"And then the milk sprayed right out his nose!"Haru says, laughing.
Me and Isla laugh, too.
"Hey, Y/N, I think this would suit you."Isla says, grabbing a F/C clip and handing it to me. It looks like a F/F. It's beautiful.
(Sidenote: F/C and F/F mean "favorite color" and "favorite flower.")
"Oh yeah. I really like it."I pin it in my hair.
Haru claps and smiles. "Perfect!"
Isla gives me a thumb up and smiles.
"Ok, don't look now, but your boyfriend is coming over here."Haru says.
I roll my eyes and scoff loudly. "Ughh! Bakugou is not my-alright, you know what? Forget it."I turn my eyes a little to see Bakugou coming close. Not to us, but to a shop close to us.
"Whatever. Like I said, I want to spend the day with Haru. He's only gonna be here for like a week."I say, paying the cashier for the pin.
"What if he's jealous?"Isla says.
"Why would he be? He doesn't own me."I say. I am my own person.
Even if I ever get a boyfriend or a husband, I'm still not gonna belong to anybody. I want someone who'll respect that.
"I think he can hear you now."Haru whispers.
I shrug. "Meh. Anyways, I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat."
"Agreed."Isla says.
"Yup."Haru says and we all walk to a food shop.
We pay for some food and sit at some tables.
I laugh at something Isla says, but then notice Bakugou sneaking around. Why does he keep doing that?
I'm trying to enjoy a day with my best friends and he keeps ruining it. I'm trying to ignore him, but I can't. It 's weird and kind of creepy knowing that someone is watching me and my friends. I don't like it.
"Tch. I can't take it anymore!"I snap and stand up, pushing my chair back.
"Um, Y/N. Are you ok?"Haru asks as I walk towards Bakugou who won't leave me alone.
"Bakugou, what the hell is your problem?"I ask him when I reach him.
I can tell he has panic in his eyes, but he tries covering it with annoyance and his usual jerk attitude. "What do you mean? I didn't even know you were here."
"Oh cut the crap. I know you saw me. Isla saw you. And you keep stalking me. I want to enjoy the afternoon with Haru and Isla. Stop creeping around me."
He looks at my friends sitting at the table behind me and I just know they're watching us.
"Haru? That's his name?"He glares at Haru. What is he doing? Why is he glaring at him and what is that look in his eye? It's not anger. Or at least not the usual anger he wears on his face. It's different. I've never seen it before.
"Yes. It is. What do you care? And you still haven't answered my question. What is your problem?"I snap, getting his attention back.
"I don't have one!"he snaps back.
"Then leave me and my friends alone. I don't like knowing that I'm being watched."
He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I wasn't watching you."
"Sure. Whatever."I roll my eyes at him and turn around.
I see Isla whisper something to Haru. He laughs and nods. Then he jogs up to me and hugs me.
"What the-"I say, confused.
"It's ok, babe."Haru says.
"Go along with it."he whispers.
I sigh. Now I get what they're doing.
"No. I'm not-"
"I'll tell your mom about the time you broke her favorite mug and didn't-"
"Ok, ok!"I say. "Thank you."
I hug him and try my best to act like I'm being hugged by my boyfriend. I think I'm gonna hurl. Haru is like a brother to me. And they're doing this to make Bakugou jealous?! That doesn't feel right.
I open my mouth to talk as Haru lets go, but before I can, Bakugou appears out of no where and punches Haru.
"Haru!"I yell as he falls to the ground.
"Haruto!"Isla yells and she runs to us. She reaches down to help Haru.
Haru reaches up to his cheek. It looks red.
I turn my head slowly to look at Bakugou, feeling very angry.
Bakugou is looking angry, too. But also confused. He looks at me, then his face is full of regret.
"L/N, I-"he tries.
"Don't."I say. I can't start a fight here. But I can't help it. He hurt Haru.
I turn completely around and look at Bakugou. I slap him across the face. Hard.
He stumbles back and looks at me in shock.
"Haru has a disorder. When he bleeds, he bleeds a lot! So if you gave him a nose bleed, who knows what could've happened!"I yell at him.
"I didn't know! I-"Bakugou says again.
I turn around and look at Haru. "Are you ok?"
He nods. "Don't worry."
I reach down and help him up. Isla does the same.
Bakugou stays silent, watching me.
I really want to blast him. Hurt him. But I can't. I have to stay calm.
People are staring. A lot of them. But I don't care.
"Leave!"I yell at him as me and Isla set Haru down on a chair.
He looks down and walks away. Good. He knows he messed up.
"Are you sure you're ok?"I ask Haru again.
"Yes. I'm fine."He gives a small smile, but flinches. "Ow."
"It hurts to smile?"Isla asks.
He nods.
"I'm gonna kill him."I say, turning around to look at Bakugou walking away.
"Isla get some ice."I tell her. "Ask someone for some please."
She nods and walks to the guy we ordered food from.
What the hell is his problem?
Bakugou look at his fist. His knuckles are red from the punch he gave Haru.
'Why the hell did I do that?'
He looks back to see Y/N putting ice to Haru's swollen cheek.
He looks away again and scoffs.
"Did you buy anything, Katsuki?"His mom asks when be reaches her.
He shakes his head no. "Can we leave now?"
"No. I need new clothes. I haven't gone shopping in ages."She pulls out another dress and hands one she was already holding to Bakugou. "Hold this."
"Agh!"He grunts and takes it. He flinches a little from the pain coming from his hand.
"Katsuki, why the hell is your fist so red?"she asks, looking at it. "Look at your knuckles."
"I-uhh. I accidentally hit myself."he lies.
"Are you sure? You don't wanna put some ice in that?"
"No! I'm fine!"he rolls his eyes.
"Ok then. Whatever you say."She sighs. He's so stubborn.