Earth Part 5

He said, "Look at the necklace."

I opened my hand and the necklace was still there. I looked back at him and he nodded. I used my other hand and pulled it into the air. It now had the sign of a siren. I said, "Did you just mark me?"

He said, "Well, consider it as a thank you."

I said, "You marked me though."

He rolled his eyes and said, "If you were not so cute. I would literally throw you back in the water."

I said, "You are not strong enough to keep me there though."

I looked around and saw my hoodie. I went over and picked it up. It was torn to shreds. Like, the pure definition. No one could even tell it was a hoodie. Great. I do not want to walk around with my hair.

I turn to the siren and said, "I need a hoodie."

He raised an eyebrow. He said, "Why?"

I grabbed at his torn shirt and pulled him close to my face. I said, "Get me a new hoodie."

He said, "I do not have a hoodie."

I grunt and let him fall. I go to my backpack. I reach in and look for another hoodie. I pulled out a cloak. It works. I pulled it on. The hood did me well. So I am not complaining.

I put the necklace on and said, "I have to go deal with some people. Goodbye."

I then run off. The hood stayed where it was at. The cap part did move, but the hood was a nice touch. I was at the bottom of the cave. I looked up and saw no one. I began to climb back up. It was not to hard.

It took me a while but I made it. I crouched at the corner of the cave. I listened and heard voices. I listened. One said, "I can not believe we found the prince."

The other agreed. He said, "Yeah. He did stab the siren though. But at least the prince thinks we are here to help him."

They both laugh. So what are they trying to do with the prince. I then heard a voice say, "You two! Over here now!"

They run to the voice. The voice then said, "I will not allow you to just stand around and talk. Back to work!"

They do as the voice asked. That tone sent me into some dark flashbacks. I clear my head to focus on the task at hand. Footsteps began to walk away. They all left the cave. I made sure they are not close. I went inside. I see nothing. What exactly are they getting at with being with Prince Avalon.

I need to tell Woodia. I sneak back out of the cave. I see a small camp up ahead. I see someone trying to drink some water. I smirk and flick at the water. The water rises over and completely drenched him. I gave out a faint chuckle and went to the castle through the trees.

I made it to the castle and went inside. They were not in the throne room. I knew Woodia wants a room to herself. I stopped a maid and said, "Do you mind telling me where Queen Woodia's room is?"

She said, "I can not give out information like that."

I rolled my eyes and walked off. I walked last doors after doors. I finally stop at one. This one was made out if a slightly different wood. I knew I found her room. I said, "Hey Wood."

She opened the door and said, "Did you find him?!"

I said, "I need to talk to you about that."

She nodded and pulled me in. She closed the door and said, "I see you are wearing the cloak I put in the bag."

I nodded and said, "My hoodie got jacked up by a siren."

She gave me a confused look I said, "I can explain that later. But about Avalon."

She nodded and siad, "Do you mind if I change?"

I said, "You know the answer to that Wood."

She gives out a small laugh and said, "Yeah, you are right."

She began to undress herself. I said, "Well, I have good news and bad news."

She looked at me over her shoulder. She said, "What is the good news?"

I said, "Good news is that Avalon is alive."

Befire she could give any kind of excitement I said, "But he is taken hostage by Manes."

She looked at me and said, "What do you mean by that?"

I said, "He thinks that they are going to help him get back. I do not know their true intent. But they definitely are not going to bring him back."

She said, "But why Manes? They hate us."

I said, "Manes hates everyone."

She nodded in agreement. She said, "Well, you need to change your clothes."

I said, "I am good. I can just change into something in my bag."

She rolled her eyes and said, "I need your help with today's meeting."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "You know I do not do castle stuff."

She said, "This is more if training. With weapons."

I smirk and said, "Fine. But I need a better way of keeping my face mask on."

She said, "Why do you wear the face mask. I have never seen you without it on."

I said, "I would show you but you will hate or fear me."

She said, "That could never happen. No matter what it is."

I said, "Are you sure?"

She nodded. I sighed and untied my face mask. I had closed my eyes. I turned to her and opened my eyes. Her face went to stone and said, "I see what you mean. I can help. Just close your eyes."

I did as she said. She rustled and grabbed out another face mask. She handed it to me. I put it on. This one was enchanted. I said, "Thank you Wood. Now, let's go so you can watch me kick some male ass.