Water Part 11

I sigh and said, "I still need to find people. Let Neige and Squalos know I will be gone for a while."

He nodded and said, "Sure."

I got up and said, "You loose them and I will be pissed."

He chuckles and nods. I grip the side of the rails and jump over. I kick my legs out and roll to help land. I then walk off. I pulled out my cloack and clothes. I find a bathroom and do some things and change.

I walk out and got to the illegal market. I walk around and just listen. I was looking at the shops when I heard two people talking. I looked out of the corner of my eye Two sirens. Brother by the look of it.

They were whispering. I heard something that caught my attention. I heard one say, "We need to get out of here."

The other said, "But why? We escaped easily."

The other one gave a big sigh and said, "Because people come looking for us. I heard the prince is coming for us."

So they were the ones I need to find. I walked past them and bumped into one of them. He looked and said, "Watch it."

I said, "Should have moved out of my way dude."

He flipped me off and I did the same as I walked off. I smirk as I was passing people. I decided to look for some more weapons. I look and see some daggers. I walk up and said, "How much for the daggers."

The old man looked me up and down. He said, "Depends on how many."

I said, "Two."

He said, "I can give you them for free if..."

I said, "If."

He continued and said, "If you can get me a dagger from the Earth kingdom."

He smirked. I reached into my backpack and pulled out on of my older daggers. I said, "This one was used in the Mystic war."

His face lights up. He shoves all his daggers at me and said, "Take them all then!"

I take them all and walk off. The dagger was not from the Mystic war. It was my old hunting dagger. Man,I love trading to my own advantage. It was about lunch time by the time I finished my trading. I got quite a new load of weapons. I go out and enter the regular area.

The siren sees me again. She said, "Hello again. I should introduce myself since we keep running into each other."

I nod and said, "I am Archer."

She nods and said, "I am Stella."

I say, "Nice to meet you Stella."

She blushed and said, "Would you like to join me with some lunch?"

I said, "Sure. I would love to. I am feeling hungry."

She gave put a small squeal. She took my hand and lead me towards a small cafe. She sat us down at the window. She ordered us some sandwiches.

She said, "Thanks."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "For what?"

She said, "Saving me twice."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "It is fine. I save a lot of people."

We got our food and eat quickly. It was kinda awkward. I was about to pay when she handed over the money. I said, "I could have paid."

She said, "Just think of it as a thanks."

I nodded and got up. I said, "It was nice seeing you Stella."

She nodded and said, "You to Archer."

I walked out and decided to go back to the club. I knock and see Hunter looking. He allows me in.Neige said, "Why did you disappear this time!"

I said, "Getting the job done. What else did you think I did?"

Alec said, "Having lunch with a chick."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Free food. And got some good weapons."

I put down my backpack and pull out 7 daggers. I said, "Great trade. The dude thought my old hunting knife was a knife from the Mystical War."

Hunter said, "What did you use during the war then?"

I said, " It depends. I use to use a sword until stuff happened. I prefer not to get into that."

Alex said, "But you went on a date with a girl."

I said, "Someone seems jealous."

Calmis laughed as he entered. Squalos said, "And what did you do this entire time?"

I said, "Got some weapons, ripped off a dude, found the criminals, found the siren who was hitting on me. Her name is Stella. And had lunch with her. Which she paid for when I tried to."

Neige said, "Who did you find?"

I said, "The criminals or Stella?"

Squalos said, "Criminals!"

I said, "Yeah. I can track them down now. And lucky for you, you had me."

Calmis said, "And what difference would that make?"

I said, "They knew about Squalos and Neige looking for them."

Hunter called out from the kitchen, "I got food ready."

When did he..? Whatever. We go and sit down. I was sitting across from Neige. He looked somewhat mad about something. He looked at me and said, "You could have said where you were going."

I said without looking up, "I said I was going to be gone for a while. Did I not?"

He growled and said, "And?!"

I was starting to get mad. I said, "And what?"

He slammed his hands on the table and stood up. He screamed at me, "You should have told us where you were going!"

I was now angry. I said, "And why do I have to do that?!"

He said, "You could have been killed. How well do you actually know how to heal yourself!"

I walked over to him and grabbed him by the shirt. I dragged him to the room. I slammed the door shut. I said, "I would prefer you not make a scene right now."

He said, "You are dodging the question."

I said, "What was the question then?!"

He growled and said, "How well can you heal yourself?! Answer it!"

I growled at him and said, "I do not like your tone. You have no RIGHT to talk to me like that!"

He said, "I have every right to do so!"

I said, "What gave you that reason!"

He said, "I am the prince of the water kingdom!"

I said back, "You would not be that if I did not save you!"

He said, "Well, maybe you should not have done that! I could have been just fine without you and your stupid help!"

I said, "I have seen to many people die in my hands! You think I want to relive that!"