Chapter 22

"Wait? What the heck?" I just realized this.

"Hoho" he lightly laughs in a loud voice, "Have you noticed?"

Yeah, I did notice. Why the heck am I so calm?

There is a freaking dragon that whose eyes were behemoth to begin with. He should be like the size of…. Of a.... Mmmmmmm. I cannot seem to find anything of that size, that large.

But the important thing is that how am I standing here not shaking, not out of my breathe, not fainting and most of all, how am I still alive?

I was frightened and scared, shaking just a few moments ago, what happened? It is not like he changed forms or anything.

"No, I did not change forms." He answers to a question that I did not even tell.

"What?" I am confused until I am reminded that he can read minds.

"So you said you can read minds, right?" I ask him this, to verify something.

"Yes and no." He answers. And that is what I wanted to know.

"That…. That right there is what confused me. What do you mean by that? How do you read and not read minds? It is not like there are different definitions of reading minds in this case. Is there?" I wanted to know know what he meant when he said that.

"Still did not understand? Okay... Think of anything." He tells me to do that.

"Just anything?"


He have to be more specific you know like what do I think about? Are they fruits or vegetables? Or something like appliances. He have to say what exactly I need to think about, to be honest.

"Fruits." He says.

Okay, so I should pick from fruits, huh. Let us see…. How about orange? Or how abou-...….



"What the hell?!" I am surprised. Not by him reading my mind but that I did not pay attention to it and just went along with it.

"You can read my mind, can't you?" I ask excitedly. For some reason or other I find this quite amazing.

"Yes" he answers in tone that sounded like he was relieved.

"So when you said you can and can't read minds what you meant was…. What you meant was that you can only read my mind?" I try to connect the dots. It might have been right Infront of my eyes, it might have been obvious but I still had to go through everything to know…... everything.

"Yes, you are correct. I can only read your mind, Duero." He answers.

"But why? Why is that so?" I found myself asking a question yet again.

"I can understand you not understanding that part though. It is far away from your beliefs and what you might even consider to be impossible. And that is why you cannot find the answer because you do not take it into account." He says.

"What do you mean?" I do not understand what he is going about.

"Remember that I said we are one of a kind dragons?"

"Yes" I reply.

"I said that my kind is the only kind of dragons that cannot be slayed, that cannot be seen without releasing our power, that cannot be located and that cannot live…."

"....without its partner." I finish his sentence for him. I can see myself connecting the dots.

"There are no females of our kind. By partner, we mean as in teammate or even host." He exclaimed.

"What are you saying?" I have feeling that I know where this is going.

"We are born not by form of reproduction, we just take form."

"What do you mean, when you say 'take form'?" I ask.

"Our kind is the only kind of dragons to live within a human. To multiply only when the human host has given rise to a new generation. We are born along with the new-born and inside the new-born." He continues, "Only those who have this power can see us, unless the power is released. That is when, anyone can witness our true powers." He stops.

"Only those with….the dragon inside them….can see-e.... So you are telling me? That you are ….. hmmmmm ... that you are inside me? Are you me?" I ask.

"I am inside your mind and body but not in my physical form."


"In my spirit form. That is how we are inside humans." He says.

"So… mmm …. I have a ton of questions but …. I will save it for later. I mean you are not going anywhere are you now?" I laugh.

"No, I cannot."

"Well that explains the question of you reading my mind. But why are you inside us? The Linndon family" I ask.

"We are bound to the Linndon crystal." He say just that. Only that.

"That does not make sense. Why though? Do you know?"

The environment around me is still pitch black, yet … I am finding myself be awfully calm for some reason. It might be because we constantly are having conversations but ….. is that all to it? It could be because of him living inside me all this time that he knows what I like and don't, what I would feel and what I would don't.

This is a lot to take in. But I really do have to say, this place is very relaxing. No sound, no excess brightness, no crowds, no nothing. 

It is just makes me wonder how am I still standing ….. or even floating or not fainting, when there is not even gravity to pull me down.

I should concentrate and listen to what he has to say, I asked him a question before.

"When I say that we are bound to the Linndon crystal, it does not mean that we live depending on the Linndon crystal"


"The crystal is rare to even find and not just in this world but in every world in every dimension, it is too rare. It is because it is not a crystal that is found by mining or any of such sort of methods. It is made by the Linndon family and from the Linndon family."

What? That makes it more confusing. This makes no sense at all. What does he mean by us and from us?

"What exactly are you talking about? How is it related to my family?"

"Well I do not know the method of how it is made because my kind took birth from the crystal."

"What do you mean 'took birth from the crystal'?"

"It is exactly how it sounds like. We are dragons that lived long ago, roaming through worlds, crossing through various dimensions, correcting mistakes, bringing destruction to evil powers and bringing peace to the worlds at all costs. Our kind was wiped off after centuries, by several evil powers joining forces. We did destroy them but it ended in our kind wiping off from the universe. We did not see the light of life, that was until your great grandfather found a way to bring us back."

"What? My great grandfather? What did he do?"

"Your great grandfather made a spell to bring my kind back but it was not possible due to some circumstances, that is why he used his body as a body for the dragon's spirit form to stay."

"Why did he do so?"


"He knew his world was coming to an end. His world did not have the word peace to describe itself and he wanted us to get rid of the evil powers from his world. He created a crystal using my kind's and your kind's blood. And that was….."

"The Linndon crystal."

"Exactly. Your great grandfather was a savior of many worlds. He used our powers to travel through dimensions and meeting other worlds to bring peace to their worlds. He left his life at his home planet, his universe.. to bring others peace."

"Great grandfather... wish I could have met him. But why do I have your spirit form within me? What was great grandfather trying to achieve from this? What did he want from this?"

"The spell could bring the long lost dragon kind back and allow him to put the dragon's spirit form inside him but we could not live without the human's body. It was not possible for us to transfer to another body because to survive again in this new era we needed the Linndon family blood, hence us staying in a Linndon member's body. The blood helps us to survive and create new generation."

"New generation?"

"When a Linndon family member give rise to a young one then along with the young one a new dragon of our kind is born. We age with them, see what they can see and think."

"So you are as old as me?"

"Yes. To simply put, it would be that I am of your age."

"So why did you not show yourself? Why wait all these years? Forty eight years you have sat inside me and you came just now? What is up with that?"

"Well we could not do so."

"Why could you not?"

"We needed the Linndon crystal to awaken us and your powers so that we may be in sync."

"What do you mean 'sync'?"

"It means that we do not destroy each others body."

"What?!" That took me by surprise. I most certainly was not expecting that. "What exactly does 'destroy each other's body' indicate?"

"It is what it sounds like, if we do not match our powers then my powers could incinerate you and you will die, which will result in my death too. That is why we wait that long and since you use the Linndon crystal to awaken your abilities and powers, we can synchronize."

"Abilities and powers?"