Earth Part 6

Wood said, "Follow me."

I smirked and she lead the way. We went outside and standing there were three shirtless males. They were drinking water. Sweat rolling down their bodies. I said, "I am working with them?"

Woodia nodded. The trainer saw Woodia and said, "You will do whatever Queen Woodia says. Respect her and do not talk back."

Woodia said, "Oh not me. She will be doing this."

Woodia looked at me. She whispered to me, "Do you mind showing you hair?"

I said, "I prefer not to. You know why."

She nodded. I said, "I need names."

They introduced themselves. Clay, Marble, and Grant. Triplets. I said, "Grab your weapons. And not your little baby wooden ones."

They looked shocked. Marble said, "Are you sure miss?"

I said, "You think you can beat me?"

Grant said, "Damn right we can."

I said, "Just make sure your pride does not get in the way of your combat. Wood, do you mind having a medic on stand by?"

She nods and goes off to grab a medic. She came back and we were set. I said, "Let's go Grant. Since you are so sure you can beat me."

He was holding a dagger. He charges at me. He swipes and I grab his wrist. I kick his stomach and flip him over me. He lands flat on his back and I twist the dagger out of his hand He was shocked. So were they. All except Woodia. She knew what I capable of. Or so she thinks. I said, "Nice try. Want to try that again?"

He gets up. I toss him the dagger. He said, "I let you do that. You do not have a weapon."

I said, "Says who?"

He looked confused. He came at me. He thrusts the dagger and I dodge. I use my elbow and hit the inside of his arm. His arm snaps up and he drops the weapon. I sweep my foot. He flips to the floor. I pick up his ankle and hold him up. He struggled but nothing prevailed.

I said, "Having trouble?"

He grunted and struggled. He punched me in the stomach. I got mad at that. I dropped him and grabbed his shoulder. I flicked out my dagger and held it close to his eye. I could gear Marble and Clay say, "Oh shit! Put him down!"

Woodia gave out a chuckle. I said, "No weapon? Then where did I get this?"

He said, "You probably do not have more."

I could hear rustling in the trees. I growled and said, "Come out Denver!"

Denver walks out. Woodia screeched. I said, "It is okie Wood. I just need some more rope."

She reached into my bag and handed me rope with a shaky hand. I said, "I told you to leave me alone Denver."

He walked up to me. He pulled my wrist and had his hand around my waist. I said, "Let me go Denver."

He smirked and said, "Nope. Sorry Cupcakes."

I growled. I grabbed his shirt. I said, "Round two then I guess."

I bash my head into the top of his mouth. He let me go and spat into the ground. Blood mixed with saliva went to the ground. I spin kicked his neck and he slumped to the floor. I grabbed his shirt and slammed him into a tree. He got up slowly.

I said, "You never did fight back. Wonder why."

I go up to him and said, "Night Night Denver."

I punch him and he is out cold with a bloody nose. I grabbed the rope. I tie it tightly around his ankles. And began to climb the tree. I had him hanging upside down by the time I was done.

I climb back down. I looked back at them. Marble said, "What the actual fuck!"

I smirk and said, "What? Never seen a person do that?"

Woodia said, "I think we are done here."

I said, "Yeah. Let me know if you need anything else."

She said, "Actually I do."

I raised an eyebrow. She handed me my backpack. She said, "You need to explain about the siren."

I said, "Oh yeah."

Clay said, "Dude, sirens are hot though."

I said, "If they want to seduce you sure. But they do have razor sharp teeth who could cut through skin."

His eyes widen. He said, "Really?"

I looked at Woodia. She said, "No clue what they teach here. I honestly though everyone knew that also."

I said, "Yeah. Anyways let's go."

We walked off to her room. We enter and she closes the door. I said, "He marked me."

Woodia looked confused. She said, "What do you mean?"

I said, "The siren marked me."

When I say her jaw dropped. It literally did. She said, "You know what this mean right?"

I said, "That I have to be a girlfriend to a siren who I do not even know his name?"

She laughed and said, "Yeah. But why did he mark you?"

I said, "Avalon stabbed him and I saved him."

She nodded and said, "So that is why you were wearing my cloak. It got torn to shreds."

I nodded. I sighed and said, "I need to track Avalon. See you soon Woodia."

I walk out and see Clay, Marble. and Grant. Woodia comes running out and said, "Wait!"

I turn to her and said, "What is it?"

She said, "I found a flower in your backpack."

I look at my backpack and pull it out. I said, "Yeah. An elf gave it to me. Why?"

She said, "Do you know what that means?"

I said, "I have lived in a forest my entire life. I know what it means."

Clay said, "Wait what?"

I said, "None of your business. And I will continue to talk to her. I a well aware of her feelings."

Marble said, "An elf can have feelings towards a human?"

I said, "On rare occasions. But who said I am entirely human?"

He said, "What do you mean?"

I said, "No one here is entirely human."

He said, "Never really thought about it like that."

I said, "Do you need anything else Woodia,"

She said, "Find Avalon."

I said, "I will. Make sure you are armed. You do not know what is happening."