Water Part 1

Me and Flo were standing in front of the river. She looked me up and down and said, "I feel something strange about you.,"

I said, "I got marked by a siren."

Her mouth went agape. She said, "By who?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I have no clue. But I did save their lives from a stab wound."

She nodded slowly. She said, "Is there something you can not be able to do?"

I said, "Cooking and taking care of a giant place."

She looked concerned and said, "Why have you not been able to learn how to cook?"

I said, "I prefer not to talk about my past when monsters are around. We can finish this discussion when we get somewhere safe though."

She nodded and said, "Yeah. We shall do that."

Flo grabbed my hand and jumped in. I was able to breath because of her. She began to swim and mouthed the words, "You can breath without my help."

She released me and I held my breath. It felt the same. I took a small breath and I could still breath. I stopped holding my breath and we continued to swim. We swam for a hour. We finally arrived at the castle. I could feel no monsters.

Flo allowed me in and we went to the throne room. There was no water inside. Just in case you were wondering. Flo then said, "So what siren marked you?"

I smirked and said, "No clue. I did not get his name. I saw Avalon and need to follow the people who were with him."

She looked confused and said, "There were people with him?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah. The prince from Manes."

Her face went to stone then to horror. She said, "What if they take him?!"

She began to shake. I go to to her and wrap my arms around her and hug her. She hugs me and puts some weight on me.

We stay like that for a few minutes. She releases me and sniffled. She said, "Sorry about that."

I said, "It is no problem. You are just worried. I will bring him back safely."

She nodded and said, "Woodia was right."

I gave her a confused look. I said, "About what?"

She smiled faintly and said, "You are very comforting and soothing."

I smirk and said, "Well, that is a new one."

She looked confused and said, "And what do they usually say?"

I said, "I would prefer not to say. It changes your view of me if you knew about what they say. Because it is very watered down."

She nodded slowly and said, "Can you describe him?"

A door flew open and a siren came busting in. It was the same one who marked me. He stormed up to Flo and said, "What do you mean Squalos is missing?!"

Flo said, "He has been gone for a while now. And I was getting worried. Where have you been?"

He said, "Well, I uh did something."

She raised an eyebrow. I was waiting for it. I knew what was about to happen. His ears began to turn red. His face must have had a huge blush. He said, "I marked someone."

Flo got so excited. She hugged him tightly and said, "I am so proud of you! Who is she?"

He said, "Oh uh. I do not entirely know. I was just a huge bitch to her and she still saved my life."

Flo nodded and said, "I see. Who ever it is must be beautiful to catch your eye."

He said, "She was. I do not know her name though."

Flo then said, "Wait. Were you just saying something about that?"

He turned around and saw me. I said, "Found him then."

His face went so red I honestly though he was going to explode in a boom of blood. Flo looked confused and said, "Wait, what is your name?"

I said, "Akiho."

Flo nodded and said, "What a pretty name."

The siren said, "So that is your name."

I nodded and said, "And you are?"

He said, "I am Neige."

I nodded. Flo said, "You marked her?"

He nodded with a heavy blush. He said, "Yeah. She saved my life even when I was a huge bitch to her."

Flo looked shocked. She said, "How are you not dead?!"

I said, "Yeah. I would rather not get into that."

Flo said, "Well, you should help her Neige."

I said, "I work better alone."

Hehe. Flo said, "I will not allow that. Also because Neige will get into trouble."

I smirked and said, "If it is those reasons, would that make me a babysitter?"

Flo laughed and Neige was red. He buried his face in his hands. Flo said, "If you think of it that way."

Neige said, "Please stop Mom."

Mom. Makes sense. He looked just like her. The hair, the eyes and everything. I said, "I can take him along then. Does Neige know where Squalos was last at?"

Flo shrugged her shoulders. Neige said, "He was working on a quest by the river. I was there looking for him."

I nodded and said, "We better get going then. If we are going back to the Earth Kingdom."

Flo nodded and said, "Do you need food?"

I said, "Yeah. We do not know how long we will be gone."

She nodded and went off. Neige said, "Why do we need food?"

I said, "Mainly because I do not know how to cook."

He looked confused but Flo came back before he could ask. She handed me a big basket of food. I thanked her and put the basket in my backpack. Neige said, "How can you fit all that in there?"

I said, "Enchanted."

Neige nodded as he understood. But the look in his eyes said he was still a little confused. I said, "We will be off now.Thank you Flo."

She waved goodbye and said, "Bring him back please."

I said, "I will do whatever it takes to being him back."

We went out if the kingdom and began to swim back.