Lonely part 2

Mikel moves to hear Andre's last words rain drops hitting the floor Andre's hand full of blood ,and his white short hair with little stains of blood.Andre tells Mikel to get closer and so Mikel moves a little closer to Andre at that moment "Andre whispers to Mikel go to Linoem city and wait for him he will find you when he does he will help you and when you leave go back to Starell and go to the capital when you arrive head to a store call Sebastians tell him Andre send you"Mikel with tears in his eyes now sobbing"i don't understand why are you telling me this come on you will be fine".

Andre looks up at the sky and speaks"you and I both know i'm not going to make it but its okay listen Ulric will train you he is the only one who can when he says you are ready you will be able to kill Moraiel". Mikel still confused "what about you are you really fine dying like this".

Andre chuckles "of course im not happy about dying but I don't care"he looks down "i,m sorry Mikel if only I could stay and still help you" with a tear in Andre's eye that was it he was gone.Mikel looks at Andre "No no no comeback Andre don't make me clean this mess without you. With tears in Mikel eyes he shouts"ANDRE"!

Footsteps pass by Mikel's ears he turns and sees Moraiel behind him "it sad when someone close to you dies how about this Mikel serve me and you will never suffer from this pain again?"Mikel stays silent "You can choose keep losing people like you did today or serve me and I'll train you to never lose again what do you say?"

Mikel grabs his master's sword from his masters corpse "you once called this weapon inferior to your scythe but I'll tell you this I decline I wont work for you I'll kill you with this weapon next time we cross paths again ". Moraiel laughs "look at you acting strong you know to make the mood better I'll tell you a secret i'm thinking of calling this scythe shi no kama what do you think you like the name"? Mikel enraged by what Moraiel said almost goes for a strike but holds himself back "leave unless you're actually trying to fight".

Moraiel grabs his scythe "Don't worry I'm leaving there is nothing fun to fo hear anymore with that Moraiel disappears leaving a little dark fog behind him. The rain now roaring with thunder Mikel starts to dig a hole although he is also injured he doesn't let that stop him from digging as he finishes the rain seems to calm down.Mikel carries Andre's body to the hole and lays him there.

"So what now Andre I'm all alone with nothing you were all I had left and now you are gone,so to pay you back for everything I leave u this" . Mikel brings out a necklace given to him from his parents the only gift he ever received from them .As Mikel leaves the necklace on the ground he cuts his hand and blood begins to spill.

"I promise you Andre i will make sure you get the funeral you deserve and the honor that was robbed from you.