The crown prince has a fat fetish Part2

Tang Yue was unclear as to when she finally fell asleep, but when she woke up the next morning, she felt extremely light and well-rested.

A series of notifications as well promptly appeared.

Ding. 30% Bristle wolf bloodline absorbed

Ding. 1% Wild wolf bloodline absorbed

Ding. 5% Rabid dog bloodline absorbed

"Rabid dog??" Tang Yue chuckled, but thankfully it was only 5% and she didn't have to worry about any unexpected surprises just yet.

"Hmm… 30% done. Good, now I need to eat 3 more of these wolves to completely absorb the full bloodline." 

She nodded and busied herself, throwing the next one into her stomach.

Since she was already well rested, Tang Yue retrieved her alchemy study materials and focused on learning more about the herbs and pills in the meantime.

She might have a couple of short cuts up her sleeve when it came to upgrading her strength, but there was no such thing in the vast arcane study of alchemy.