Chapter 13

" It's not just this lodge that increases the price for adventurers. A lot of other places do the same and some even increase more than just 10 silvers. " She says.

" Oh I see. Is it not rude to do so? " I ask. I mean I find it offensive just by hearing it.

I mean I would be furious if I heard about this and I was an adventurer. Is there a law that denies the adventurers equal rights or something along the lines? Are the normal civilians against people taking the profession as an adventurer?

" Well it is and it is not. My son told that you are travelling and that might be the reason why you are not aware of this but the adventurers who are on quests tend to attract bad people, monsters and other disasters. Some places have been destroyed by monsters because an adventurer had killed a monster of its kind. " She explains the reason.

" I see. Then it is reasonable. Thank you for sharing this information. " I thank her. This is quite a news for me. Gives somewhat of an image of this world.

" It's okay. " She says, " but it is not like we always increase their payment. "

What? What does she mean by they do not always increase their payment? Is there a specific season or something to do so?

" What do you mean by that? " I am lost in confusion.

" Well you see, it is only adventurers who are on quest that causes these problems, at least that is how it is now. The law is stated like that, so we have to do so. " she explains.

It makes more sense. Now that I think about it she did ask me whether I was an adventurer who was on quest, she might have wanted to know what she should price for the rooms.

" Well since you are not an adventurer on a quest, the price remains constant. 30 silvers for a day without food services and 40 silvers with the food services. You could also pay in gold coins, if so then it will cost one gold coin for a day with food services. " She just said all that I need to know in a snap. I have no questions.

Gold coins? Oh I seem to many of them in my pouches. But let's just stick to silver coins for now. I don't know how valuable these gold coins might be, so I shouldn't spend them carelessly. I will reserve them for future purposes, who knows .... They might be essential for some other matter.

I take 4 silver coins of value of 10 and slide it across the counter to the woman. It is not exactly 40 coins. Just like on earth, there are silver coins of value 10 on their own, which means that you can just pay with one of the 10 value silver coin instead of actually paying with 10 silver coins.

And by what his mother said earlier, a single gold coin should be worth around 60 silver coins.

" I will take the food service along with the room. " I say after I give the coins.

" Sure. Food services means breakfast, lunch and dinner along with any beverages of your wish in between. Only one order is free each time, if you want to order breakfast two times then you need to pay extra for it. " She walks me through the process.

" I see. That sounds good. " I mean, I have no objections towards it. It genuinely sounds like a good deal.

" This is the key to your room, " she says as she takes a key from the drawer and before she hands it over to me, " Forgive me if I am intruding your business but, what do you do for a living? "

" I am a blacksmith. " I reply.

" A blacksmith? And you said that you are travelling? " She asks.

" Yes, I am. " Does it sound weird? Is it actually weird for a blacksmith to be travelling?

" Well, okay then. " She hands over the key to me, " Laraye, please show this gentleman to his room. "

" Yes, mother. " The lad turns to me, " Come with me, sir. I will show you your room. " He walks on ahead.

I give a quick bow to his mother. I take my suitcase in hand and I follow him. We climb the stairs and reach the second floor where my room is.

He stops and turns, " This is your room, sir " he points towards the room, " I hope you have a great stay here. I will be off now, if you need anything just let us know at the counter. We will help if any trouble occurs. " He bows.

" Thank you for your service. " I bow as thanks. And with that he walks back downstairs.

I should probably get into my room. I take the keys in hand and open the door.

The place is big. When they said spacious for one person I thought it would be a small room but it is bigger than I expected. Not too big and fancy but definitely a little bigger than I had imagined.

The place screams of medieval theme, so does this whole village. Is this world just like this place? If so it might not be so bad, considering how great this village and people are.

" What should I do next? " I don't really have a goal now. I have done everything I had to, completing studying great grandfather's teachings, retire from the Linndon forge, get to this world and become a great blacksmith.

Did I really do everything? Did I achieve what I had been looking for? What was I really looking for though?

Purpose. What is the purpose? Great grandfather never did something that had no purpose, at least that is how I remember.

If so, my grandparents had a purpose they had to serve in another world. My parents had a purpose to serve in the other world.

Do I have a purpose that I need to fulfill?