I fiddle around nervously with my fingers. Today's the day I give Bakugou his present. Hopefully, he likes it.
I didn't get him anything big becuase I don't know what he likes. So I just made him some cookies and bought him some black sweat pants.
My bag feels a little heavier than usual and it's not helping my nerves.
"Ok calm down. Why am I even nervous? I mean, I talk to him all the time, right?"I tell myself quietly while walking to my class.
It's been two days since the attack and me and Bakugou haven't really talked much. I think he's been avoiding me. For what reason? I would like to know, too.
I keep taking deep breathes and close my eyes, muttering to myself. When, suddenly, I feel myself bump into someone else.
"Hey! Watch it you moro-oh it's you."Bakugou says.
I step back. "Sorry."
"Tch. Whatever."He turns around and starts walking again.
"Uh-hey wait. I need to talk to you."I say, tugging on his uniform shirt.
He turns around again and looks at me, then at the hand I have on his sleeve. I quickly pull it away and clear my throat.
"I wanted to say...thank you. For getting me out safely and taking me to the old lady."
A look of something crosses his eyes, but then it's gone. To fast for me to know what it was.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever. But you need to stop doing that. Passing out on me. It's really pissing me off."he responds.
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. But I have to talk to you. After school. Alone."I grip the strap of my bag.
"Why? What for?"
"I need to...um..give you something. Can you just please meet me at the back of the school after classes are done?"I tell him.
"Fine. I don't care. You better not do anything annoying, though."He responds and keeps walking the same way I was.
I stand there a bit and let it all seep in. I was kind of hoping he'd say no. Why? I don't know.
~Time skip to the end of class~
I walk out of class and make my way to the back of the school.
I get there quickly and a few seconds later, I see Bakugou.
'Alright, Y/N. You can do this.'I think to myself.
"Oi, I'm here. What do you want?"
"Um..ok. Well let's just get this over with."I mutter under my breathe.
I grab my bag and open it. I take out the box filled with cookies. It's a thermos, so the cookies should be warm still.
I hand them to him along with the sweatpants. "Here."
He takes them and stares at me confused.
"It's a thank you gift. From me and my parents. For helping me. Last time and at the USJ."I kick the dirt with my foot and don't look up. Why is this making me so embarrassed?
"Don't say you don't want it. Becuase I can't take it back. I need to thank you. And my mom and dad put all of their love and thanks into those cookies."I laugh at myself. "I know that sounds kinda dumb, but it's the truth."
"I don't need this as a thank you. Seeing you be alive is good enough."He says.
Wait, did Bakugou really just say that?
I look at him and then he realizes what he just said. "I mean-I know I helped you, but I don't need this. Seeing you means I did a good job at being a hero. Which is what I wanna be."
"Oh..um..ok. That's good. But just keep it. Please."What he said makes sense, but I doubt that's what he meant when he said seeing me alive is good enough. I'll let it slide, though. I don't want this to be any more awkward than it already is.
"Fine. Can I go now?"he asks.
"Yeah."I respond and smile. "Thank you again."
"You need to stop with the thank you's They're getting annoying."He scoffs and walks away.
That wasn't so bad, right? Yeah, that went well.
Bakugou hears Y/N's voice as he walks away, but he can't hear what she said.
"Damn it, why'd I say that?"he mutters to himself.
He couldn't stop himself. He just said it.
It was the truth, though. Seeing her be alive and well and happy was enough for him. She had no idea just how much she meant to him. It was sometimes annoying. She probably thought he just did it because he wanted people to think he was a good hero in training.
"You don't have a clue what you mean to me."He says, quietly, staring at the gifts she gave him."I don't even know how much I care about you. Or why."
Gosh this is frustrating. Bakugou has never cared like this about anyone. He's never worried about anyone either. His only goal in life has always been to become the number one hero. Like All Might.
He just wished he could tell her or tell someone. So he can get this off his chest.
I walk through the door and fall to the couch. Ugh, I've been on edge all day. It's tiring.
"Did he like the present, honey?"My dad asks.
"Yeah. I think so. I mean he took it and that's a lot. Considering the type of person he is."I respond and yawn a huge, long yawn. I didn't get much sleep either. I kept thinking of every possible outcome. How i wamyed to ask him, what I should say, how Bakugou would react. Yes I know I overthink a lot. It's a specialty of mine.
"Oh that's good."my dad says happily.
"Welcome back, Katsuki."Bakugou's mother says when Bakugou walks through the door.
"Hi Mom."He responds.
"What's that in your hand?"she asks.
"It's nothing."He says quickly.
"Oh It's something. You better show me."
"No! It's not anything. Now leave me alone!"
"Katsuki Bakugou, get your ass over here."she says, going after him.
She catches up to him and smacks him hard. "What is it?"
"It's a present from a classmate of mine! Geez!"He say, annoyed.
"Ooo nice! Is it a girl?"she asks, eyeing him.
"Are you finally gonna get a girlfriend?"she asks happily.
"What? No! It was just a thank you gift for helping her with something."
"Well it must have been a big something if she gave you a gift. My baby is finally growing up."
"I'm not a baby! Agh!"he walks away and goes to his room, slamming the door behind him.
He places the sweatpants on the bed and opens the box she gave him. Cookies.
He smiles a little. But then he realizes what He's doing and stops. Closing the box, he puts it on his bed and takes the sweatpants. They're soft. And look comfortable.
But most of all, she gave them to him. And for some reason that makes him feel like he can't ever throw them away.
"What is going on with me?"he asks himself. putting his hands to his head. "Why do I feel so...happy? I can't stop thinking about her."
He closes his eyes and the girl's face appears. Her sweet smile and beautiful eyes. Her strong resilience. He really cared about her. He didn't want to, but he did.
Now what should he do? Should he allow himself to feel this way about her? Should he tell her? Does she feel the same way?
A million questions and he doesn't have an answer to any single one of them.