Staff and sword clashing whoosh cling Andre goes for another swing Mikel tries to block with the staff but it ends up braking in two ."This fight is over you have mastered many weapons but your having trouble with the staff until you master it I won't take you to the next level". Mikel unhappy with what Andre said "That's bs how am I supposed to win with a staff when you're using a sword I think I reached the limits of the staff". Andre looks back at Mikel walks to him and uppercuts him in the stomach "it doesn't hurt a lot like it would months ago Don't ever say you reached your limit a limit is another way of saying you give up limits are just in your head do you think Moraiel thinks he has reached his limits no he keeps pushing himself and you should two because limits are what makes you weak". Mikel uses a roundhouse punch on Andre "That did hurt you old bastard but thank you I said I would become stronger and limits will just get in the way so I'll just break them".
Mikel trains practicing Bojustsu pushing the limits and imagery training against his master finally the day comes when Mikel challenges Andre He strikes Andre goes for a strike but Andre blocks it.Incredible Mikel you really are a monster for fighting just like master it looks like I can't hold back the only time you forced me to go all out was with the sword but know you have obtained it the presence of a monster keep growing and get stronger Mikel.Andre uses his power to engulf La Espada de Fuego he strikes with fire swings and slashes.I always thought I had to block your strikes but I was wrong the reason I lost and kept getting the staff broken but know all I have to do is dodge and counter use the staff as apart of my body like any weapon i used before not as a tool.Mikel dodges Andres fierce attacks and counters by sweeping Andres legs he successfully makes Andre fall and disarms him."Congratulations you beat me now pack your staff it's time we leave this place and go get your weapon but before that I should ask you tell me Mikel do you believe in magic"?Mikel grabs a cup of water and takes a drink "it doesn't matter if I do or don't what's your point Andre"? "You see it does exists but only some people are born with the ability to have it I would say about one percent of people in the world are born with the ability that's also why I picked you to be champion". Is that why there are eighteen royal families and why we invite people to kallos "? "That is correct but there people who can also learn it about ten percent of the world can learn magic I know that really is a little but what can we do.
"Anyways it's time you start to learn what magic belongs to you and to test this you will have to meditate for a day when you finish your power will be awoken,but I'll tell you this your magic can be anything many people have similar or different abilities but they will never be the same for example I can control flames but I can't make them out of thin air I won't also get harm from flames but for someone else they can make fire from nothing and not be harmed by it but once it spreads they can't control or stop it". Do you understand what I mean"? Yea but it's a lot of information at once".One more thing as you get stronger with your ability they will be more powerful and you will notice different things for example normal flames are bright orange and red but what if you got stronger and your flame changed color that will result in your strength and you now might be able to create flames". "Wow that's really cool are their certain levels or what"? In a way yes you start of with the natural color over time it can become another level so far they have been only four levels of color natural,advanced,master,and hybrid". Interesting thank you for this information I will get started with meditating after I'm done we leave right." Andre nods and lets Mikel get started that day Mikel thought he wouldn't care what magic ability he got as long as he could become strong but while meditating he thought long and hard and kept asking himself the same question what really is strength and what would it look like.