The crown prince has a fat fetish Part3

After walking for a while, Tang Yue and Lotte entered the market square.

The sound of hawkers and meat vendors filled the air around them.

Tang Yue was a special celebrity in the meat markets.

Though several eyes were locked on to them all the way from the zither palace to the market district, the minute she and Lotte stepped into the chop shop rows, the number of prying eyes on them instantly quadrupled.

Not only was the princess from the elven royal family, an extravagantly paying customer, and potential love interest of either the crown prince or the General's daughter, but was also a powerful trend setter!

Because of her and Marvin, the fire twin-tailed birds suddenly started selling like hot cakes.

Their prices sky-rocketed almost to that of a mid grade beast and now were one of the top sought after low grade beast meat.

In fact, the bird meat rarely even got to the open markets and was usually bought out in the black markets.