Marcus clumsily swung through the trees like a spiderman on meth. His general movements and speed were exceptional for the amount of time he spent on the island but he kept bumping into the trees.
He had to keep himself from doing the Tarzan roar or he would have broken his teeth multiple times by now. A couple more swings and Marcus found a prey to test his new abilities on.
A weird-looking brown beaver with bluish teeth was caressing a tree with his teeth. Weirdly the dog-sized beaver was shaving off tons of bark. So much so that it was surprising how little damage it was doing on the tree.
Using his Omni silk, Marcus shot a line right above his prey. The beaver took notice and continued what it was doing but started slapping its fan-shaped tail on the ground. It seemed like a warning sign but Marcus decided to not heed its warning. Hanging on the line, Marcus threw a rock at the beaver.
Maybe it was because of the increase of strength but the throw walloped the beaver on the face. There was no real damage but the blue-tooth beaver was clearly annoyed. In its anger, it turned to face him. Its tail kept slapping the ground, and it looked like it really wanted to bite Marcus' head off. The funny part was that Marcus was about 10ft(3.04m) off the ground. it looked like a child reaching for a balloon that is too high. So Marcus continued to sit on the line and throw rocks at the beaver.
At the crescendo of the tail slapping and with no warning, the beaver shot up at Marcus's face.
All Marcus had the time to do was hold out a line of Paralytic silk between his hands. The line was his only defense as the beaver chomped at him.
Its big body knocked him off the line but he kept the line inside the beaver's mouth holding off the beaver from chopping off his nose. However, the paralytic line did not work immediately and the silk was not known for its durability. So to stave off death by buck teeth, Marcus pushed up on the silk lifting the beaver very briefly for a second. The second reprieve was all that was needed to switch to his Omni silk. Holding the silk against the beaver's neck as the giant rodent bore down on him bought him the 5 secs for the paralytic to work.
The beaver tail-slapping slowed down and then its body just stiffened and it went limp but it kept breathing. Marcus lugged it off his body and then took a deep breath.
"How can a 50 lb beaver jump that high!" Marcus said while massaging his back
Falling from 10 ft did not hurt as much as he thought but it was still a painful experience.
"Thank god for adrenaline"
Marcus looked over to his prey to find it gaining very small control over its toes, or whatever beavers have.
Although it had a tough hide, a knife to the brain was all that was needed to finish the job.
He didn't level up but he was sure that the beaver was stronger than both foxes. Taking a last look at his prey, Marcus shot a line and started swinging deeper into the forest.
"Time to test myself and get stronger..."