The crown prince has a fat fetish Part4

"Your highness, if I may know, is this for any special cultivation purpose?" Zyrn nervously asked, barely containing his excitement.

Tang Yue was still busy shoving all the neatly packaged goods into her space pearl while thinking about what else she could have bought and absent-mindedly answered. "No, they are just for me to eat."

Huh? Zyrn nodded. 

He had heard about how the noble ladies and the royal princesses were always on a strict diet and only ever indulged themselves with spirit wine if at all. So this was quite unheard of and new to him.

But Tang Yue was the only princess who was even rumored to have captivated the crown prince's attention to the extent of locking lips with him in public.

He also remembered seeing the princess with a much different figure before this.

So Zyrn nodded in deep thought and came to the obvious conclusion. 

Maybe the crown prince has a fat fetish!