Earth Part 1

I had my hood pulled low over my head. Before I stepped up to the gate, I fixed my mask. My hand bandages were fresh and tight around my hands and wrist. I take a deep breath.

I walk up to the gate and walk through. I weave my way through the people. I was now standing in front of a fountain. It was sprouting their version of water. No one else is allowed water other than the water kingdom.

I turn right and go behind the stores. I then found the dark market. They sell illegal weapons and much more. But I just need a new weapon. Only people in the inner circle knew about this place.

I was not in that inner circle. But everyone here looked as suspicious as me. I walked past a sword and dagger store. I let my hands out and grabbed two daggers.

Someone grabbed my shoulder. I stopped. A low gruffy voice said, "And who are you?"

I grabbed his wrist and said, "None of your business."

He then began to put pressure on my shoulder. It would have made most bend down by the force. But I stood tall. I moved his hand off of me and said, "I have to go."

I began to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. I grabbed his wrist. I did a backwards sweep and the back of my heel connected with the back of his knee. I used his momentum and made him flip over himself. He was now flat on his back.

I said, "Do not touch me."

He whistled loudly and two people grabbed my shoulders and slammed me to the floor. I felt the ground wrap around my wrists. Good thing, I can conceal my weapons. The ground solidified and I was stuck. The same thing happened to my waist an ankles.

I struggled against the ground. I hit the ground and it started to soften. It then became solid.

I kept trying and the same thing happened. I then was forced to go to the castle. It was a long walk. But we had to go around the back so people did not see. Since they do not know about the illegal store area.

We walked through the forbidden forest. I could feel the monsters looking at me. I gave them a silent growl and they backed away.

I could only feel the ones that were very brave and extremely stupid. I gave out another silent growl. This one had more power in it. They left quickly. I was brought inside the castle. The maids, butlers, and other staff looked scared at the sight of me. I gave out a nasty smirk.

I then was brought into the throne room. The king was sitting in his throne all high and mighty. It honestly makes me sick. I hated authority ever since I was little. But I will not get into that right now.

I was placed on the floor roughly. The guards who brought me in, walked up to the king and bowed. He dismissed them with a wave of his hand. There was a elf sitting in the queens chair.

Of course he married an elf. And a woodland elf. She sees me and then had a puzzled look on her face. The king said, "I am King Oak. This is Queen Woodia. Please remove your hood."

I stared dead at him through my face mask. I did not move. He motioned a hand and a guard walked towards me. I broke through the restraints and said, "Do not touch me. You will not remove my hood."

Woodia said, "Let her keep her hood on."

The guard stopped and looked at Oak. Oak looked confused at Woodia. Woodia was looking at me. I looked back at her. I said, "Thank you Wood."

Her face went to stone. Oak looked confused. He said, "Her name is Queen Woodia. You will call her that."

Woodia stands up and walked up to me. She then hugs me. I pat her back and she began to cry into my shoulder.

Oak said, "What the hell is happening?"

He motioned to the guards. They stepped towards us. Woodia said, "You touch me or this person and I will kill you. Go back to your position. Now!"

The guard stopped and went back into his position. She then kept crying into me. I patted her until she was done.She looked at me and I wiped away the tears. She smiled faintly and said, "I am sorry about that my dear."

He still looked confused. He said, "Well, let's just ignore that for a second. How did you find out about the market?"

Woodia blurted out, "I have a quest for you."

King Oak looked at Woodia like she was bat shit crazy. She ignored his reaction. She composed herself and said, "My son had gone off on a mission and has not returned."

I said, "Which mission?"

She sighed deeply and said, "There was an attack on Lutu's tribe. I have not heard back from him since then and I am getting extremely worried."

I nodded and said, "I will get on it. I will see you soon Wood."

I stood up and she did as well. She said, "I will escort you and get you a travel pack."

I said, "You do not have to Wood."

She smiled and said, "It would be my honor. Please let me do this."

I nod. She walks off. I make my way to the door. I wait for her. I would hate to leave her after she had done so much for me. She comes back with a bag. I gave her a faint smile. It was her famous enchanted bags. She said, "I know you wanted one of these. Since you last one got destroyed."

I take it and she hugs me one more time. I then head off to see Lutu. I make it out and head into the woods. I could hear the monsters whispering. I growled and said, "Back off. You try to eat me and you will be in big trouble."

The monsters backed away. All except one. I roll my eyes. I said, "What do you want Denver."