I yawn as my eyelids slowly open, revealing the bright rays of sun shining through my window.
They make my cold room feel warm.
I yawn again and turn my position sideways to the right. My nightstand sits right beside my bed. I smile at the pictures of me and Isla and of me and my parents.
I hear a knock and my mother's voice on the other side. "Honey? Are you up?"
"Yeah you can come in, Mom."I clear my throat and she walks in.
"Morning, how are you feeling?"She asks me.
Even though the attack at the USJ happened about a week ago, they're still worried. But, I mean, of course they are. I'm their daughter.
"I'm ok."I respond.
"Alright, that's good. Remember that Haru is coming today so you should get ready. You and Isla can go out with him." she says.
"Oh yeah. I can't wait to see him."
Haruto is another one of my best friends. Me, him, and Isla were inseparable when we were kids. Sadly, he moved away when we went to fifth grade.
Me and Isla are chatting when suddenly the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it."Mom says, coming out of the kitchen.
She opens it and Haru and his parents step are standing there.
"Haru!"Me and Isla say at the same time.
His blue eyes shimmer with excitement as we run to him and he runs to us.
We all pull each other into a tight hug.
"I missed you both so much!"he says.
"We did, too."Isla says.
I greet his parents and then we all sit on the couch.
"So, I was thinking, since it's been a while since you've been back here, we should go out."I tell him.
He nods happily. "Yeah! I would love that."
"Well where should we go. We have to decide quickly so we can go on a bus. In less you wanna go walking."Isla says.
"Nope. No thank you."I say. They both smile and laugh a little.
"Um we should go to that one street where they have a lot of shops."he says.
"Ohhh. Yes! I love it there." I respond.
Isla nods and scrolls through her phone, checking for the buses that can take us there. "Yeah, that seems like a good idea. We have to go now then. A bus that can take us will arrive around here at 2:30."
"Alright, let's tell our parents."
After about an hour, we arrive at the street.
This place is my favorite. All the shops are open and they have various things. Some have food, some have clothes, others have scents and perfumes, oils and ointments. All kinds of stuff.
"Isn't this shirt nice, Y/N?"Isla asks me.
I look at the red shirt with a white rose in the middle she's holding. "Yes. It would look amazing on you."
She smiles, but puts it back.
"Guys look at this guitar!"Haru says from another shop close by.
We pass some people dancing in the middle. I smile and wave at them.
"It's nice. You should buy it."Isla says.
"It is. It's beautiful. Wow I wish I knew how to play."I say.
Haru has always had a natural talent for the guitar. His parents finally got him classes after he kept begging. Now he's amazing at it!
"Yeah. I don't know, though."
"Hey, Y/N, isn't that guy over there Bakugou?"Isla asks me.
I turn to look at a boy standing at the shop across from us. "I think it is."
"Um, hello? I'm a little lost. Who's Bakugou?"Haru says.
"It's a guy that likes Y/N."Isla says, snickering.
I turn to her and give her a light smack. "He doesn't like me!"
"Oooo. I wanna meet him!"Haru says making his way over.
I pull his shirt and tug him back. "Haruto, don't you dare!"
"Why? Do you like him?"he says laughing.
"No. We hardly get to see you. I see Bakugou almost everyday. Come on just ignore him."I say.
He sighs and smiles. "Fine."
Bakugou rolls his eyes as his mom shows a him dress.
'Why am I here?'
He turns around and crosses his arms. Then, he spots a familiar face.
'Is that Y/N?'
He sees her best friend spot him. He turns, quickly looking the other way.
'Who's that guy she's with?'
He sees a boy that has blue eyes and brown hair with Y/N and her bestfriend. He's never seen him before.
Y/N turns around and sees Bakugou. He tries to act like he wasn't watching her.
She nods to Isla then the boy says something that seems to make Y/N annoyed and embarrassed.
The boy then tries to go to Bakugou, but Y/N pulls him and tells him something.
He looks kind if disappointed, but turns back to her. They walk to another shop.
'Who is that? I've never seen him before.'
They didn't move too far away so Bakugou can still see them.
He sees the boy put a flower pin in Y/N's hair.
'Damn it, why does she look so pretty?' He gets flustered and blushes, then looks away for a little.
He turns back to look at her as the boy takes the pin off.
'Why do I feel like this? Like...angry, but...hurt? I want to go over there and pull her away from him. Make him know that he can never touch her.'
He stares at Y/N. She laughs her beautiful laugh. That laugh that, for some reason, makes him feel happy.
'Am I...jealous? No no. Of course not. I don't even like her...right?'
"Earth to Katsuki!"his mother's snaps, hitting him.
"Agh! What do you want, you old hag?!"
"Call me that again and we'll see what happens. I called you five times, you idiot."
"I was looking at..something! Geez!"
She scowls at him and goes back to looking at clothes. "If you wanna buy something, I gave you money. Just don't get lost."
"I don't want any-"he stops and thinks about it. He might be able to get close to Y/N. "Ok, I'm gonna go look. I'll find you later."
He leaves and makes his way close to Y/N, but not too close.
'What am I even doing?'