Chapter 21

I walk to my room. The stairs are too long of a ride upstairs, I wonder how many of them are even there. 

My head feels like it is buzzing, I am feeling dizzy. Why are the stairs moving? Ooh god…. I want to just throw up from this.

My head hurts, maybe it is because of the beer I just drank. I did not think it would be that strong and it would have this much effect. 

I certainly might have underestimated this world's beer strength. Woah.

I almost trip and fall, if I do fall then that will be the end of me. Just thinking about rolling down on this many stairs just scares me, to be honest.

I grab the rail, just as a reassurance to keep my mind at ease.

"Ooooh…" I let out a groan as I keep one hand on my head. It is quite paining.

*Sigh* I sigh as I finally make it to the second floor without falling down from the stairs.

Now, to my room. I walk slowly and stay close to the wall, with my hand sliding on it.

I reach my room.

This has been the longest and the most treacherous path I have ever taken in my life just to get to my damn room. 

I take the key from my pocket, "This is it right?" I can't think properly. I need some rest fast, have to lie on the bed fast or I just might sleep in front of the door.

I am having a hard time getting the key into the keyhole, "Why is it not getting in?" It usually does not take this much time.

Aaaa, it got in. I turn the key, opening the door. I quickly get inside and lock the door behind me.

"Shoes. Right shoes." I take off my shoes and put it on the rack, I want to sleep so bad. With that I quickly walk and fall onto the bed.





I hear someone breathing, who is it? 


Is it me? Did I fall asleep?

"Hmmmmmmm… hmmmmmm?" I can move and hear my voice too. Am I not asleep?

*Shhhhhhhhhh* Wait! I hear something…

I concentrate on the sound..

*Whooooooshhhhhhhhh* There it is again!

But what is that? I almost sounds like wind blowing but it is actually not the wind. It does not feel like wind.

I have a bad feeling about this, for some reason I feel like someone or something is going in circles around me and it is really sending chills down my spine.

What is this? Am I in my room? If so, then who is with me? 

Maybe I should open my eyes.

"Mmmm…." I open my eyes and I have a hard time opening them because I am too sleepy.

"Huh?!" Where… whe-.. Where am I?

I am in a black empty space or something. It looks like a void.

I slowly turn my head and face down, "Aaaaaah!" I let out a scream. It felt as if I was going to fall. 

I look down again… I am at a high position with nothing underneath. I could fall. Or would I?

I mean, I look down several times but I can't seem to find an end or even the height at which I am standing. I don't know whether I am at a high place, it just looks like so.

The whole place is…. Just black.

I should wake up from this dream. 

*Wack* "Oww!" I slap myself and…. It hurts?

What? Am I not dreaming?

Where the hell am I? Who brought me here?

"Hello?" I speak and there seems to be no response but my voice seems to be echoing for some reason.

*Whooosh* I hear that sound of wind gusts again.

"Who is there?" I turn around to face the person and I do not see anyone.

"Who are you? Show yourself." I say loudly.

*SHHHHHHHHHHHHH* A loud and huge gust of wind came from behind me.

I am shaking.

"Face me, lad." A voice starts speaking from the direction behind me. It is loud and really echoing and sounds very rough.

I slowly turn around and...

Nothing. There is nothing. "What the-?"

Another gust of wind blows*Whooosh*

Suddenly, I see a glimpse of light. Something is glowing.

It is getting big….big….big…..and bigger.

Those are eyes! Big blue eyes of the size of a building or even bigger than that is in a distance from me.

I feel threatened. The eyes does not look like that of a human's nor that of an animal. It is…. fascinating.

"Duero Linndon" it speaks in a loud yet slow voice that echos around this void.

"You seem to be awfully quiet for meeting me for the first time." Ryouku speaks to me.

Wait.. what? Ryouku? What is that? Who is that? How do I know his name?

'His'? I am so confused. I know these information for some reason. They are like barging into my head.

Forcibly making their way to my brain.

"Why are shaking, Duero? Confused?" He speaks.

Why is the voice speaking? Why is it speaking to me?

More importantly, how does he know my name?

"Why are shaking, Duero? Confused?" He speaks. 

"How?" I am shaking and trembling with fear. The big blue eyes are more like evil in nature and it is frightening. It looks like an eye of a demon or something.

"Hmmmmmmm?" He does not understand my question. I calm myself down as much as I possibly can and I speak.

"Ho-how do you my name?" I ask while shaking. My whole body is literally shaking.

"Is that all? Is that the question you should be asking?" He asks a question which left me confused and surprised, it caught me off guard.

"What do you mean?" I reply to his question with a question. 

It is an old tactic or technique to answer a person's question with another question, it gets you more information and details.

"It is an old tactic or technique to answer a person's question with another question, it gets you more information and details. Does that answer your question?"

"Wha- What?!" I am shocked and speechless.

"I asked if that clears your doubt of me knowing your name." He asks as if expecting me to stop shaking and respond to him.

"Ho- How? How did you say what I was thinking? How did you know that? Did you read my mind? You can read mind?" I am terrified yet impressed that he can read minds. 

He just spouted out what I was just thinking and it was spot on of what I was thinking.

"Yes and no, basically." He answers with an answer that is yet again confusing.

"What do you mean by that?" I try to inquire about more details on that.

"All of the members of the Linndon family are like this, huh?" He talks about something but for some reason he mentions my family. He seems to know something about my family.

"That name, how do you know my family? Did you meet them?" I am interested to know what kind of information he has.

"No I did not meet your family but my kind did." He stops the sentence there.

His kind? What does he mean by that?

"Your kind?" I ask.

"Well my kind, is the only kind of dragons in this world that cannot be slayed, that cannot be seen without releasing our power, that cannot be located and that cannot live without its partner." He says.

"What does that mean exactly? What does that have anything to do with my family?"

"Our kind is bound to the Linndon family." He says this. I am certainly not following this.

"Bound to my family? How so?" 

"Your family is the one and only connection between the world that you call as 'Earth' and the other worlds." He says.

"What do you mean by connection?" 

"It was an accident that took place long ago. A man from another world, too wise for his world that he saw his own world's destruction due to the knowledge he had.", He continues,

"He tried to achieve a new way to a new world to live and be safe, while protecting the knowledge he had and his very world."

"I feel like I know this. Why do I feel so?" I have this strange feeling of knowing this information. Something inside me is telling me that this feels familiar.

"He had succeeded to arrive at a new world and even erasing his and making his way without leaving any trace. He had fallen unto a new world, which was known as…...Earth." 

"What? Earth?" I am lost.

"The new generations were coming to being able to withstand the knowledge that he decided to share it with them and them only."

Wait? This…

"His generation carried his knowledge and kept it hidden from the world and when he thought that they were capable of learning by themselves, he returned to his world. Sending a message to his precious family to do the same."


This…. This is…..

"Great grandfather?" I say it loud.

"You are correct, Duero" he affirmed of my doubt. He continues to speak,"The connection from other worlds to Earth remained with the existence of the crystal of Linndon."

"The Linndon crystal?" I ask.

"Yes. It was with that crystal's existence that the worlds could have connected to each other and open the portals. But that connection was severed." 

"It was me. I severed the connection, right?" 

"Yes. And you did the right choice in doing so." He says to calm me. I think.

"He knew that it would end with you, he knew what you would grow up to be, he knew what you would choose, he knew…. Everything." He emphasized the everything part. 

"He was really great,huh?" I wish I could have met him.

"Wait? What the heck?" I just realized this.

"Hoho" he lightly laughs in a loud voice, "Have you noticed?"