Water Part 12

He went silent. I said, "That is what I fucking thought! So what is your problem with me getting the job done?!"

He said, "How well could you actually protect yourself!"

I said, "You honestly think I can not defend myself! How fucking stupid are you!"

He said, "I am not fucking stupid! You are!"

I growled and said, "Fuck you!"

He said, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I flinch and said, "Yeah. I fucking wonder! Not like I have been traumatized my entire life! Not like I have had people die in my arms because I was not able to save them! Not like I have never felt safe or relaxed in my entire fucking life! You want to know why? Because I HAVE NO FUCKING HOME! I LIVE IN THE FUCKING FOREST NEIGE! I have been through hell and back."

I said, "Have fun getting home. Tell Dew and Flo that it is not my fucking fault that you die or get kidnapped! Because I have had it!"

I take the necklace and yank it off my neck. I shove it against his chest and walk out. I enter the room with everyone. All eyes were on me. I growl loudly and said, "Fuck you looking at?! Huh?!"

They jump and turn away. Neige comes out and said, "I am not fucking done talking to you!"

I throw two daggers. It went into his shirt and pinned him against the wall. They went in so deep that you would have to break the door to get him out. I said, "And I fucking am! You come near me again and I will do more than than just throw daggers!"

Venom was dripping from my voice. I go outside and walk out. Squalos comes running after me. He called out, "Akiho!"

I ignore him and keep walking. He catches up to me and grabbed my wrist. I use my other hand and his wrist. I gripped it somewhat tightly. I said, "I am not dealing with you Squalos."

Calmis comes out as well. But he takes his time. He said, "Squalos why not go and track the criminals. I can take care of Akiho."

Squalos nods and runs off. I said, "I am not talking to you."

He nods and said, "Yeah I figured. But would you rather talk to me or Squalos?"

I narrow my eyes. He said, "I got to head back to my kingdom. Let's go yeah?"

I narrowed my eyes. He sighed and said, "I am just trying to help you. And it would make your job easiler."

I sigh and said, "Fine. Are we leaving now?"

He nods. I said, "Let's go."

He takes my hand and jumps into a tree shadow. We landed in a deep dark place. There was nothing around us. I said, "Well, that was one way of getting us here."

He nodded. He quickly took his hand out of mine. I said, "Well, let's get going. We are going to walk a while."

He nods. We begin walking in silence. It was very awkward. Based on what had just happened. He said, "This is very awkward."

I nodded and said, "Yeah."

He sighed and said, "You are going to hate this."

I looked at him and said, "There are a lot of things I hate. Neige being the top one right now."

He nodded and said, "Yeah. I get that."

He nodded and gave out a slight yawn. We kept walking in silence. I could feel people watching me. But I knew it was because we are in the dark kingdom.