Earth Part 2

A male walks out of the shadows. His deep black hair cut into his vision.His eyes were a bright purple. They looked hungry and seductive. He was wearing a deep gray button up. It went well with his tan skin. His pants matched. But the shoes looked slightly muddy.

He said, "Long time no see."

I rolled my eyes. I said, "Oh yes. Because trying to seduce me into being your girlfriend was the right way to get me."

He smirked and stepped towards me. He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me close He said, "But you missed me cupcakes."

I used my other hand and gently grab his hair. He gave me a seductive smirk and said, "See. What that so hard?"

I then smash my head into his nose. I move away and use the hand on the back of his head, and drive it into my now propped up knee. I connect to his forehead. I then kick him away. He slams into the tree and slumps to the floor. He groans in pain.

I walk up to him and drive my elbow into the front if his neck. He passed out cold. I reach into the bag Woodia gave me and pulled out rope. I used my dagger to cut it. I then tied him to the tree. Like a sacrifice.

I then walked off. I knew he would be back. But I am ready. Like always. I walk through the woods. I then spot an elf. I walk up slowly. I said in a soft voice, "Hello?"

The elf jumps. She had on a long light green dress. Vines snaked up her legs. But they were drawing blood. They usually wear sandals.

I said, "Do you need help?"

The elf looked like she was in a lot of pain. But she did not trust me. She nodded slowly. The vines tightened all of a sudden. She screamed in pain. I flipped out my dagger and cut the vines. I made sure not to cut her legs. I picked her up like a bride and carried her away.

She was clinging onto me. Her grip was tight. Probably because of how much pain she is in. I made it to a river. I set her down gently. I turn to her and said, "Do you mind if I clean you up?"

She said in a low quiet voice, "You can."

I nod and pull out a rag and some bandages. I drip the rag in the cold water and walk back to her. She watched me as I cleaned her legs. I then wrapped the bandages around her legs. Once I finished, I said, "You are all better."

She tried to stand up. She was very unsteady. She was about to fall when I caught her. She was clinging onto me. I said, "Let me carry you."

She nodded and I wrapped my arms around the back of her knees. I hooked them and lifted. I said, "So you mind if I grab the backpack and put it on real quick?"

She mumbled, "You can put it on."

I set her down gently and put the backpack on. I then picked her and said, "Where do you want me to take you?"

She said, "My tribe is nearby. You can drop me off."

I nodded. She lead me through the forest and we came up to a tree. She said, "Walk through the tree."

I did as she said. I walk through the tree. We were standing in a wood elevator. The bottom was thick so we were safe on that part. It was all made out of the tree.We began to glide down. We went down for about a minute and came to a stop.

The vines moved and showed a tribe full of elves. We walked through, all eyes were on us. She lead me to her house. It was made out of wood like everything else. But it was delicately decorated with flowers. The grass was lush and soft.

She gave me access to enter and I entered. I found a couch and set her down gently. I said, "I have to talk to Lutu. Do you mind if I come back later?"

She nodded and said, "I will help you identify my house. It will have a blue and purple flower. Like your hair."

I smiled. If only you knew. I waved and walked out. I was then standing in front of an angry elf. I said, "And how may I help you?"

He said, "Why were you carrying my girlfriend?"

I said, "I did not know. I saw that she was hurt and carried her here. Nothing more than that."

He said, "I do not believe you. You must have seduced her."

I narrowed my eyes. I said, "And why the hell would you think that?"

He said, "She only touches people she likes. So you must have seduced her."

I rolled my eyes. I said, "I did nothing to her. Now please leave me alone before I have to hurt you for violating protocol."

He said, "And what is protocol?"

A woman walked up. She said, "You must treat all guests with honor. You insult them and you will be banished."

He went from angry to 'Holy shit. I just shitted my pants'. I said, "Hello Lutu. I have some business to discuss with you."

The boyfriend then scrambled inside. I now was standing in front of a beautiful woman. Her maroon hair flowed as if there was wind. Her long elegant dress was tailored perfectly to fit her. Her sandals had multicolor flowers on it. There was a blue and purple flower in her hair.