Water Part 2

We made it and got out. And we were not dripping either. Man, I am kinda enjoy this. I said, "We need to find out where Squalos went. Where was the last place we was at that you rememeber?"

Neige said, "Over here."

He lead me to a small lake. Why was this forest so fucking big! It is making my job so much harder. I nodded and said, "I need you to do something for me."

He nodded and looked at me. He said, "I need you to be a look out. Do not bother me or touch me unless it is an emergency. Understand?"

He nods. I go to the edge of the water and place my hands on top of the water. I close my eyes and concentrate. I saw our silhouettes walks up. I went back farther. About two days and I see myself taking a bath. Skipping over that part quickly.

I went back a few more days and I saw a group of people. One went into the water. It must have been Squalos. The others stayed for about a day then they left. Why would they leave him there? I felt someone else around me. I snap out of it and see Neige talking to a male. His bright red hair was messy in a nice way.

His bright orange eyes were attached on Neige. I stood up and stretched. His eyes went to me and Neige turned around. He said, "Are you all done?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah."

He asked, "What were you even doing?"

I said, "Nothing you need to be worried about."

He narrowed his eyes and said, "He has a right to know if he was to protect you."

I walked up to him. I said, "I never asked for your opinion did I?"

He growled at me and I stared him down.Neige said, "It is okay."

My backpack began to glow. I took it off and pulled out the flower. Neige said, "What is that for?"

I said, "My friend gave it to me so she can talk to me. As a thanks for saving her life."

He nodded. The boy said, "You saved a single life, that is weak."

I said, "I saved more lives that I have killed."

The male smirked and said, "So only one?"

I pressed the flower and Terra voice popped into my head. She said, "You are back in the woods!"

I nodded and said, "Yeah. How are you?"

She giggled and said, "I am good. My ex has been trying to get back with me though."

I smirked and said, "Let me know if he trys anything."

I could hear nothing. I frowned. I said, "What did he do?"

She still said nothing. I said in a more firm voice, "What did he do Terra."

She began to cry. She said, "I-I."

I sigh and said, "Why not come and see me. We can talk about it then."

She sighed deeply. Her voice wavering. She said, "I would like that. Where are you?"

I said, "By the lake."

She said, "I will be there."

The flowers glow died. I turn back to them and said, "I am meeting someone here."

Neige nodded and said, "We heard. What happened?"

I said, "Depends. I may or may not need to hang someone upside down again."

I nodded to myself and began to search through my backpack. I found a little rope from when I tied up Denver. I smirked and heard someone running this way. I went into defense mode. Terra came through with tear stained cheeks. She sees me and said, "Savior!"

She jumps onto me and hugs me tightly. I hugged her back and whispered, "I am glad to see you again Terra."

The boy said, "Damn, he gets some hot chicks."

Neige looked at me and I shake my head no. She pulls away and I wipe the tears away. She said, "He is so terrible!"

I nodded and said, "Oh I know. But what did he do?"

She showed me her wrists. They were bruised. I looked at her. A growl grew in my throat. I said, "I can not hurt him in there. But I have an idea."

Terra nodded and said, "I will do anything for you."

I smirked and said, "I would not say that. Just bring him here."

She nods and runs off. I go back into my bag. Neige said, "What are you going to do to him?"

I said, "Let's just say that he will never touch her again or even go near her by the time I am done."

I heard footsteps. I see Terra and her ex. He had his hand wrapped around he waist. She looked uncomfortable. She sees me and said, "This is my ex Sod."

He sees me and his face contorted in anger. He came at me. His fist raised to punch me. I dodge with ease and use my elbow and slam him into the ground. I could hear Neige and the boy. Neige said, "Oh damn."

He gets up and grabs at my ankles. I kick his forehead and he falls back. I grab his ankle and pick him up. I said, "So, I heard you were hurting Terra."

He punched my face. My face turned slightly. I nodded and said, "I see. Well, let's try this."

I flick my hand and the dagger comes put. I hold it directly at his eye. His eyes widen in terror. He stammered, "L-lets not get blood here."

I said, "I have spilled blood on these grounds and I an not afraid to do it again."

I could feel a monster. Are you fucking with me. Like come on. I sigh and said, "Denver I swear to fucking god."

I heard a chuckle and said, "How did you know it was me cupcakes?"

I sigh and said, "Neige, could you cover Terras eyes please. I hate for her to see this part."

Terra said in a pouty voice, "I have seen blood before."

I said, "If you say so."

I slash Sods chest and he screams in pain. I let him fall face first to the floor. I slam my heel onto his back. He screams in pain. The sound of his back breaking was drowned out. I walk over to Denver. I said, "Why can you just leave me alone?"

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. He said, "Now. Who would want to leave such a cute face alone."

I light cup his face in my hands. I drive my knee into his ground. I watch as his face switches to pain. I the snap his neck to the right. He falls to the floor uncounsious. I walk back up to Sod. He tried to get back up. I grab the back of his shirt and pulled him close to my face. I whispered, "See that man, he did dead. If you keep hurting Terra you will end up like him. You understand?"

He nods fast. I release him and watch him fall to the floor. I smash my foot on his face. His face went deep into the ground. I walked back over to them and grab a cloth from my backpack. Neige said, "What the hell did you just do?!"

I said, "I told you that answer already. He will leave her alone."

He said, "You killed the other dude!"

I finished wiping all the blood off and said, "Nah. He is not dead. He is a monster."

Terra said, "Why was he so intimate with you?"

Jealousy was definitely in her voice. I said, "Because he thinks he can seduce me. He fails every single time."

The boy laughed and said, "Damn that was brutal."

I said, "I could have done more though."

I sigh and said, "Squalos is in the lake."

Neige nodded and said, "See you tomorrow dude."

The boy nods and walks off. Terra said, "I have to go now."

I nodded and said, "Goodbye Terra."

She waves goodbye and runs off. Neige said, "What about Sod?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Not my problem."