Earth Part 3

She said, "So you have business to discuss with me?"

I nodded. She motioned for me to follow. I did and we walked to her castle. It was built into the tree from the top. But it was much bigger. Standing outside the gates were elves in full body armor. I walked past them and we entered a giant yard. It was of course beautifully decorated. They are earth elves for a reason.

We walk through and curve down so many corridors and hallways. We entered a meeting room. She waved her hand and a chair grew. I sat down and she sat down across from me. She said, "Do you mind removing your hood. I would love to see if you live up to the rumors."

I smirked and said, "Sure. But you may not want me to remove my mask."

She had a curious look to her face. But she quickly composed myself. She said, "Of course."

I pulled down my hood. My purple and blue hair fell down my back. I said, "Now, let's talk."

She nodded.She folded her hands elegantly on the table. I leaned forward. I said, "A while ago, someone was sent here to help protect you. Did they show up?"

She said, "Yes. Prince Avalon."

I nodded and said, "And what happened after that? And how many people did he or you lose,"

She said, "I escorted him out.I have no clue what happened after that. If you are brave enough, you can ask a monster. And we lost about 10 people. It was not as big of a threat as we were informed."

I nodded. I said, "I see. I would appreciate it if you did not reveal my identity."

She nodded and she showed me to the door. I walked back and found the elf door. It had a blue and purple flower. So I knew it was her. I knocked and she came to the door. She sees me and a faint blush creeps on her cheeks. She said, "I honestly thought you were not coming back."

I gave a small chuckle and said, "I would never lie."

She nodded and said, "I am sorry about my ex boyfriend."

I raised an eyebrow. I said, "Ex boyfriend? What happened?"

She blushed and said, "I like someone else."

I nodded and said, "Well, I may or may not come back. May I get your name?"

She nodded and said, "I am Terra."

I said, "Nice to meet you Terra."

She said, "Wait."

I stayed where I was. She cupped her hands and a flower appeared. She handed it to me and said, "I can talk to you with this flower. I hope we could keep in touch."

I smiled and said, "Of course. See you around Terra."

I waved goodbye and left. Eyes were on me. I had the flower in my hands and made it to the elevator. I went up and came out of the tree. I placed the flower in my bag and walked off. I knew it would not get messed up.

I went to the river and sat down. I put my backpack in front of me. I said, "Cruro. I summon you here."

The water began to swirl and bubble. A male walked out. He had on a button up shirt. The jacket tied around his waist. His pants were tight around his legs.

He sees me squeals. He hugged me and said, "Girl, you need to summon me more often."

I smirked and said, "Sure. But I need your help with something."

He nodded and released me. He put on his business face. I said, "I need you to look out for me. I have to do something and can not be attacked. You got it."

He nodded and pulled out twin blades. I smirk and close my eyes. I put my hand on the rock and focus. I could see my silhouette walking out of the tree. I went back farther. I see another silhouette. It came out with a group of others. They had swords. It had to he the prince. I focused on the one leading.

He walked on to where I am. He bent over the water to drink some water. I saw another silhouette in the water. It grabbed the prince and took him down. I watched as he went farther and farther. They ended up at a cave.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and snapped out of it. I looked up at Cruro. He said, "I made food. You need to eat."

I smile faintly and said, "Thanks Cruro."

He smiled at me and handed me the food. I ate the omelette. I said, "I have a general idea on where he is. I will call on you when needed. Goodbye Cruro."

I gently touched Cruro's forehead. He melted into the floor and disappeared. I sigh and put the plate away. My backpack was glowing. I look through it and see the flower Terra had given me.

I take it out and press on it. A voice in my head said, "Hello."

I said, "Hello Terra. How are you?"

She said, "I am fine.I just wanted to make sure you are safe and have eaten."

I said, "I did. But thanks for worrying about me. But I can handle myself."

She said, "I know. Well, goodnight my hero."

The flowers glow dies away. I put the flower back and looked for a place to sleep.