou grabs my waist and pulls me up. One hand is holding my hand and the other is holding my waist. He's holding me tight and close. He's holding me up. My heart is racing and my palms feel like they're on fire.
"Bakugou..."I practically whisper. "You need to help Kirishima."
"Uh..right."Did he really just stutter? He lets my hand go, but not my waist. I grab on to the window. l need to get out of their way. He finally let's go and I almost fall but I regain my balance.
"Go."I tell him, trying to cover how much pain I'm in. He doesn't go right away, but eventually he does. I scoot further back, away from them and collapse to the floor. I close my eyes and take deep breathes. But I feel wierd now. I feel like someone is watching me. I open my eyes and scream.
"Boo." it's the villain from earlier. The one who held the knife to my throat.
"Shit!"Bakugou says.
"Your face is so pretty. I'd hate to ruin it." the villain says. He's holding the knife right on my cheek. "But I will if any of you try anything."
I breathe heavily.
"I'm not scared of you."I say. Ok I kinda am, but I have to put on a brave face. I will not have my classmates suffer because I was too weak. "You're pathetic. You can't even beat a much of so called kids."
He pushes the knife into my cheek a little. I can feel it almost digging into my skin.
"Watch your words, child."
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH HER."Bakugou screams. Wait...what? The villain turns to him, smiling.
"You care about this girl?"he asks Bakugou. He doesn't say anything. He just glares at him with a look so evil, I don't know how it hasn't killed the villain.
"She's our classmate, of course we care!"Kirishima yells. He looks angry, too. But not like Bakugou.
"No he's different."the villain looks at Bakugou. "He a different way. But he's in denial."
"Shut your ugly mouth up. You don't know what you're talking about."Bakugou says. His face looks different now. It still looks mad, but I know he's thinking about what the villain said.
"Yes you do."the villain says in a sing-songy voice. He puts the knife deeper into my cheek, causing it to cut open.
"Mgh!" It burns. I feel my warm blood on my cheek. He pulls the knife out. It's not deep, but it hurts. Bakugou stiffens and he gets angrier. His face is just pure anger now.
"Have I hit a nerve?"the villain laughs. He's distracted I grab his hand and vibrate it again. Now both of his hands are broken. He falls back, crying out in pain. I blast him again. This time he goes through the wall. All the other villains start to lunge at Kirishima and Bakugou. And at me. I have an idea, but It's not a good one.
"I'm gonna cause an earthquake."I yell. The villains turn to stare at me. So do Bakugou and Kirishima. "That's right I can do that."
"She's lying. She's trying to manipulate us."one of the villains says.
"Aren't you hurt?"Kirishima asks.
"We don't have a choice. We need to get out of here. Grab onto something. Bakugou cause an explosion so they can't see through the smoke." I grab on to the window again and stand up. This is going to take a lot of strength and concentration. I close my eyes and clear my mind.
"Bakugou, now!"I yell and he causes an explosion. I blast all of the villains to knock them over. I turn and see Bakugou and Kirishima behind me. I close my eyes again and concentrate. I feel the ground underneath me rumble. I can feel the pain on my leg, but it doesn't matter.
"It needs to be stronger."I say under my breathe. My leg can't hold anymore and I fall, but I don't break concentration. Wait no I'm not falling. Someone is grabbing me. Bakugou. I don't know how I know it's him, but I do.
I use more power. The building starts to move more. And more. I open my eyes and see the villains on the floor.
"Get them."I say. Kirishima goes at them.
"You're not ok."Bakugou tells me.
"I'll be fine. Go!"
He sets me down and goes to fight, too. I smile, knowing I helped.
Hiiiii I tried to make this chapter as long as I could. Sorry I took so long to post. I've kinda been busy this week and I'v been wanting to write new stories so I've been working on other stories. Sorry and I promise I'll try not to take this long to post again. Bye reader.