Water Part 3

Neige laughs. He said, "I guess."

I look at the sun. We had at least a few hours. I said, "You said something about tomorrow. What is that about?"

He said, "All the princes go to the light kingdom. We do that every weekend. It is like our school days. You should come."

I shook my head and said, "I am not a princess."

He rolled his eyes and said, "But you can still go if I am with you."

I said, "But we have to find Squalos."

Neige said, "We will find him quickly."

I raised an eyebrow. He said, "You should still come."

I said, "I am not discussing this right now."

He sighed and said, "After we get Squalos. We are having this conversation."

I sighed as well and said, "Fine."

We walk into the water. We see a small kingdom. There were more sirens here. I could feel eyes on both me and Neige. On female siren walked up to Neige and said, "Hey handsome."

I roll my eyes at this. This is honestly why I try to stay away from sirens. I said, "Do you know where Squalos is?"

She looked pissed and turned to me. She said, "Excuse..."

She cut herself off. She walked up to me and stumbled. I caught her and she became a blushing mess. I said, "Are you okay?"

She nodded and said, "Yeah. Thanks for that. What was your question?"

Two more girls came running up to the girl. One grabbed her hand and said, "That was not part or the bet."

The girl then whispered something to the girl grabbing her hand. She looked me up and down and whispered back. Why do people have to make this harder than it should be. I said, "Do any of you girls know where Squalos is?"

They giggled and one blushed. The girl that bumped into me said, "I think he is in the castle."

I nodded to them and said, "Thank you. Have a nice day."

We walk off. I roll my eyes. Once we made it out of ear shot, Neige said, "Someone is popular."

I said, "Trust me. This is not new. Most people mistake me as a male."

He said, "Do you blame them. You are so fucking ripped."

I said, "I know. I like it that way. I love seeing peoples faces when they finally realize I am a girl."

We made it to the front of the castle. We were stopped by the guards. A guard said, "Name."

Neige said, "I am Neige."

The guard bowed and said, "I am sorry for not recognizing you sir. And what is your name."

He did not say it like a question. Neige said, "We do not have to go inside. We just need to speak with Squalos."

The guard said, "I shall go and fetch him."

The guard left and another one went into his place. We waited for about a few minutes when a blonde haired boy comes bouncing out.He sees Neige and tackled him into a hug. He said, "Neige!"

I could feel feel a rumble. I said, "We need to leave right now."

Squalos looked confused. Neige said, "Why?"

I grabbed both their hands and ran. I was practically dragging them the entire time. We made it to the other side of the lake. I check before allowing them out. I take them out quickly. The sun was beginning to set. Shit. I forgot how fast time passes in there.

I said, "We need to leave before someone catches us. I heard someone coming this way. I get ready to fight. Out walked Zeid. This does not make sense.

He sees me and said, "Who are you?"

I then thought of something. Twins! Fucking hell dude! I said, "Zied."

He was shocked. He said, "How do you know who I am?"

He looks at me. I growled and said, "We will be leaving now."

I walked past him and he grabbed my wrist. He said, "Wow you wrist is small."

I narrow my eyes and said, "And what kind of comment is that?!"

A faint blush crept on his face and said, "You may not leave."

I growled and said, "Let go of my wrist."

He did not. I grab his and sweep my leg. I let him fall and motioned for us to keep walking. We made it past him and he said, "You just made a big mistake!"

I flipped him off on the way and we made our way back to the water kingdom. We made it and Flo tackled Squalos in a hug. She began to cry and hugging him to tight.

Flo said, "Thank you so much!"

Neige said, "Can Akiho come with us tomorrow?"

Flo nodded and said, "Yeah sure."

Neige smirked and said, "You are coming."

I said, "Fuck you."

Squalos laughed and said, "Never knew someone could say something like that and not get attacked by him."

I motioned to him and Neige became a blushing mess. Squalos said, "What did I miss?"

Neige covered his bright red face in his hands. He murmured into his hands, "Nothing Squalos."

Flo said, "He marked someone!"

Squalos jaw dropped. He said, "No way. Who?!"

Flo pointed at me with such happiness in her eyes. Squalos said, "You are a girl?!"

I nodded and said, "Yeah. I get mistaken as a boy all the time."

Flo grabbed my hand and said, "I am going to pamper you now. Goodbye boys. Sleep well."

She takes me to a room. She opens it and there was a giant balcony. It made a amazing view of the kingdom. A girl about my age walked in and said, "Who did you bring in?"

She looked like Flo. But not in a daughter way. A younger sister maybe. Flo said, "Hey Dew. This is Akiho."

Dew nodded to me and said, "Nice to meet you Akiho."

I nodded and said, "Like wise."

Flo said, "Now, let get you changed into some clothes that are not so mysterious."

I said, "I like being mysterious."

She sighed and said, "Oh well. We are going to show off your body. You must have one down there."

I knew there was no way out of this. She hands me some clothes. I said, "Do I use a bathroom or here?"

Dew said, "Here is fine. We are all girls."

I nodded and said, "I will not remove my mask at all. Try to do it and I will pull a weapon on you. I do not care what your title is."

They both agree. I sigh and said, "You guys are lucky to see my hair."

I take off my cloak and my hair falls down. Flo said, "You hair is so pretty!"

Dew agrees. I strip and change into the outfit. It was a crop top hoodie with matching booty shorts. The silk felt weird for me. I usually do not get this nice luxury.