I breathe in and out. I feel tired. Like my body's energy just got drained. Usually I can create earthquakes without feeling too tired. But I had already used my powers and I was hurt. Bakugou and Kirishima are talking about something. I'm too tired and in pain to hear.
I touch the cut on my cheek. It's just a flesh wound, so it bled little to nothing.
"Hey, can you walk?"Bakugou asks me. Really? Does it look like I can?
I look up at him. "What do you think?"
He rolls his eyes and pulls me up, carrying me bridal style and being careful with my legs.
"Um Bakugou..you can just help me walk. I can just lean on-"
"Shut up and just grab on. Which leg hurts?"
"My right." I wrap my arms around his neck, slowly, because this is wierd. Bakugou is carrying me. Bakugou, the biggest asshole I have ever met, is carrying me This is just too much.
I feel like my cheeks burn and look away.
"Alright lovebirds. Let's get out."Kirishima says, smiling.
I glare at him.
"I will roast you."Bakugou says and I think he means it. I think we all know damn well that Bakugou could turn Kirishima into fried chicken. Well maybe, since Kirishima's quirk is hardening.
Ok I know I've been carried like this before by Bakugou, but that time I wasn't really focused on that. And I was unconscious. This time I'm very much conscious.
I feel his hand on my back. I'm trying so hard not to blush. Why am I even blushing? Why does my heart feel like it's in my throat? Why am I feeling like this?
Maybe it has do with the fact that a boy is carrying me. Did I just ask myself a question and answer it? Yup I'm going crazy.
The boy who's carrying me is a jerk, but he's still a boy. And I'm still thinking about what the villain said about Bakugou. And what he yelled. He said he would kill the villain if he touched me. This is too much. Now my head hurts.
"Hey tremors!"Bakugou says, bringing me back to reality.
"Huh, what?"
"I called you three times. Did you lose your hearing, too?"
"No. Sorry. I was thinking about..stuff." Yeah cause I sound real convincing. 'Stuff'. I think it's pretty obvious what 'stuff' is.
I can hear Bakugou breathing. Maybe it's cause I'm close to him or...because he's tired from carrying me?
"Bakugou you can put me down if you're tired. I can try and walk." I tell him.
"No I'm fine. Stop worrying so much. It's annoying."
"Bakugou I can carry her if you're tired."Kirishima says.
"I said I'm fine!"
"Ok calm down."I tell him. "I just don't want to cause more problems."
"And I just want to help."Kirishima says.
"I'm...fine."he says, breathing between the the words. He's tired.
"Stop."I say. But he doesn't. I tighten my hands around his neck and look at him. "Bakugou. Stop."
"We can't stop, idiot. The villains might catch up."
"Fine, then let Kirishima carry me. You fought really hard, you're tired."
"Would you shut up? I'm fine!" He stumbles, falling forward and me along with him.
"Oh crap!"Kirishima says.
My back hits the pavement, not as hard, but it still hurt. Bakugou almost lands on me but he stops himself with his hands.
"Agh!"I cry out in pain. He didn't land directly on my leg, but it still hit the floor. "See! You're tired! You can't over exhaust your body, our other classmates might need you. Why are you being so stubborn?" What is his problem?
"I couldn't fight for myself in there!"he yells. He stands up and Kirishima walks over. "I had to rely on you and that red haired loser."
"She just saved us. What is your problem, man?" Kirishima says. Finally, someone understands.
"I've never had to rely on anyone. You ended up saving us and your attack actually worked on the warp guy. You practically did the mission with missile from last time on your own. Because I didn't do anything!" he continues. He's angry, but also confused.
"Bakugou...I-"He doesn't let me finish.
"And almost every single time, you've gotten hurt. Because of me. But you don't give up. You keep worrying about me. It's annoying, but why?"
My face falls to the ground in front of me. He's right. I'm just as confused as him.
"Kirishima can you..um...be a lookout. To make sure no villains are coming?"
"But...are you sure?"he asks.
I look up at him. "Mhm. We'll catch up to you."
It takes a moment, but he finally runs off. I look back at Bakugou.
"I don't fight for you. No offense. I'm grateful for what you did last time. But I fight for myself." I don't clean up his messes, I solve the problems I'm in. Sometimes I'm in them because of him, but I have to work it out. What else am I supposed to do?
"I feel like I owe you for what you did at lunch, but I don't fight for you, Bakugou. Yes, I got hurt when we did the training because you didn't come, but I continued for me. I didn't want to fail. I attacked the warp guy because he could've hurt our class. And I didn't just save you. I saved myself and Kirishima. And I worry because I care. I don't want people to die or to get hurt."
He looks up at the ceiling. "Why am I even talking about this with you? This so stupid."
"No it's not. Feelings aren't stupid. You're not stupid. You just care."
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't I? Life is hard. Especially if you want to become a hero. You need people. You can't do it on your own. You're human, You're gonna care. You can't not care."
"ARGH! What is your problem? What do you have against caring? Don't you have people that care about you? Your parents?" I'm highly curious what this guy's home life is like.
Wait, what if he doesn't have parents or something? Or what if they hate him and I just asked something like that. Oh gosh I'm such an idiot.
"That's none of your bussiness."He bends down and picks me up again, he's careful with my leg, but he's not that gentle. I feel a little uneasy, like I'm going to fall, so I quickly grab onto his neck tightly.
"Geez, you're gonna drop me again, moron.."I finish my sentence a little weak because I realize how close my face is to his. My palms start to feel hot and my cheeks burn again. I feel the back of his neck and my whole is face is on fire now. I easy my grip and our faces have more space between them now.
"Um...we gotta go find Kirishima."I swallow hard and look away from him.
"I know. I'm not stupid."he starts walking again and we stay silent.
"Hey, guys, I think we're in the earthquake part of the facility. Look how everything is collapsed."Kirishima says when we reach him. I can hear Bakugou's breathing again.
"Yeah that's true. So I shouldn't have caused that earthquake."I should be more careful when choosing my attacks. The whole building could have fallen.
"I mean it was the only thing that would've worked. We were outnumbered and those villains were adults."
"I guess that's true."
"Alright let's just get out of here."Bakugou says. I can tell Kirishima also knows he's tired. But he doesn't want to say anything or Bakugou just might lose his temper. Again. Last time it wasn't so bad, but this time, who knows.
"Hey Kirishima."I can't keep telling Bakugou to stop or he won't listen. I have to MAKE him stop. "Come."
"Ok.."he walks over to me.
"Help me walk. Both of you."
"Wait should you be doing that? That villain hit you pretty hard." Kirishima asks.
"Yeah, but I can't stand being carried like a helpless child. If it hurts too much I'll ask you to carry me."I say, grabbing onto him.
"I can carry you it's fine."Bakugou says. He looks like he's tired of me. "Why are you so persistent?"
"I don't care. I want to walk. I can't let a little leg pain hold me back. How the hell am I supposed to be a hero like that? Now put me down."I look right at him. I feel my face burning, but I have to show him that he doesn't control me.
He finally sets me down and I grab onto him and Kirishima. They're both slightly taller than me. We start walking, but I know this is slow. We have to get to our class now. I hate this. I hate being like this. Helpless and slow. And I'm not just slowing myself down, I'm slowing down my classmates.
I look down at the floor."Stop."
"Why the hell do you keep telling us to stop?"Bakugou asks.
I don't look up. I want to cry. But not tears of sadness or pain. Tears of frustration. "Leave me here. I slow you guys down too much."
"We can't leave you, the villains might get you."Kirishima says.
"I'm useless. I can't do anything. I slow you guys down too much. Our class might need you. Leave me. You guys will be doing us all a favor."
"We're not leaving you. We can take turns carrying you-"
I interrupt Kirishima. "That is exactly my point! I appreciate you guys wanting to help me, but it's important to know when you've been beaten. I can't ask you to help me when our teachers, our classmates could be getting killed right now. That would be selfish of me."
"How are you so stupid?"Bakugou asks. I'm literally telling them to leave me for their own good. For the good of our class and teachers. How is that dumb?
"What?"I scowl at him.
"You're not beaten."
"Um my leg is pretty hurt, I can't fight and I'm tired from using my quirk. I'm useless. That sounds pretty beaten to me."
"Then how do you explain us escaping from the villains? I think you beat them."
"That's true, but you guys can still fight, I'm done. I'm beaten. That doesn't mean you guys are. I'm not gonna drag you down with me. I'm staying here. You can't stop me. I make my own decisions."
"The hell I can."he picks me up, yet again.
"You say you don't care and yet you just won't leave me alone. If you don't care, leave me."I challenge him. A silence passes between us. It's funny how silence can be so loud. I know that he's thinking about this.
Bakugou walks over to Kirishima. "Here." He hands me over to Kirishima. "Let's go."
It's wierd. Being carried by Kirishima doesn't feel the same as being carried by Bakugou. I don't feel nervous. Not like with Bakugou. Why?
"You're not leaving me ya know."I tell him.
"I'm leaving you to Kirishima."
"No you're not because Kirishima is with you. I'm still with you. Dumbass."
"Guys can you stop fighting for five minutes so we can find our class? Please?"Kirishima asks. Kirishima is probably the most tired out of all of us. He's the one one who's had to deal with me and Bakugou arguing non stop. Poor him.
Feeling are wierd. My feelings. I feel like I hate Bakugou. Who wouldn't? He's a jerk who can't get over himself. And yet...I can't help it. There's something about him. It makes me worry. HE makes me worry. Nervous.
Wait...no. No no no. I can't like...Bakugou! He's a son of a bitch who doesn't care about anyone but himself. He wouldn't think twice about murdering someone just for calling something insulting.
What am I thinking? Of course I don't like him...right?